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{.  ACE is the only Career and Technical Education program designed specifically for high-risk and special populations students, which addresses individualized.

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1 {

2  ACE is the only Career and Technical Education program designed specifically for high-risk and special populations students, which addresses individualized and transition needs.  ACE works to transition these students from high school to post-secondary education and training or into the workforce.  The ACE framework is the multi-occupational program spanning multiple career pathways for students. Who takes ACE?

3  Students at high-risk of dropping out or not graduating from high school Indicators may include but are not limited to: Who takes ACE?

4 What we teach  Self Knowledge  Human Relations  Employability  Career Awareness  Independent Living  Personal Finance  Transition Planning  Leadership

5 2013 – 2014 Drop Out Rates 10,546 dropouts reported of those had disabilities) (1,261 of those had disabilities) Current Facts on Colorado Youth

6 The ACE program meets a Tier 2, targeted-level intervention, by meeting the needs of students identified as high-risk or those who require specific supports to make adequate progress in general education, through a nationally identified and funded Career and Technical Education program. Route to Intervention

7 Working with Employers in Creating a Better Workforce

8 What are we doing? 2013 – 2014 School year In addition to class credit ACE awarded: 262 Graduation Credits So far this year, we have awarded: 106 Graduation Credits

9 92.5% of ACE students are employed or continuing their education Data has shown

10 In-school Business

11 Providing Multi-Occupational Exposure and Opportunity Job Shadows Job Exploration Informational Interviews Mock Interviews Some businesses we work with:  Brookside Automation  Colorado Springs Courthouse  Broadmoor Hotel  Terrace Apartments  Paul Mitchell  Career Panels  Pikes Peak Workforce Center  Colorado Construction Days  ENT  AACL  Belcrest Vet  Ace Hardware  Cheyenne Mountain Library  Rick’s Nursery  Headstart  …

12  &utm_campaign=player (SC) 2 Successful Career Students of Colorado


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