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EAC Update ACACSO November, 2010. EAC meeting schedule for 2011 The dates of the meetings changed so that EAC meetings will occur approximately two weeks.

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Presentation on theme: "EAC Update ACACSO November, 2010. EAC meeting schedule for 2011 The dates of the meetings changed so that EAC meetings will occur approximately two weeks."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAC Update ACACSO November, 2010

2 EAC meeting schedule for 2011 The dates of the meetings changed so that EAC meetings will occur approximately two weeks before the Business Services Working Committee meetings. January 12, 2011Conference Call April 27, 2011Atlanta, GAHosted by NS October 5, 2011Cary, NC Hosted by Railinc

3 EAC Projects approved by RPSWC for 2011 Liability Continuity System Self Service Car Hire Data Exchange Platform Upgrade Liability Continuity System Risk & Opportunity Assessment Study Locomotive HPH & Fuel Consumption Data Exchange Study

4 OT Circular Review - Summary OT – 3: Revise and reissue. OT – 6: Eliminate - The Task Force believes that the circular does not add clarity to the instructions for handling private cars. OT – 7: Revise and reissue. OT – 16: Revise and reissue. OT – 22: Revise and reissue. OT – 34: Revise and reissue. OT – 42: Eliminate - The data contained in the circular is severely out of date and does not reflect current business practices

5 RCH for Shortlines The committee was advised that some short lines were considering withdrawing from the settlement of car hire through the Railroad Clearinghouse (RCH). The Car Hire Calculation Task Force was assigned to review the issues and recommend the appropriate actions to the committee. The Car Hire Calculation Task Force had a conference call on Monday November 1 st and have created some recommendations for the EAC Railinc is already addressing some of the issues and we are confident that all issues are being addressed

6 Equipment Type Codes At a special meeting held October 8, 2010 the committee approved changes to the Equipment Type Codes proposed by the Intermodal Operations and Umler Committees. The changes are outlined in Appendix A to the minutes.

7 Equipment Type Codes - Cont A special meeting was called to review changes to Equipment Type Codes (ETC) proposed by the Umler and Intermodal Operations Committees. A zero in the third numeric position of the Equipment Type Code (ETC) for an intermodal flat means that the owner must be contacted for acceptable loading configurations. The Intermodal Operations Committee would like to reduce the number of cars with a zero in the third numeric position, which signifies that loading configurations are not readily available. The inability promptly to obtain loading configurations raises safety and operational issues. To quickly address the bulk of the issues, the Umler and Intermodal Committees proposed changes to the ETC. Appendix A outlines the ETC changes. These changes will expand the definitions of loading capacity contained in the ETC. The proposed changes address approximately 75 – 80 % of the cars that currently have a zero in the third numeric. It was moved that EAC approve the proposed revisions to existing ETC except those involving P781 and P782. The motion passed unanimously.

8 Appendix A – Car Type code

9 EAC Goals Improve utilization for one car type. Leverage existing Railinc processes for greater benefits. Develop a Car Hire training program – the emphasis should be on reclaim processing. We have discussed the following: Work with ACACSO to provide presentations that cover various aspects of car hire and reclaim calculation as part of the semi-annual meetings. Several people who attend the ACACSO meetings reported that Breakout Sessions have been well received. The format of these sessions is less formal than the routine presentations. Discussion among the people attending the session is encouraged. Other Options are Formal training programs and Webinars

10 UPDATE ON DAMAGED & DEFECTIVE CAR TRACKING The DDCT TAG has continued to meet to review system functionality related to Car Accounting and to identify any changes that need to be included in the 2010 project. Programming is complete. All component parts of the system have been tested. Currently end to end testing is underway. Railinc is in the process of presenting the system at industry meetings to educate the industry about the new system and its use. Town hall meetings, webinars and other outreach efforts are in progress. Implementation is still planned for January 2011.

11 PROPOSAL TO SHORTEN RULE 5 TOL TIME LIMITS This proposal is docketed at the request of CSXT. Transfer of Liability (Car Hire Rule 5) was created as a way to eliminate reclaims and to protect the confidentiality of car hire rates. Car Hire Rule 5, E, 2 specifies that TOL information must be reported “… not before 6 days and within 30 days from the date and time that ends the transfer of liability.” At the June 2010 EAC Railinc presented an analysis that showed 95% of TOL are reported within 20 days. Several carriers requested carrier specific information about the length of time required to report Rule 5 Transfer of Liability. At the June meeting carriers requested individual calculations of the timeliness of Rule 5 TOL data. This information was provided by Railinc. CSXT advised that the information provided by Railinc was still being reviewed. A specific proposal will be prepared before the January 2011 EAC meeting. (the 2/2011 meeting was rescheduled) This item will be continued on the docket.??

12 New Business? ACACSO members can recommend project ideas to EAC through their railroad representative or through their EAC contacts at ACACSO Contact Railinc directly Next EAC meeting is in Jan 2011 via Phone Conference Call.

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