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TERENA General Assembly meeting Riga, 26 October 2007.

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1 TERENA General Assembly meeting Riga, 26 October 2007

2 Slide 2 1. Welcome and Apologies (1/2) Apologies have been received from: ›Klaus Ullmann (DFN) ›Antoine Barthel (RESTENA) ›Kees Neggers (SURFnet) ›Jan Weglarz and Stanislav Starzak (PSNC) ›Pedro Veiga (FCCN) › Gun Djerf and Hans Wallberg (SUNET) › Jean-Marc Uz é (Juniper)

3 Slide 3 1. Welcome and Apologies (2/2) Proxies: ›Petter Kongshaug represents SUNET with proxy ›Artur Binczewski represents PSNC with proxy

4 Slide 4 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes and Action list ›The GA is asked to approve the agenda ›The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 27 th GA meeting (Lyngby, 24 May 2007)

5 Slide 5 4a. Admission of new members 4b. Changes in membership ›The GA is asked to admit Adva Optical as an associate member of TERENA, effective from receipt of the membership fee for the first year

6 Slide 6 4c. Changes in representative › Klaus Grobe (representative of Adva Optical) and Thomas Schneider (substitute representative of Adva Optical) ------- › Janne Kanner (representative of CSC) and Leif Laaksonen (substitute representative of CSC) › David Martin (representative of IBM) and Michael Nelson (substitute representative of IBM) › Erik-Jan Bos (substitute representative of SURFnet) › Krassimir Simonski (representative of BREN) and Kiril Boyanov (substitute representative of BREN)

7 Slide 7 4d. Outstanding membership fees organisationctrydebt 2005 debt 2006 debt 2007 total MARNETMK1,780 Cisco2,723 total4,503

8 Slide 8 5. TERENA Technical Programme

9 Slide 9 6. Conferences and Workshops

10 Slide 10 7. TERENA Activity Plan 2008 (1/4) Introduction: ›Two main challenges for our community: ›Further technical development of research networking infrastructure and services ›Promotion of the use of research networking infrastructure and services that are available today ›Both challenges require collaboration in the European research and education networking community ›Role for TERENA

11 Slide 11 7. TERENA Activity Plan 2008 (2/4) TERENA ’ s mission and status: ›(strategic vision:) TERENA is first and foremost a collaborative organisation ›Financial status of TERENA satisfactory in recent years ›Medium-term financial prospects matter of concern › In recent years, activity level has grown much more than income ›EU project funding rules are becoming less favourable ›For 2008, a deficit is budgeted ›Financial situation in 2009 and beyond uncertain

12 Slide 12 7. TERENA Activity Plan 2008 (3/4) Main developments in 2008: ›Preparation of GN3 project proposal ›Continuation of current TERENA work from GN2 ›Possibly additional roles for TERENA ›Follow-up of the recommendations of the EARNEST foresight study ›In a number of areas, EARNEST calls for closer collaboration between NRENs, campus networkers, end-users ›Role for TERENA in facilitating collaboration ›See agenda item 10

13 Slide 13 7. TERENA Activity Plan 2008 (4/4) Some new items among the specific plans for 2008: ›Printed TERENA brochure ›Disseminate news stories to the press ›FEDERICA project (start January 2008) ›New edition of IP Telephony Cookbook › GN2/SA5: European eduroam ® confederation service (start September 2007) ›Workshop(s) on end-to-end issues ›NGN workshops on lower-layer issues (start November 2007) ›Workshop(s) on regulatory issues

14 Slide 14 8a. Contribution categories of national members ›The GA is asked to decide that ›HEAnet (Ireland) will be in category 5 from 1 January 2008 and, as a phase-in, will pay 5 units as its membership fee in 2008 ›AMRES (Serbia) and BREN (Bulgaria) will each pay 0.8 units as their membership fee in 2008 ›EENet (Estonia) will be in category 2 from 1 January 2008 and, as a phase-in, will pay 0.75 units as its membership fee in 2008 ›MREN (Montenegro) will pay 0.2 units as its membership fee in 2008

15 Slide 15 8b. Projected outlook 2007 (kEUR)2006 result2007 budget2007 outlook INCOME contributions970991994 project income135020521922 interest received6555 other income413 TOTAL 238930992974 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs-1510-2114-2000 Technical Programme-32-58-54 TOTAL-1542-2172-2054 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE847927920 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs-535-589-526 other administrative costs-246-256-225 TOTAL-781-845-751 OPERATING RESULT6682169 financial expenses-25-22-20 project results from earlier years-4 INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE3660149 RESERVES AT YEAR START11111147 RESERVES AT YEAR END114712071296

16 Slide 16 8c. Proposed budget 2008 (1/2) (kEUR)2007 budget2007 outlook2008 proposed budget INCOME contributions9919941020 project income205219221153 interest received55 other income131 TOTAL309929742229 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs-2114-2000-1274 Technical Programme-58-54-52 TOTAL-2172-2054-1326 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE927920903 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs-589-526-735 other administrative costs-256-225-306 TOTAL-845-751-1041 OPERATING RESULT82169-138 financial expenses-22-20-22 project results from earlier years INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE60149-160 RESERVES AT YEAR START1147 1296 RESERVES AT YEAR END120712961136

17 Slide 17 8c. Projected budget 2008 (2/2) › The GA is asked › to set the membership fee unit for 2008 at 5,027 euro › to adopt the budget for the year 2008 as in document GA(07)020

18 Slide 18 8d. Appointment of auditors for the 2007 accounts ›The GA is asked to re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditors of the TERENA accounts for 2007

19 Slide 19 9. Regulatory issues ›National regulators might take a common (unfavourable) position regarding NRENs being public networks. If needed, NRENs to join forces on this. ›The Milne report recommends joint working groups of NREN representatives, organised through TERENA, to clarify good practice in areas like: ›Fulfilling telephony obligations for VoIP services ›Preventing the spreading of spam ›Ensuring network availability ›Retaining communication data ›Maintaining acceptable use of audiovisual material ›Is there interest in this from NRENs? ›How to organise? ›Proposal: start with a workshop for NRENs about these issues

20 Slide 20 10. Possible activities to be organised by TERENA following up on EARNEST study ›The EARNEST reports point to need for closer collaboration between NRENs, campus networkers and end-users on a number of issues. Examples are: ›Regulatory issues (see agenda item 9) ›Common policies to make end-to-end service provision easier (e.g. technical coordination, harmonisation of service portfolios, charging principles, SLAs) ›Integrated policies for AAI services ›Information exchange about NREN<>campus collaboration ›Information exchange and possibly coordination on actions to raise awareness among users of available services ›Information exchange about actions to train campus networkers ›Information exchange about actions to train end-users ›….. ›Is there interest in these from NRENs? ›How to organise?

21 Slide 21 11. Liaisons

22 Slide 22 12. Secretariat matters Karel VietschSecretary General John DyerChief Technical Officer Valentino CavalliDeputy Chief Technical Officer Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer Licia FlorioProject Development Officer P é ter SzegediProject Development Officerfrom 1 Jan Dick VisserIT Support Officer24/39 Christian GijtenbeekWebmaster Gijsbert SliedrechtWebmaster Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer Laura DurnfordPublic Relations Officer36/39 Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator28/39 Carol de GrootPR & Conference Officer Gy ö ngyi Horv á thConference and Workshop Organiserfrom 1 Nov Jim BuddinWorkshop Organiser Hanna CheriguiSecretary Harri ë tte RaaymakersAssistant Bookkeeper16/39

23 Slide 23 13. Next meetings ›GA 29 : 22 May 2008, Bruges ›GA 30: October 2008

24 Slide 24 14. Any Other Business and Close

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