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Strengthening Technical Activities Dr. Jacek Zurada 2013 TAB Chair Elect ITS BOG Meeting Istanbul, July 7, 2013 10/12/20151.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Technical Activities Dr. Jacek Zurada 2013 TAB Chair Elect ITS BOG Meeting Istanbul, July 7, 2013 10/12/20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Technical Activities Dr. Jacek Zurada 2013 TAB Chair Elect ITS BOG Meeting Istanbul, July 7, 2013 10/12/20151

2 IEEE Governance Organization MEMBERS Board of Directors Assembly PSPB IEEE-USA Board Standards Assoc. Board Educational Activities Board Regions & Sections Technical Activities Board Tech Cmtee Societies & Tech. Councils Member & Geo Activities Board

3 Technical Activities in IEEE 10/12/20153  TAB-a conglomerate of 38 Societies and 7 Councils that promotes growth of technology, profession in the FOI of IEEE and serves the humanity  Long list of successes, both recent and present  Many of our journals top the ranking lists  Conferences are at its peak of popularity  Increasing membership  Societies prosper  Vibrant and growing chapters  Challenges  From the private sector  Digitization and globalization have deeply changed the landscape…, more to come

4 Key Thrusts of TAB Among Long Term Objectives  Appeal for Industrial Practitioners  Future (Technology) Directions  Building Technical Communities  All three intertwined….  Globalization  Leveraging education in TA 10/12/20154

5 PUBS:Digitization and Globalization have created new conditions 10/12/20155  Classic, journal-centric model disappearing  Journals subscriptions replaced either with package subscriptions by institutions, or by metered downloads by individuals  Most read just PDF/HTML downloads  New Virtual Journals appear  Journals quality metrics change (IF to EFS to AIS to Altmetrics)  Open Access is with us to stay  Challenges ahead (income distribution algorithm)

6 Open Access Launch in 2012/2013

7 Open Access: IEEE success story  $1 st million income realized  Yet issues persist Readers demand access Authors want visibility Pressures from ‘budget’ OA journals Expectations from the legislature  Editing, reviewing, curating the e-content is not a free lunch  OA business model still unstable 10/12/20157

8 IEEE faces a challenge of delivering content and services to the global body of engineers and researchers when –the rapid growth is outside Regions 1-7 –its most customers are also there  How to better serve and embrace the global community? Global Growth in TA 10/12/20158

9 Membership changing Region 7: Canada Region 8: Europe, Africa, Middle East Region 9: Latin America Region 10: Asia & Pacific (from GP AdHoc 2012) Report) All members (416,000)Student Members (108,000) ~50% our All Members are in R7-10 ~50% our Student Members are in Asia & Pacific or Latin America

10 Global variation on activity: IEEE Publication Activity Region 7: Canada Region 8: Europe, Africa, Middle East Region 9: Latin America Region 10: Asia & Pacific (from GP AdHoc 2012 Report)

11 Sub-regional Technical Activities Workshops  Entry barriers exist in some countries to become a qualified volunteer/leader  Higher barriers for some nations due to the rapid growth from agrarian to industrialized societies  Sub-regional TA Volunteers workshops free for Authors, Reviewers, Associate Editors, Technical/Program Chairs of Conferences are planned 10/12/201511

12 Educational Activities in TA 10/12/201512  Our members change jobs 7 times in their professional careers, so….  How TA respond to S/C members’ and customers’ educational needs wrt. content delivery and level of service?  How to generate, curate, and offer a wide variety of S/C educational products to S/C members and customers?  Potential new business scenarios (how to progress), possibly linking with EAB

13 On-going work on Education in TA 10/12/201513 Create an inventory of Society and Council offerings Identify ways to align TA and EAB education efforts to mutually leverage and collaborate on educational activities See if a platform (one or more) or a new hardware/software infrastructure is needed

14 Thank you for your attention 10/12/201514 Questions?

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