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Space Night! Space Night is on April 10 th ! We hope to see you all there. The second graders will be set up and ready for their performance to begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Night! Space Night is on April 10 th ! We hope to see you all there. The second graders will be set up and ready for their performance to begin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Space Night! Space Night is on April 10 th ! We hope to see you all there. The second graders will be set up and ready for their performance to begin at 5:30 pm. All students should meet in their classroom at 5:15. Parents, families and friends may wait in the gym. Please be sure to communicate with your child’s teacher about attending Space Night. Many students are performing songs and skits, so we will need to know right away if you have a conflict.

3 Noise Level 1 Monday Read Lesson 1: At Home and School Tuesday Read Lesson 2: Living in Communities Wednesday Read Lesson 3: Communities Large and Small and begin comprehension packet Thursday Read Lesson 4: Customs and Traditions and continue working on packet. Friday Read Lesson 5: People Help Communities and finish comprehension packet. People and Places Culture Materials Needed People and Places Culture book, Pencils, Comprehension Packets Home Standards: 2.2.5- Retell with facts 2.1.6-Fluency and accuracy S.C.2.4.8 Give examples of different roles that people have in the community. 2.RI.10 Read and comprehend informational texts, including social studies. 2.RI.5 Know and use various text features to locate key facts. Project Connection: None

4 Noise Level 1 This week continue working with your Space Committee on your project. Use this time to finish your movie, book, poem, song, skit and artwork. Be sure to put any finishing touches on your project work. Practice or rehearse your skit, song and dance, poem with your committee so you are ready for Space Night! Skills and Standards: 2.W.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects EL.2.4.3 Research process and technology EL.2.5.8 Write and deliver a research report Materials Needed: Pencil, Paper, Computer, Space books Home Project Connection: Planets, Space, Moon phases

5 Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice Standards RF2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

6 Noise Level 1 Monday: Start the spelling packet. Tuesday: Finish the spelling packet and turn in to the turn in file. Wednesday: Game Thursday: Spelling City Review Friday: Test! Standards RF2.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. EL.2.1.1 Demonstrate an awareness of the sounds that are made by different letters. Materials Needed: 1.Spelling Packet 2.Vocab list Home Project Connection: Challenge words

7 Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1. 9.8- Capacity 2. Pages 224 and 225 2. Tuesday 1. 9.9- Weight 2. Pages 226, 227 3. Wednesday 1. Review for Test on Thursday 2. Complete Journal pages from Chapter 9 4. Thursday 1. Test Standards: 2.MD.1- measure the length of an object by selecting the appropriate tool 2.MD.2- measure the length of an object twice using different tools 2.MD.4- Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another Materials Needed Math Journal, Pencil Fraction Cards Home Project Connection: Measurement/ Weight in space

8 Noise Level 1 This week, continue to use your research and work in your committees to plan your book, art display, song, dance, skit, or video. Remember to follow your contract and work each day to accomplish your weekly goals! Space Night is April 10 th ! Standards: 2.MD.1- measure the length of an object by selecting the appropriate tool 2.MD.2- measure the length of an object twice using different tools 2.MD.4- Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another Materials Needed Space Committees Supplies determined by group needs Home Project Connection: Space Night preparation

9 Noise Level 1 Monday- Measurement and Area Ball Park Estimate Review *2 player game Each player draws a card from EM deck Then, round your number to the nearest 10. The player with the highest card gets both cards. Continue playing until someone runs out of cards. Tuesday Name That Number Reference Book pages 138 and 139 Wednesday Number Grid Game Thursday Test Standards: 2.MD.1- measure the length of an object by selecting the appropriate tool 2.MD.2- measure the length of an object twice using different tools 2.MD.4- Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another Materials Needed Math Reference Book EM card decks Number Grid Dice Project Connection: Measurement/ Long distances in space

10 Noise Level 0 Log on to Everyday Math Online using your EM card. 1. Monday 1. Number Grid Game 2. Tuesday 1. DIBELS Review 3. Wednesday 1. Penny Cup Grab 4. Thursday 1. DIBELS Review Standards: 2.MD.1- measure the length of an object by selecting the appropriate tool 2.MD.2- measure the length of an object twice using different tools 2.MD.4- Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! Click on the Grade 3 level! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card Home Project Connection: Review

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