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Introduction to STL and the vector container class CS342 Data Structures Based on Ford & Topp.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to STL and the vector container class CS342 Data Structures Based on Ford & Topp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to STL and the vector container class CS342 Data Structures Based on Ford & Topp

2 Intro to STL (Standard Template Library) container classes Data structure: a container of data that supports insertion, deletion, and updating operations on the stored data. Classical data structures such as vector; queue, deque, and priority queue; list, stack; set and multiset, map and multimap have been pre-programmed as template classes and integrated into C++ as STL.

3 Categories of STL container classes Sequence containers Adapter containers associative containers vectorstackset and multiset dequequeuemap and multimap listpriority-queue Sequence containers: data elements stored in linear order. Adapter container: contains another container (usually a sequence container) as its underlying storage structure. Associative container: stores elements by keys such as Id numbers.

4 Illustrations of STL sequence containers Linked list Vertor

5 Illustrations of STL adapter containers (using sequence containers as the storage)

6 Illustrations of STL associative containers

7 A quick review of C++ arrays An array is a fixed-size collection of values of the same data type. An array is a container that stores the n (size) elements in a contiguous block of memory. Once declared, n cannot be changed. Array name is associated with the address of the array. So when an array is passed to a function, the size (or the number of elements that need to be processed) of the array must also be passed. Directly assigning one array to another of same size and type are not allows: arrayA = arrayB; // syntax error!

8 The vector container class characteristics Similar to a one-dimensional array: use index for direct access. Can dynamically grow and contract (remember size of an conventional array cannot be changed once it is declared!) vector is a STL class, it contains many useful member functions size(), pushback(), back(), popback, resize(), empty(), etc.

9 A simple example // Vector function writeVetor( ) template void writeVctor(const vector &v ) { int i, n = v.size( );// size( ) is a member function for (i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << v[i] << '\t';// identical to an array cout << endl; }

10 Examples of how vector objects are declared and initialized // without initialization vector v(5);// vector of size 5 containing 0's vector s(10); // size 10, each element contain null string // with initialization vector line(80, 'A'); // 80 characters, each initialized to 'A' vector t(5, time(12,30, 0));// 5 elements with initial value 12:30:00 // initialization from an array int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};// array with initial values vector v(a, a + 5);// initial values copied from the array a // notice a + 5 is the address just past the end // of array a // initialization without specifying the size, the initial size will be defaulted to 0 vector dblv; vector s2;

11 Vector member function push_back( ) and pop_back( ) v.push_back(55); v.pop_back( );

12 The sizeof( ) operator and back( ) member function char vowel[ ] = {'a'. 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}; int vowelSize = sizeof(vowel)/sizeof(char); vector v(vowel, vowel + vowelSize); cout << v.back( );// output 'u' v.push_back('w');// add 'w' to end of v v.back( ) = 'y';// change back from 'w' to 'y'

13 Example: start with an empty vector and build a list with input (values of double type) from the user vector list;// declares an empty list double data; cout << “Enter a list of real values: “; cin >> data; while(data != -99) { list.push_back(data); cin >> data; }

14 Example: the pairing of back( ) and pop_back( ) int a[ ] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; int aSize = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int); vector v(a, a + aSize); while(!v.empty( )) { cout << v.back( ) << '\t'; v.pop.back( ); }// output: 6 5 4 3 2 1

15 Resizing a vector with resize( ) member function int a[ ] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int aSize = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int); vector v(a, a + aSize);// size = 5 v.resize(2 * aSize); // size = 10, "fill" value is 0 v.resize(4);// size = 4, data is lost v.resize(10, 1);// size = 10. fill value is 1

16 How is the vector class defined: the vector class abstraction The constructors vector( ); // default constructor creates an empty vector. vector(int n, const T& value = T( )); /* creates a vector with n elements, each have the specified value. If value is omitted, the elements are filled with the default value for type T. Type T must have a default constructor, a nd the default value of type T is specified by the notation T( ). */ vector(T *first, T *last); /* initialize the vector using the address range [first, last).

17 The abstraction of the vector class continued The member functions or operations T &back( );// returns the value of the item at the rear of the vector // Pre-condition: the vector must contain at least one element. const T &back( );// const version of back( ); bool empty( ) const;// returns true if vector is empty, false otherwise T &operator[ ](int i); // allows element at index i to be retrieved or modified. const T &operator[ ](int i); // const version of T &operator[ ](int i); void push_back(const T &value); /* Post-condition: a new element is added to the rear and the size of the vector is increased by 1. */

18 The abstraction of the vector class continued The member functions or operations (continued) void pop_back( ); /* removes the item at the rear; Precondition: the vector is not empty Post condition: the size of the vector is decreased by 1. */ void resize(int n, const T & fill = T( )); /* modifies the size of the vector; if the size is increased, new elements with value fill are added to the rear of the vector. If the value is decreased, the original values at the front are retained. Post-condition: the vector has size n. */ int size( ) const; /* returns the number of elements in the vector. */

19 A simple application: join two vectors together template void join(vector &v1, const vector &v2) { int i, sizev2 = v2.size( ); for (i = 0; i < sizev2; i++) v1.push_back(v2[i]); }

20 The insertion sort

21 //insertionSort(): // sort a vector of type T using insertion sort template void insertionSort(vector & v) { int i, j, n = v.size(); T temp; // place v[i] into the sublist v[0]... v[i-1], 1 <= i < n, // so it is in the correct position

22 The insertion sort continued for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {// index j scans down list from v[i] looking for //correct position to locate target. assigns it to v[j] j = i; temp = v[i]; // locate insertion point by scanning downward as // long as temp < v[j-1] and we have not // encountered the beginning of the list

23 The insertion sort continued while (j > 0 && temp < v[j-1]) { // shift elements up list to make room for insertion v[j] = v[j-1]; j--; } // the location is found; insert temp v[j] = temp; }

24 Running time of insertion sort requires (n-1) passes for pass i, the insertion occurs in the sublist v[0] to v[i-1] and requires an average of i/2 comparisions. Thus, T(n) = 1 / 2 + 2/2 + … + (n-2)/2 + (n-1)/2 = n(n-1)/4 or the running time is O(n 2 ). The best case occurs when the list is already in order, the total number of comparson T(n) = n-1, leading to O(n) running time. The worst case occurs when the list is in descending order and T(n) = n(n-1)/2 or O(n 2 ) running time. The insertion sort exhibits the best performance among the quadratic sorting algorithms when the list is partially ordered.

25 Another vector application: joining three sorted sublists // File: prg4_2.cpp // the program generates 12 random integers in the range // 100 to 999. add each number value to vector vSmall if // value < 400, to vector vMedium if 400 <= value < 700 // and to vLarge if 700 <= value < 1000. apply the insertion // sort to order each vector. use join() so that vSmall is // the concatenation of the three vectors. sort the final list // in vSmall by using the insertion sort. display the initial // set of elements in each vector and the final sorted list // by calling writeVector()

26 Another vector application: joining three sorted sublists continued #include #include "d_random.h"// for randomNumber #include "d_sort.h"// for insertionSort() #include "d_util.h"// for writeVector() using namespace std; // attach vB onto the end of vA template void join (vector &vA, const vector & vB);

27 Another vector application: joining three sorted sublists continued int main() { // declare 3 integer vectors vector vSmall, vMedium, vLarge; // use a random number generator randomNumber rnd; int i, value; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { value = rnd.random(900) + 100; if (value < 400) vSmall.push_back(value); else if (value < 700 ) vMedium.push_back(value); else vLarge.push_back(value); }

28 Another vector application: joining three sorted sublists continued // sort the vector of integers in the range // 100 <= n < 400 and output insertionSort(vSmall); cout << "Small: "; writeVector(vSmall); // sort the vector of integers in the range // 400 <= n < 700 and output insertionSort(vMedium); cout << "Medium: "; writeVector(vMedium);

29 Another vector application: joining three sorted sublists continued // sort the vector of integers in the range // 700 <= n < 1000 and output insertionSort(vLarge); cout << "Large: "; writeVector(vLarge); // join vMedium onto the end of vSmall join(vSmall, vMedium); // join vLarge onto the end of the modified vSmall join(vSmall, vLarge); // output the new vector cout << "Sorted: "; writeVector(vSmall); return 0; }

30 Another vector application: joining three sorted sublists continued template void join (vector &vA, const vector & vB) { // capture the size of vB in sizeB int i, sizeB = vB.size(); // use index i to access the elements of vB and push_back() // to add the elements to the rear of vA for (i = 0; i < sizeB; i++) vA.push_back(vB[i]); } /* Run: Small: 176 213 269 287 357 Medium: 482 535 551 649 687 Large: 843 901 Sorted: 176 213 269 287 357 482 535 551 649 687 843 901

31 The matrix class Because of its importance in science and engineering applications, matrix class has been included in the C++ STL. Matrix is implemented as a vector of vectors: vector > mat; /* the outer vector corresponds to rows of the matrix, the elements in the inner vector of type T correspond to the column entries for each vector row. For example, mat[0] is the vector of column entries corresponding to row 0, etc. Note that there must be a space between the closing angle brackets > > or is will be interpreted as >> which is the extraction operator or right shift operator in bit manipulation. */

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