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Strategy Outlook for the Federation 2007 – 2009 Gerardo Suárez and Torild van Eck.

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1 Strategy Outlook for the Federation 2007 – 2009 Gerardo Suárez and Torild van Eck


3 Do not re-invent the wheel!

4 Consolidation Membership 1.Update names of institutions and individual contacts 2.Encourage Web-page subscription from all members 3.Contact ‘less active’ members and encourage their participation in Working Groups and Meetings of FDSN

5 Consolidation (2) Station List 1.Update station list under the new format of WG-1. Target date for next update (July 2008) 2.Define the category of ‘Backbone Stations’ 3.Update the list of FDSN stations as a regular exercise (once a year) 4.Aim at efficient coordination with ISC/NEIC station list.

6 Consolidation (3) Representation 1.Continue promoting the FDSN as a coordinator of global digital networks and representation at GEO. 2.IASPEI: Maintain close contact with IASPEI Leadership 3.GEO(SS): Continue collaboration and participation in GEO meetings (Domenico in Geneva; Rhett in DI-06-02 task; and Executive Committee as needed) 4.CTBT: Continue to remind CTBT signatories the desire of FDSN to make all data open and fully accessible to the scientific community 5.ISC: Collaboration and exchange of information

7 Consolidation (4) Working groups 1.Recruit new blood in the working groups 2.Involve, where possible, existing regional groups 3.Rejuvenate WG3 (software) 4.Rejuvenate WG5 (mobile networks)

8 Future Developments Membership 1.Implementing regional coordinators. 2.Encourage potential new members, particularly but not solely, from Central and South America, Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia to apply 3.Actively recruit new people and members to participate in the Working Groups, Regional Meetings and Plenaries 4.Promote global coordination of (passive) mobile networks deployments and data availability.

9 Future Developments (2) Coverage and Backbone Stations 1.Improve coverage (Africa, South America, etc…) 2.Use the support of the newly defined Regional Coordinators to urge potential members to volunteer their stations to the FDSN backbone 3.Improve OBS coverage by integrating existing and future stations in the oceans. This involves involvement of groups deploying OBS’s.

10 Future Developments (3) CTBT 1.Identify primary and secondary stations in CTBT network that would fill important gaps in coverage 2.Follow a two-pronged approach to encourage members to make the stations available to FDSN: Continued Communication with Governing Bodies Approach individual countries and request their participation in FDSN (Niger is an example)

11 Future Developments (4) Network Products and tools 1.Carefully review potential new avenues to have a broad coordination of developments and deployments of services and tools 2.Review possible new standards for data exchange and services. (Discussions underway in revised WG-3)

12 Future Meetings of FDSN Plenary Meeting: IASPEI meeting in South Africa (January 2009) Formulate a new long-term vision with targets (a.o.) Regional Meetings 1.Search opportunities to join meetings organized by other institutions and organizations 2.Caribbean-Central American Meeting in collaboration with IRIS? 3.Other suggestions by members

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