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Anglers Getting Their Spots Setting Up Registration Team May 31 th, 2003 Setting Up Anglers Getting Their Spots.

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Presentation on theme: "Anglers Getting Their Spots Setting Up Registration Team May 31 th, 2003 Setting Up Anglers Getting Their Spots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglers Getting Their Spots Setting Up Registration Team May 31 th, 2003 Setting Up Anglers Getting Their Spots

2 May 31 st, 2003 My first sunfish Waiting for the big one to bite Working together as a team I thought I felt a bite Father and Son rigging up Father and Daughter Fishing Waiting to set the hook

3 May 31 th, 2003 Waiting for the big one to bite Father and Son Enjoying Quality Time We are ready All Lines in the Water I can put the worm on…

4 May 31 st, 2002 Event Staff with Tally Sheet in Hand A nice Largemouth Bass A Black and White Crappie A Pumpkinseed Sunfish Father and Son Fishing

5 May 31 st 2003 Fish On! Someone Get the Net! Lets Measure This One Mr. Whiskers the Catfish Look what I caught Mom!

6 May 31 st, 2003 Nice Largemouth Caught Using a Minnow! This is fun! Relaxing and Fishing What a catfish! Smiles all around! Mom is showing me how it’s done! I need another roll of film…

7 May 31 st, 2003 Measuring up Nicely Helping Out It’s about 13” Can I put the worm on Dad?

8 May 31 st, 2003 Checking out the Prize Galley Making her choice… 2 nd Place – Age Group 2 Chooses a rod and reel combination… 3 rd Place – Age Group 3 Chooses Tackle Box 2 nd Place – Age Group 2 Tackle Box with Lures 1 st Place – Age Group 1 Fishing Chair with Tackle Box 1st Place – Age Group 3 Rod and Reel Combination

9 May 31 st, 2003 Getting ready for the Barbeque Snacks and Beverages The Grillmasters hard at work! Event Staff Taking a Break! Kids Enjoying Burgers and Dogs Handing out prizes and fun stuff to all contestants Everyone gets a prize to take home We need more burgers, please…

10 May 31 st, 2003 Getting Ready to Wrap it Up Fishing Stories Being Told Smiles All Around Participants and Event Staff of the 2003 Youth Fishing Derby

11 1 st Place – Alex Hill – Age 7 - (14.5” Largemouth Bass ) * Prize = Fishing Chair with Tackle Box 2 nd Place – Hudson Laughlin – Age 6 - (14” Largemouth Bass ) * Prize= Rod and Reel Combination Youth Ages 5-7 (7 contestants in Age Group) May 31 st, 2003 Youth Ages 8-10 (7 Contestants in Age Group) Youth – Ages 11-14 (14 Contestants in Age Group) 1 st Place – Mike Woytko – Age 10 - (15” Largemouth Bass ) * Prize = Worm Crib, Tackle, and Hat 2 nd Place – Chelesa Hooker – Age 9 - (12” Largemouth Bass ) * Prize= Tackle Box with Assorted Tackle 1 st Place – Mike Lenz Jr – Age 11 - (23” Catfish ) * Prize = Rod and Reel Combination 2 nd Place – Ashley Hooker – Age 12 - (13.5” Largemouth Bass ) * Prize = Rod and Reel Combination 3 rd Place – Wesley Hilliard - Age 12 - (13” Largemouth Bass ) * Prize = Tackle Box with Assorted Tackle Largest Fish Caught All participants received a “grab-bag” of assorted fishing fun stuff

12 May 31 st, 2003 Acknowledgements Donations All Food and Beverages were supplied by GST (Thank you Robert) Thanks to the Event Staff John Azzolini - Event Staff Fishing Assistant Bill Braun – Security Assistance and Event Admission to GSFC Pete Baltzel – Photography, Event Staff Fishing Assistant, Worms & Minnows Arlene Gonzoles – Registration, Event Prizes Organization, Prize Donations Pat Kilroy - Photography Anne Koslosky - Photography Mike Lenz – Pre-Derby Pond Preparation Tommy Owens - Event Staff Fishing Assistant Mike Paoletta - Event Staff Fishing Assistant Bobby Patschke – Is Happy the Rain Stayed Away & Everyone Had a Good Time Robert Mahoney – Food and Beverage Donations Jennifier Moffatt – Event Prize Organization, Grillmaster Kim Moffatt - Event Prize Organization, Grillmaster Gary Moffatt – Pre-Derby Pond Preparation, Table & Chairs, Event Staff Fishing Assistant Robert Mahoney – Food & Beverage Donations Kevin Schenk - Event Staff Fishing Assistant Kim Weaver – GEWA Support The worms and minnows were donated by Mike’s Bait and Tackle It’s these folks that make the Fishing Derby a success

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