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Tips For Helping Kids and Teens With Homework and Study Habits.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips For Helping Kids and Teens With Homework and Study Habits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips For Helping Kids and Teens With Homework and Study Habits

2 Certain key practices will make life easier for everyone in the family when it comes to study time and study organization. This PowerPoint is intended to provide helpful hints that you may find helpful. Take home what you like!!

3 Turn Off the TV Set A television set that is on will draw youngsters like bees to honey.

4 What About the Music? Should it be on or off? See handouts…

5 To Text or Not to Text? Cell phones are like extra people in the house. The more conversations happening at once the more likely the student is to lose concentration. Discuss boundaries with your students. For example you could ask them to limit conversations to 5 minutes and only text homework relevant messages.

6 Designate specific areas for homework and studying. Possibilities include the child's room or the kitchen or dining room table. Eliminate as much distraction as possible. Function over form: pick a desk with enough work space for papers and supplies. Consider placing a bulletin board in your child's room. Encourage the use of the Lakes Planner. Keeping general supplies on hand is important Always be ready to reassess dependent upon your student’s needs.

7 Consistency is Key Attempt to set a regular schedule. Keeping a family schedule board may be helpful. If they do not have homework asking them what they learned at school.

8 Organize studying time and homework projects. Large calendars allow space for jotting down things in the daily boxes.

9 Studying is more than just doing homework assignments. One of the most misunderstood aspects of schoolwork is the difference between studying and doing homework assignments. Encourage your child to do things like: take notes as he's reading a chapter learn to skim material learn to study tables and charts learn to summarize what he has read in his own words learn to make his own flashcards for quick review of dates, formulas, spelling words, et cetera

10 Note-taking is a Critical Skill Some student’s feel they have to write down every word the teacher says Cornell Notes provide structure allowing students to take notes using an organizational format.

11 Watch for signs of frustration. 20 minutes of studying---5 minutes of break Goal Setting---use the planners SMART Goal

12 Should parents help with homework? Yes-if it is clearly productive to do so. No-if it is something the child can clearly handle himself and learn from the process. And help and support should always be calmly and cheerfully given. Grudging help is worse than no help at all! Read directions, or check over math problems after your child has completed the work.

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