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First Grade Classroom Tour Part Two Photos and Presentations by the Children in Mrs. Jacobs’ Class.

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Presentation on theme: "First Grade Classroom Tour Part Two Photos and Presentations by the Children in Mrs. Jacobs’ Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Grade Classroom Tour Part Two Photos and Presentations by the Children in Mrs. Jacobs’ Class

2 Gym By: Casey  This is where we run, and play games.  Mr. Dave is our gym teacher.

3 Mrs. G. and Mrs. A. By: Jack  This is where we read.  Sometimes Mrs. G. gives us candy!

4 Cafeteria By: Alex Everybody eats at the cafeteria for lunch. When we are finished we throw away all of our garbage.

5 Mrs. D and Art By: Alaina This is where we learn how to do art. My favorite project so far is painting.

6 Music By: Soteria  Music is something beautiful.  Our music teacher is Mrs. Hamlin.

7 Mrs. Hunter’s Room By: Reece You get to learn new things in her room! If we are good we can earn pizza parties.

8 Library/Computer Lab By: Reid We check out books here, and we can take them home! This is where we can all get on our own computer!

9 The Office By: Sammy The office is where our principals work. There are a lot of things for teachers in there.

10 Nurse By: Natalie Mrs. Rogers is our nurse. She helps students that are sick. If you get hurt she can also help you.

11 Latchkey By: Peter Sometimes we get to play in the gym. Sometimes we get to play in the gym. We also get to draw! We also get to draw! I like when we get to play games. I like when we get to play games.

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