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Small Animal Management Rabbits I. Parts Ear Cheek Belly Hock Tail Neck Shoulder Dewlap Rump Flank.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Animal Management Rabbits I. Parts Ear Cheek Belly Hock Tail Neck Shoulder Dewlap Rump Flank."— Presentation transcript:


2 Small Animal Management Rabbits

3 I. Parts

4 Ear Cheek Belly Hock Tail Neck Shoulder Dewlap Rump Flank

5 II. Size Classes A.Dwarf/Miniature B.Small C.Medium D.Large E.Giant

6 III. Breed Selection A.Over 70 different breeds B.Only about 45 recognized by breed organizations

7 (breed selection continued) C.Selection based on use 1. Meat Production 2. Research 3. Fur/wool 4. Pets

8 IV. Proper Handling A.Best Method 1.Grasp the nap of the neck and the rump 2.Always support the hind quarters B. Alternate Methods 1.Grasp in front of hip 2.Underarm, clutched against body C. NEVER BY THE EARS!!!!!

9 V. Feeding A.Requirements vary depending on  Breed  Size  Age  Weather  Condition  Production Stage

10 (feeding continued) B.Rule of Thumb 1.Mature Rabbits - Maintenance a. 3.8 to 4% of their body weight per day b.increases based on growth & production C.Easiest: buy complete pellets needs

11 VI. Housing A.Free of Drafts B.Temperature C.Humidity D.Ventilation E.Proper Lighting F.Pens – wire floor *

12 VII. Equipment A.Feeders * B.Waters * C.Nest Boxes

13 VIII. Reproduction

14 A. Age to breed 1.Dwarfs & Small breeds – 5 months 2.Medium breeds – 6 months 3.Large breeds – 8 months

15 B. Selecting mates 1.Doe a.Good weight (not skinny or fat) b.Vulva – dark in color 2.Buck a.Good fur condition b.Bright eyes c.Evidence of both testicles in the scrotum

16 C. Gestation Period 1.Average: 31 days 2.Range: 28 – 31 days

17 D. Mating 1.Take the doe to the buck’s cage 2.Doe is more defensive of her territory than the buck 3.Don’t leave alone

18 E. Pregnancy Test 1.Palpation – 12 days 2.Attempt to rebreed in 14 days

19 F. Preparing Cage 1.On 27 th day, place nest box in cage 2.Provide nesting material (hay, straw, wood shavings) 3. Doe will pluck hair from belly to line nest

20 G. Kindling 1.Keep area quiet 2.Inspect nest a.Number of bunnies b.Healthy c.Content d.Adequate nest materials

21 H. Weaning 1.Creep feed a.Feed only the babies b.Reduces stress at weaning 2.Separate at 6 – 8 weeks

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