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Click the pictures to go to a different page Click on badger to go on Long Furlong website.

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Presentation on theme: "Click the pictures to go to a different page Click on badger to go on Long Furlong website."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click the pictures to go to a different page Click on badger to go on Long Furlong website

2 The Comenius project is where each member of a class has someone they write to in the French school and the Spanish school. They then receive a letter back. Sometimes we have to translate some words! The French school is Ecole Elementaire roger roudier. The Spanish school is Felix Rodriguez de la fluente. Click on the badger to return to homepage Comenius board

3 Reception- Mrs Sue Callow Year 1- Mrs Hilary Lane Year 2- Miss Georgina Ellaby Year 3 – Mrs Buzz McKenzie Year 4- Mrs Lisa Knight Year 5- Miss Olivia Fennell Year 6- Mrs Natasha Smith Head teacher- Miss Natasha Austin Click the badger to return to homepage

4 We are trying to be an eco school we used to have waste free Wednesday where we put all our waste in different containers for different classes to put their waste in and if they had the least they would win but If they had the most they lost. Click on badger to return to homepage

5 At long Furlong we are trying to be a healthy school as well as a Eco school. For healthy school we have tasty Tuesday which is if we want we have a healthy lunch; we then receive a raffle ticket which we place in a box if our name is chosen later in the week, we would collect a prize. There has been many winners! Click on badger to Return to homepag e

6 Netball is for year 6 and year 5 and it is run by Mrs Smith and Mrs McKenzie. You get to play exercises and proper games at the same time. You can learn lots of new skills and play in a tournament with other schools. Orchestra is for juniors, and other schools come to join it, Orchestra is run by Mr Guy Briggs and Miss Austin. You can play any instrument of your choice. There are also construction, beginner recorders and touch typing for the infants. Click on badger to return to homepage

7 Miss Austin Mrs Smith Mrs Knight Long furlong Comenius Eco Healthy Yellow Green missaustinc ijfudsijseo sfurlonocem srrejwwidre silwqlonggn mhokshlgfpi ioniaslapiu tsgudgedhas healthyedek Beware one is fake!!! Click on the badger to more games Click on the badger to go to homepage

8 Click on badger to return to homepage At Long Furlong we go on number of trips like the trip to a theatre every January, ( We get ice-cream as well!) residential trip in Year 3 or 4 and Kilvrough in year 6 (which is cool!) There is different trips depending what subjects we are doing in class. Us at Kilvrough

9 Spot the 5 differences between the two pictures Click the badger to go to the homepage Click on the badger to go to games Click on the differences to see if you are right!

10 Click on badger to go back to more games


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