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Who is the person in this picture? What are some of the symbols used in this cartoon? What do you think the artist was trying to say with this cartoon?

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Presentation on theme: "Who is the person in this picture? What are some of the symbols used in this cartoon? What do you think the artist was trying to say with this cartoon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is the person in this picture? What are some of the symbols used in this cartoon? What do you think the artist was trying to say with this cartoon?

2 IDEAS FOR THE JACKSON PROJECT Jackson’s military background (Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Indian battles) Universal male suffrage Indian removal National Bank Veto Pet banks The Specie Circular Nullification Crisis Peggy Eaton Affair Maysville Road Spoil system Rotation of office holders


4 Who was Andrew Jackson?

5 Like most of us, our seventh President was full of contradictions He had virtually no education. It was said that the President “never spelled a word the same way twice.” Yet he turned himself into a lawyer, a general, a man of considerable wealth, and the President of the United States

6 He was Scots-Irish Which meant he was touchy and fiercely protective of his honor He carried two bullets in his body from duels he’d fought 1806-Jackson became involved in a dispute over a horse. Dickinson challenged Jackson to a duel. Although Dickinson shot first, sending a bullet into Jackson’s chest, Jackson shot next and last - killing Dickinson.

7 Jackson showed this sense of honor when he was only twelve During the American Revolution, a British officer struck him in the head with a saber when Jackson refused to shine his boots

8 He led troops against Indians and, in the War of 1812, crushed the British at the Battle of New Orleans What no one knew at the time was treaty that ended the War of 1812 had already been signed!

9 His military skill made him a hero

10 Analyzing Trends Previously Held Office President AVice President President BSecretary of State President CSecretary of State President DSecretary of State What trends emerge from this data?

11 Hypothetical Election Qualifications Candidate ASecretary of State Candidate BSpeaker of the House Candidate CTreasure Candidate DMilitary Hero Who do you think is the most and least qualified to be president?

12 Hypothetical Election Results CandidatePopular VotesElectoral Votes A108,74084 B47,13637 C46,61841 D153,54499 Who won this election?

13 Election of 1824 Candidates Revealed CandidatePopular VotesElectoral Votes A John Quincy Adams 108,74084 B Henry Clay 47,13637 C William Crawford 46,61841 D Andrew Jackson 153,54499 Who won this election?

14 Amendment 12, United States Constitution (1804) “if no person have such a majority [of electoral votes], then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as president, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President…”

15 Election of 1824 So who wins? No candidate received a MAJORITY (1/2 plus 1) of the electoral votes. (261/2 = 130+1=131 electoral votes= winner) Amendment 12 says vote goes to the House of Representatives. House elects John Quincy Adams 3 days later Adams appoints Clay (Who was Speaker of the House) to become his secretary of State. Jackson supporters claim it was a Corrupt Bargain.

16 Is it a corrupt bargain? “There never was a corrupt bargain in the election of 1824. Supporters of Jackson invented this as a campaign strategy to get their candidate elected in 1828.” Historian A “Adams and Clay clearly entered into a corrupt bargain in 1825 and, in the process, cheated the American people out of the president they wanted.” Historian B Can we ever really know what happened?

17 End Lesson

18 Jackson was both tough and frail The men who fought for him called him “Old Hickory”—after the wood that is so incredibly hard that it made great canes for gentlemen to carry (and clobber each other with). Yet he was over 6’ 1” and weighed about 130 lbs.

19 In 1835, a man attempted to shoot the President But his palms were sweaty, so both his pistols misfired. Jackson proceeded to nearly beat the poor man to death with his cane. It took several people to pry the old man off the would-be assassin.

20 Jackson saw himself as the champion of the “Common Man” At his first Inauguration, the “Common Men” at the White House reception nearly tore the place apart during their celebration for “Old Andy.” They were distracted only when a 300-lb. cheese was wheeled out onto the White House lawn. Which is where we get the term: “Big Cheese”

21 Although he loved the “Common Man,” this did not extend to people of color Jackson’s wealth was based on The Hermitage, his plantation, worked by slave labor He hated Indians and probably would have preferred to have seen them exterminated

22 His political idol was Thomas Jefferson

23 And his political philosophy followed Jefferson’s He believed that farmers and workers were the backbone of America He opposed a powerful national government; he felt that political power should be at the state level, closer to the people Both men hated the Bank of the United States—both felt it gave the national government too much power Neither man trusted wealthy, city-dwelling easterners

24 Jackson’s Presidency Was one of the most controversial in American history His power either made him a hero or a dictator, depending on your point of view

25 The Spoils System After taking office, Jackson fired many government employees –He dismissed more than 200 employees. Critics accused him of rewarding Democrats instead of choosing qualified men –Jackson felt that ordinary Americans could fill government jobs, instead of just the wealthy –Spoils System – practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs

26 The “Kitchen Cabinet” Jackson gave a number of his supporters Cabinet positions –Most of these men were NOT qualified so he rarely met with them Instead, he relied on a group of unofficial advisors such as Democratic leaders and newspaper editors –Because he met with them in the White House kitchen they became known as the “Kitchen Cabinet”

27 The Bank War President Jackson disliked the Bank of the United States –He thought it was too powerful The bank had great power because it controlled loans in the United States –Example: If the bank directors thought state banks were making too many loans, they limited the amount of money those banks could lend –This angered farmers and merchants who borrowed money

28 Jackson’s Veto Jackson vetoed the bank bill for two reasons 1.He declared the bank unconstitutional 2.He believed the bank helped aristocrats at the expense of the common people

29 End of Lesson

30 But the biggest crisis of Jackson’s Presidency May have been the Nullification Crisis over the Tariff of 1828. In 1833, it nearly tore the Union apart. Jackson’s foe in the crisis was John C. Calhoun, whose wife had insulted Peggy Eaton. Jackson intensely disliked Calhoun. What was the crisis about? How did Jackson resolve it? It was one of the most important achievements of his Presidency

31 THE ECONOMIES OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH Economy of the North –Fishing, shipbuilding industry and naval supplies, trade and port cities –Skilled craftsmen, shopkeepers, manufacturing (textiles, tools, metals, building materials, etc.) Economy of the South –Large farms/plantations, cash crops (tobacco, indigo, rice, cotton), wood products, small farms –Slavery

32 THE DEBATE OVER TARIFFS Tariffs are taxes that the government puts on imported goods (Goods brought in from other countries).

33 1828 Congress passes a controversial high protective tariff Who do you predict will support this new law, and who will oppose this tariff?

34 The Debate over Tariffs Pro: If you were a craftsman or manufacturer in the United States, you would like tariffs because your products would not have that additional tax, therefore your products are cheaper than foreign products. People will be more likely to buy your products. Con: If your business is agriculture, you need to sell your food and raw materials and buy manufactured goods. You may depend on foreign nations to buy your goods and in return you buy their manufactured goods. You are afraid that tariffs will make foreign goods more expensive. You worry that if you don’t buy their goods, then they won’t buy your farm goods and your economy will suffer.

35 JOHN C. CALHOUN Vice President under Andrew Jackson Believed the Tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional since it favored the North Insisted that states had a right to refuse to follow a law if the state felt it violated its rights –States could declare a federal law null and void –This is called nullification, a rejection of the law –He and many other Southerners called the 1828 tariff a “ Tariff of Abominations ”

36 ANDREW JACKSON 7 th President of the United States Believed in preserving the Union and fought nullification Recommended to Congress to reduce the Tariff of 1828, so they passed a lower tariff in 1832

37 NULLIFICATION ORDINANCE South Carolina was not pleased with the new tariff either. They said it was oppressive, so the state passed the Nullification Ordinance in 1832. Declared the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void Stated they would secede if the federal government used force to make them comply.

38 JACKSON’S RESPONSE Claimed secession would be considered treason. Defended the federal government’s power to impose tariffs and chastised South Carolina for violating federal law because a state had no right to declare any national law null and void.

39 FORCE BILL Jackson asked Congress to grant him the ability to use military force to compel South Carolina to accept and follow the law -- The Force Bill Meanwhile Henry Clay proposed another tariff in Congress that would reduce tariffs significantly over the next ten years – Compromise Tariff Both of these passed in 1833, and South Carolina repealed its ordinance.

40 End of lesson


42 Indian Removal Act President Jackson pushes Congress to force Indians to move west of the Mississippi Congress established Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) as the new Indian homeland US government creates Bureau of Indian Affairs

43 Cherokee Sue For Land Cherokee sued the government of Georgia for taking their land Worcester vs. Georgia - Supreme Court rules Georgia’s actions are illegal and that the Cherokee can stay

44 President Andrew Jackson “Chief Justice John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.” 1)What is the job of the Supreme Court? 2)What is the job of the President? 3)What should happen if a government official refuses to do his job?

45 Trail of Tears US troops move 18,000 Cherokee at gunpoint 800 miles from 1838-1839 25% of Cherokee died (Over 4000) - most elderly and children US troops steal things, rape women, and beat Cherokee’s that resist.


47 Political Cartoons Here are some illustrations and cartoons about Andrew Jackson What events do they show? What opinion do they communicate?





52 End Lesson

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