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Hot Topic Meeting by: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh & The Scottish Executive Health Department Pandemic Flu Planning Scotland’s Health Response.

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Presentation on theme: "Hot Topic Meeting by: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh & The Scottish Executive Health Department Pandemic Flu Planning Scotland’s Health Response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hot Topic Meeting by: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh & The Scottish Executive Health Department Pandemic Flu Planning Scotland’s Health Response 5 th June 2007 Queen Mother Conference Centre

2 Pandemic Flu – Operational Management The Hospital Response Dr R G Masterton NHS Ayrshire & Arran

3 Pandemic Influenza WILL HAPPEN! WHEN?? “The pandemic influenza clock is ticking. We just don’t know what time it is” Ed Marcuse (CDC)


5 Pandemic Influenza 1918 Influenza hospital

6 Planning Assumptions Flu Pandemics l They are unpredictable l Occur at any time of the year l 3 months to spread to UK l Disease will spread rapidly l > 25% of population will be affected l Higher hospitalisation rate l Higher mortality rate l May be 2 -3 waves over 1-2 years

7 l Increased GP referral - l 18,400 during pandemic l Increased Hospitalisation l 750 additional l Increased Death rate l 400 deaths l Staff Absence > 25% l Disruption to NHS care, social services etc l Problems with supplies, utilities etc l Schools may close l MAJOR SOCIETAL DISRUPTION EFFECTS 92,000 people ill in Ayrshire (25% of pop) CONTINGENCY PLANNING IS THEREFORE ESSENTIAL Planning assumptions Flu Pandemics - Ayrshire

8 Effects on Workforce l Increased workload Schools close  child care? Travel disruption  get to work? Sick family members  exacerbate absenteeism Increase in deaths  anxiety and bereavement l Public, political and media concern

9 Effects on Services l Depletion of workforce l Interruption of supplies (of ‘just in time’ delivery and storage policies of major companies) including blood, medicines and other essentials l Disruption to utilities and transport l Delays in dealing with other medical conditions l Pressure on mortuary facilities

10 Pandemic Influenza Contingency Plan Aims to :- l Provide effective health response l Safeguard and maintain health & other essential services l Minimise social & economic disruption l Allow flexibility whilst ensuring a consistent national approach

11 Contingency Planning - Staffing Identify Essential Staff - numbers & names (vaccination?) Identify Essential NHS work -what routine work can be suspended or modified and trigger for doing so? What are minimum staffing levels (in a crisis!!) ? Allocate to pandemic/non-pandemic areas Possible use of family members or volunteers Staff working outwith normal sphere of practice e.g. out- patients staff in wards Education and training Communication

12 How will you deal with Staff sickness/absence? re-deployment, use of volunteers, cessation of services Staff Training requirements? treatment, infection control measures, adaptability Occupational Health requirements? vaccination, use of anti-virals (PEP?), bereavement, etc Arrangements for supplies, pharmaceuticals etc. Contingency Planning - Staffing

13 Occupational Health Assess staff with Respiratory symptoms Monitor staff deployment Document staff sickness absence Psychological support Administer anti-virals as instructed Vaccinate staff as instructed Contingency Planning - Staffing

14 Contingency Planning - Patients Arrangements for care of affected patients Who will be admitted to hospital? Where? Arrangements for care of non-affected patients Who will be admitted to hospital? Where? How will patients be supported in the community? Infection Control measures

15 Bed Management Admission criteria - Primary Care arrangements Discharge arrangement - Primary Care arrangements Transportation (Flu v’s non-Flu) Tracking bed occupancy - flexible use of beds Cancellations - elective admissions, non-urgent procedures Arrangement for re-designating wards e.g. surgical to Pandemic Flu ward, increasing ICU and HDU beds Contingency Planning - Patients

16 Identification and separation of patients with Influenza Identify suitable areas for cohorting (ventilation!!) Communication - ensure staff are aware of procedures Visiting – risk management Infection Control - routine measures Mortuary facilities – ensure enough and transportation Contingency Planning - Patients



19 Hot Topic Meeting by: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh & The Scottish Executive Health Department Pandemic Flu Planning Scotland’s Health Response 5 th June 2007 Queen Mother Conference Centre

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