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Published byMalcolm Martin Modified over 9 years ago
1 APRM NPOA Monitoring and Evaluation By Silvia Angey Ufoyuru Presented in the National APRM Workshop on “ Harmonizing the Tanzania NPOA with Existing Development Strategies and MTEF” 25-26 September 2012
Separate Ministry of Finance & Ministry of Planning until mid 1990s Merger of Finance and Planning Ministries – creating the MFPED 2002 Creation of a National Planning Authority (NPA) as an autonomous statutory agency charged with management of national and decentralised planning in the country. 3
The NPA is the Principal Statutory Agency for management of national and decentralized development planning in Uganda. Established by Act of Parliament – Act No. 15 of 2002 in compliance with Article 125 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development is the line Ministry for NPA 4
To produce comprehensive and integrated development plans for the country elaborated in terms of the perspective vision, long-term and medium-term plans. Vision: The institution for National Development Planning for propelling sustainable socio-economic transformation of Uganda from a predominantly peasant society to a modern middle income country. Mission: To produce comprehensive and integrated development plans; coordinate decentralized planning processes; and monitor, evaluate and advise on the implementation of plans, policies, and programs. 5
Acceded to the APRM in 2003 among the first Appointed a APRM National Focal Point, Minister State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Planning) Designated NPA the National Focal Point Institution to ensure NEPAD and APRM are integrated into the National Development Planning Processes 2004 Set up a NEPAD/APRM Unit within NPA 2005 Carried out Country Self-Assessment and Country Review 2006-2008 Peer Reviewed June 2008 6
Integrated the NEPAD/ARPM Unit into the Structures of NPA – Governance and Public Sector Management Department Established the Uganda Governance Forum to discuss 10 Cross-cutting issues – Corruption, Election, Peace infrastructure, Implemented the 3-year NPOA 2008/9- 2010/11 Evaluation of the APRM process in Uganda 2003-2011 June 7
8 APRM is a neutral space for interaction and dialogue on good governance between all stakeholders: Government (Central and Local) – Parliament, Executive, Judiciary, Civil Society – NGOs, Media, Academia, Interest Groups, Associations, Churches, Muslims, Trade Unions, Citizens Private Sector – Corporations, enterprises, Business people, profit making associations
Cabinet Sub-Committee for APRM Parliamentary Session Committee for APRM (Foreign Affairs) APRM Focal Point Minister (Minister of State for Finance Planning and Economic Development) APRM National Governing Council and the 4 Thematic Working Groups of the Council National Planning Authority and Technical Expertise in the four thematic areas and stakeholder mobilization Implementing Partners Institution Focal Points [MDAs, CSO and Private Sector] 9
Cabinet Sub-Committee – interacts with the Governing Council to validate the progress report on behalf of the President Focal Point ensures Cabinet is kept abreast of progress in the APRM process and the report production process 10
Parliament Sub-committee to interact with Governing Council to ensure APRM Reports are debated in Parliament Information dissemination to constituencies Ensuring NEPAD/APRM are on the Agenda of Cabinet, government business and reflected in the legislature legislation that would help the process and the implementation of the Programme of Action in the four areas of Governance Scrutinize budgets that enhance the implementation of the recommendations in the POA
12 Minister of State for Finance Planning and Economic Development (Planning); Political oversight role for NPA Galvanise government support to the APRM process Liaise with the APR Panel and Secretariat to ensure smooth implementation of the APRM process Provide linkage between the President and the Council Does not sit on the Council but participates in key consultative events
13 The Role of the National Planning Authority (NPA) in the APRM process Provide secretariat, technical, and administrative support to the APRM process; Coordinate the participation of all relevant line ministries in the APR process and consult with them to ensure implementation of recommendations arising from the review; Ensure that the APR process is aligned with existing policy- decisions and medium-term planning processes; Establish a documentation centre within its secretariat and ensure the full documentation of the APR process in Uganda and maintain extensive database and information on the four areas of the focus of the APRM; Prepare background documents for the various APR organs in Uganda;
14 Independent National APRM Commission 2005-2008 The Commission was charged with ensuring that the technical assessment is executed in a technical manner, transparent, inclusive and be accountable to the citizens of Uganda That a Country Self-Assessment and National Programme of Action is developed To meet regularly, review progress reports and provide objective recommendations to the reports generated by the technical agencies That the Ugandan public is adequately involved in the process through a competent information, education and Communication strategy, that the external assessment is executed and a Country Review Report and Programme of Action delivered to the APRM Summit. The Commission was provided with the capacity to carry out these functions through NEPAD/APRM unit, in the |National Planning Authority
15 Monitoring the Implementing of the NPOA 2009-2012 13-member APRM National Governing Council. 9 from old Commission and 4 experts in each thematic area NGC was mandated to independently monitor the implementation of the Uganda APRM National Programme of Action (2008/09-2010/11). Preparing APRM Annual Progress Reports – 2008/9 presented, 2009/10 and 2010/2011(to be peer reviewed in July 2012)
Monitoring the APRM process because of the oversight role as coordinator of government business Providing views on governance in the four areas Participating in Uganda’s Report Validation Providing input to the Programme of Action Monitoring the Programme of Action to ensure that and recommendations implemented, good practices are enhanced and embraced Bring Cabinet on board in the APRM process
17 Ensure implementation of the actions of the POA (2008/9-2010/11) particularly as they impact on respective Ministries Take responsibility for the actions of the POA under respective Ministries and ensure budgetary provisions Provide audience to the National Governing Council (NGC) who are responsible the monitoring of progress in the implementation of POA Provide APRM Focal Points and support the meetings of the NGC with all the Policy Planning Units in the ministries and Local Governments Support and participate in the preparation and validation of the Progress Reports on the implementation of the POA as they fall due.
18 Civil Society participation in development matters APRM process is civil society led thus ensuring total involvement of civil society throughout the process. Civil Society has an important role in contributing both to the credibility and informational quality of the peer review process Citizen participation allows for identification of citizens’ priorities within the national development framework. Bring the Civil Society on board in the APRM process Ensuring NEPAD/APRM are on the agenda of CSOs - POA also shows responsibilities of non state actors Information dissemination to constituencies especially networks, associations, and membership organisations Need to sustain dialogue even after the review, to allow for constant citizen participation and Monitoring of the POA
In 2007, the Cabinet adopted the National Visioning Policy with a planning framework that systematically link medium to long term planning goals and objectives to short term priorities and budgets. The following are the elements of this framework 30 year National Vision 10 year National Development Plan 5 year NDP 2 ½ year Mid term review Annual Plans & Budgets 19
Avoided parallel development paradigms; by Harmonizing the APRM NPOA and existing National Development Planning initiatives Building on existing development policy processes PEAP/PRSP Medium Term Expenditure Framework MDGs. MFPED ensured MDAs incorporated POA priorities in their budget priorities Annual – BCC Parliament scrutinised budge to ensure POA is Budgeted for by MDAs
Similar approaches used Consultative and participatory Government, Civil Society, private sector, academia, Women, Youth, Disabled etc Realization that Government will be the key executor and implementer Mindful that Government is one of many stakeholders but most key!
22 The National Planning Authority (NPA) and the National Governing Council integrated the Programme of Action (POA) into the 5-year National Development Plan (NDP) 2010/11- 20914/15. The POA informed the National Development Plan (NDP) Good Governance Thematic Paper one of 23 studies that informed the NDP. The POA has also been integrated in the National Budgets 2008/9, 2009/10, 2010/11 and will be funded through the annual budgets of MDAs under the Medium-term Expenditure Framework. Ministries, Departments and Agencies together with other non-state governance stakeholders are being engaged by NPA to ensure coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the POA.
Consultation with implementing institutions to to agree on process – Heads and Focal Points Clarify roles and responsibilities Technical process and Quality Control (follow Assessment Principles) Communication Strategy – bringing issues in Poa to the attention of Implementers including Validation – regional and national Cabinet Validation Parliament involvement – vanguard of GG 23
PoA leads to better coordination between line ministries and other government agencies Integration into existing policy initiatives reduces in fights between various institutions It is easier to finance MDAs who draw resources directly from the National Budget than to finance non-state actors Affected implementation of some corporate Governance initiatives
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