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Kianga Kids Kianga is a Swahili word that can be translated “burst of light”. Kianga Kids is the name of a children’s program I will be helping with in.

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Presentation on theme: "Kianga Kids Kianga is a Swahili word that can be translated “burst of light”. Kianga Kids is the name of a children’s program I will be helping with in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kianga Kids Kianga is a Swahili word that can be translated “burst of light”. Kianga Kids is the name of a children’s program I will be helping with in Nairobi, Kenya. Please pray that I will be able to communicate by word and deed the promises of Christ and allow the “kianga” of Jesus to pour into the lives of these children and their families.

2 Kianga Kids Lois walks through the Mukuru slum on her way to the school

3 Kianga Kids Lois and Kimberly check the children’s heights and weights

4 Kianga Kids Lois checks out this little girl’s sore throat

5 Nakuru Playing with the children at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Nakuru

6 Nakuru A new kind of bench

7 Nakuru IDP Camp School

8 Nakuru A little one carrying a littler one

9 Mwingi The school for orphans in Mwingi (pronounced “WING-ee”), a rural community 5 hours northeast of Nairobi

10 Mwingi Parts of Kenya have had very little water over the last few years. This is a river bed in Mwingi. Please pray for rain!

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