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Eun-Ju Jeon Sejong Univ. Sept. 09, 2010 Status of RENO Experiment Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW 2010) September 4-11, 2010, Otranto, Lecce, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "Eun-Ju Jeon Sejong Univ. Sept. 09, 2010 Status of RENO Experiment Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW 2010) September 4-11, 2010, Otranto, Lecce, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eun-Ju Jeon Sejong Univ. Sept. 09, 2010 Status of RENO Experiment Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW 2010) September 4-11, 2010, Otranto, Lecce, Italy

2 Outline  Overview of the RENO Experiment - YongGwang Power Plant - Experimental Setup - Statistical & Systematic Uncertainties - Expected  13 Sensitivity - Schedule  Construction Status of the RENO Experiment - Tunnel - Detector - DAQ & Data Analysis Tools

3 RENO Collaboration (13 institutions and 40 physicists)  Chonnam National University  Chonbuk National University  Dongshin University  Gyeongsang National University  Kyungpook National University  Pusan National University  Sejong University  Seokang Information University  Seokyeong University  Seoul National University  Sungkyunkwan University  Institute of Nuclear Research RAS (Russia)  Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (Russia) +++

4  Located in the west coast of southern part of Korea  ~250 km from Seoul  6 reactors are lined up in roughly equal distances and span ~1.3 km  Total average thermal output ~16.4GW th (2 nd largest in the world) YongGwang Nuclear Power Plant YongGwang( 靈光 ): = glorious[splendid] light

5 RENO Experimental Setup

6 Google Satellite View of Experimental Site

7 100m300m 70m high 200m high 1,380m290m Far Detector Near Detector Reactors Schematic View of Underground Facility

8 RENO Detector  354 10” Inner PMTs : 14% surface coverage  67 10” Outer PMTs

9 2.73 GW per reactor ⅹ 6 reactors 1.21x10 30 free protons per targets (16 tons) Near : 1,280/day, 468,000/year Far : 114/day, 41,600/year 3 years of data taking with 70% efficiency Near : 9.83x10 5 ≈ 10 6 (0.1% error) Far : 8.74x10 4 ≈ 10 5 (0.3% error) Expected Number of Neutrino Events at RENO

10 Systematic SourceCHOOZ (%)RENO (%) Reactor related absolute normalization Reactor antineutrino flux and cross section 1.9< 0.1 Reactor power0.70.2 Energy released per fission0.6< 0.1 Number of protons in target H/C ratio0.80.2 Target mass0.3< 0.1 Detector Efficiency Positron energy0.80.1 Positron geode distance0.10.0 Neutron capture (H/Gd ratio)1.0< 0.1 Capture energy containment0.40.1 Neutron geode distance0.10.0 Neutron delay0.40.1 Positron-neutron distance0.30.0 Neutron multiplicity0.50.05 combined2.7< 0.5 Expected Systematic Uncertainty

11 RENO Expected Sensivity 90% CL Limits Discovery Potential” (3  ) 10 times better sensitivity than the current limit

12 Schedule Excavation & Underground Facility Construction Detector Commissioning Detector Construction Geological Survey & Tunnel Design Activities Detector Design & Specification 2006200720082009 369 12 369 369 3 69 2010 369 12 Activities  Tunnel facility, detector structure & buffer steel tanks completed  June 2010 : Acrylic containers installed  Aug. 2010 : PMT test completed  Sep. 2010 : Installation of PMTs, veto tyvek and liquid handling system  Oct. 2010 : Installation of DAQ & HV and filling with liquid scintillator  Nov. 2010 : Closing and detector commissioning  Dec. 2010 : Start data taking

13 Comparison of Reactor Neutrino Experiments ExperimentsLocation Thermal Power (GW) Distances Near/Far (m) Depth Near/Far (mwe) Target Mass (tons) Cost (US $) # of people Double-CHOOZFrance8.7410/1050115/30010/10?> 160 RENOKorea17.3290/1380120/45016/16~10M40 Daya BayChina11.6360(500)/1985(1613)260/910 40  2/80 ?> 230

14 Summary of Construction Status 03~11, 2007 : Geological survey and tunnel design are completed. 06~12, 2008 : Construction of both near and far tunnels are completed. 12, 2008 ~ 06, 2009 : Veto tanks and peripheral facilities (electricity, air circulation, drainage, network, etc.) are completed. 11, 2008 : SK new electronics were adopted and ready. 06~11, 2009 : Buffer steel tanks are installed 06, 2010: Acrylic containers are installed. 08, 2010: PMT test is completed PMT installation is underway. Both near and far detectors are expected to be ready for data-taking in late 2010.

15 Tunnel Construction (2008.6~2008.12) by Daewoo Eng. Co. Korea

16 Near & far tunnels are completed by Daewoo Eng. Co. Korea (2008.6~2009.3) Near site Far site

17 by NIVAK Co. Korea Vertical detector halls & steel structure are ready (2008. 12~2009. 06)

18 Experimental Hall

19 by NIVAK Co. Korea Buffer steel tanks are installed (2009.6~2009.11)

20 Installation of Acrylic Vessels (2010. 6)

21 PMT Holder (2009. 10~12) and Mounting (2010. 9)



24 Summary  RENO is suitable for measuring  13 (sin 2 (2  13 ) > 0.02)  RENO is near completion.  Data –taking is expected to start in late 2010. Thank you!

25 Backup

26 New Reactor Neutrino  13 Experiment  Lower background - Improved detector design - Increased overburden  CHOOZ : R osc = 1.01 ± 2.8% (stat) ± 2.7% (syst)  Larger statistics - More powerful reactors (multi-core) - Larger detection volume - Longer exposure  Smaller experimental errors - Identical multi detectors → Obtain ~1% precision !!!

27 νeνe νeνe νeνe νeνe νeνe νeνe Distance Probabilité ν e 1.0 1200 to 1800 meters Obseved flux before oscillation Oscillations observed as a deficit of anti-neutrinos sin 2 2θ 13 Experimental Method of  13 Measurement  Find disappearance of e fluxes due to neutrino oscillation as a function of energy using multiple, identical detectors to reduce the systematic errors in 1% level.

28 Detection of Reactor Neutrinos data from CHOOZ hep-ex/0301017v1 (1) 0.7<E prompot <9MeV (2) 5<E delayed <11MeV (3) 1μs<ΔT <200μs e + energy n capture energy

29 Near detector site: - tunnel length : 110m - overburden height : 46.1m Far detector site: - tunnel length : 272m - overburden height : 168.1m (2007.3~2007.8) Rock Quality Map

30 Design of Tunnels Experimental hall Wing tunnel(L) Wing tunnel(R) Detector Wing tunnel(R) Access tunnel Detector vertical hall (2007.9~2007.11) Design of Tunnel

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