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The PV Policy Group Project SECOND THEMATIC WORKING GROUP MEETING Friday 05 May 2006- in Athenes, Greece Presentation Monitoring European Position Paper.

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Presentation on theme: "The PV Policy Group Project SECOND THEMATIC WORKING GROUP MEETING Friday 05 May 2006- in Athenes, Greece Presentation Monitoring European Position Paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PV Policy Group Project SECOND THEMATIC WORKING GROUP MEETING Friday 05 May 2006- in Athenes, Greece Presentation Monitoring European Position Paper and Action Plan F. JUQUOIS, C. URBSCHAT, A. VEIGEL, I. WEISS Intelligent Energy Europe (EIE) / PV Policy Group – EIE/04/058/S07.38564

2 Who are the relevant users of a European wide PV monitoring system and therefore which are the relevant key data to be monitored? If target groups and key data are defined: What are best data collection methods to get the respective data? If data collection methods are designed: Who is suitable to be in charge managing the whole monitoring system nationally and at European level? data interpretation and communication PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – Key question

3 European Position Paper – Target groups and key datas PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting Key informationRelevance of data for target groups (low, medium, high) Data about the development of National PV support schemes and National legal frameworks for PV installations (“PV Policy Monitoring”) Policy makers: high Administrative bodies: high Industry: high Public: high Data about the development of National PV market segments and type of systems used (“PV Market monitoring”) Policy makers: medium Administrative bodies: medium Industry: high Public: low Data about the National PV sector developments like capacities, turnovers, employment etc. (“PV Sector Monitoring”) Policy makers: high Administrative bodies: high Industry: medium Public: low Data about the development of system performance, technical evolutions and quality aspects (“PV System Monitoring”) Policy makers: medium Administrative bodies: high Industry: medium Public: high

4 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – Target groups and key datas

5 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – key data for policy monitoring Key dataMeasurement in Yearly new installed capacity and total installed capacity reached by the end of the ye MW per anno / MW total Yearly new installed plants and total number of plants by the end of the year Numbers per anno / Numbers total Yearly new PV electricity produced by all new installed systems and total electricity production produced by all systems in the respective year MWh per anno /MWh total Yearly amount of national budget spent for PV support schemes Euro per anno Yearly amount of national budget spent on monitoringEuro per anno Yearly amount of budget spent through feed in tariff or other legislative acts Euro per anno

6 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper –key data for Market Monitoring Key dataMeasurement in Regional market penetrationMW per region per anno Market segmentation regarding on grid / off gridpercentage on grid / off grid per anno Market segmentation regarding building integration typePercentage free land installation / roof on top /roof integrated / façade per anno Module type installedPercentage silicon based / thin film per anno PV system price developmentEuro per kWp and Euro per kWh PV module price developmentEuro per kWp and Euro per kWh

7 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper –key data PV Sector monitoring Key data about industryProduction capacity and yearly production measured by Employment measured by Turnove r measure d by Import/export relation measured by IngotsTons per annonumbersEuropercentage WafersMW per annonumbersEuropercentage CellsMW per annonumbersEuropercentage ModulesMW per annonumbersEuropercentage InvertersNumbers and MW per anno numbersEuropercentage BatteriesNumbers and Ah per anno numbersEuropercentage Charge regulatorsNumbers and MW per anno numbersEuropercentage PlannersMW per annonumbersEuropercentage wholesalersMW per annonumbersEuropercentage installersMW per annonumbersEuropercentage

8 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – data collection (germany) Key dataGeneral available sources Best SourceData collection method Motivation to provide data by data source? (high, medium, low) Possibility to oblige data source to provide data? (yes/no) Costs for best source implementatio n? (high, medium, low) Regional market penetrationInvestor, Solar industry association BSW, grid operators Investorregisterlowto be investigated high Market segmentation on grid / off grid BSW + Investors BSW + Investor Survey (off grid) + register (on grid) lowto be investigated medium Market segmentation by building type Investor registerlowto be investigated high Module type installedInvestor registerlowto be investigated high PV system price development Investor, service providers Investorregisterlowto be investigated high PV module price development Service providers Surveylowto be investigated Low/medium

9 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – data management who will be the national administrative body running the monitoring system nationally and collect/serve the national target groups with data? and who will run the whole aggregate system on an European level?

10 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – data communication Centralized internet database Should we use a centralized internet database also to COLLECT data?

11 Joint Position Paper and Action Plan Monitoring What input do we need from National Position Papers? * Green Power Balance group representative, which is the institution in charge of managing the promotion scheme of the Green Electricity Act. 1. Present status of national monitoring system Based on the work already done in 2005 for National profiles the national PV Policy project partners should describe their present national PV monitoring systems in depth by listing all nationally researched key data its data collection methods and data sources institutions responsible for data management and ways of data communication. An effective way is to fill in the following tables for taks force monitoring:

12 Annex of National Position Paper – present status „Policy monitoring“ * Green Power Balance group representative, which is the institution in charge of managing the promotion scheme of the Green Electricity Act. Key data Reliable Data on national level presently available? (Yes/no and comments) Data collection method (e.g. register, some kind of survey, estimation etc.) Data source (industry, investors, grid operator etc.) Institution responsible (Name, Address, contact person) Data communication (public reports, website, internal use etc.) Yearly new installed capacity and total installed capacity reached by the end of the ye Yearly new installed plants and total number of plants by the end of the year Yearly new PV electricity produced by all new installed systems and total electricity production produced by all systems in the respective year* Yearly amount of national budget spent for PV support schemes Yearly amount of national budget spent on monitoring Yearly amount of budget spent through feed in tariff or other legislative acts

13 Annex of National Position Paper – present status „Market monitoring“ * Green Power Balance group representative, which is the institution in charge of managing the promotion scheme of the Green Electricity Act. Key data Reliable Data on national level presently available? (Yes/no and comments) Data collection method (e.g. register, some kind of survey, estimation etc.) Data source (industry, investors, grid operator etc.) Institution responsible (Name, Address, contact person) Data communication (public reports, website, internal use etc.) Regional market penetration Market segmentation regarding on grid / off grid Market segmentation regarding building integration type Module type installed PV system price development PV module price development

14 Annex of National Position Paper – present status „Industry monitoring“ * Green Power Balance group representative, which is the institution in charge of managing the promotion scheme of the Green Electricity Act. Key data about industry by - Production capacity and yearly production - Employment - turnover - import/export relation for: Reliable Data on national level presently available? (Yes/no and comments) Data collection method (e.g. register, some kind of survey, estimation etc.) Data source (industry, investors, grid operator etc.) Institution responsible (Name, Address, contact person) Data communication (public reports, website, internal use etc.) Ingots Wafers Cells Modules Inverters Batteries Charge regulators

15 * Green Power Balance group representative, which is the institution in charge of managing the promotion scheme of the Green Electricity Act. 2. Action Plan to improve national monitoring systems Based on the output guidelines the national PV Policy project partners should describe their national actions for improvement of national monitoring in depth by using the following structure: 1. Short description of action goals (based on National Position Paper) 2. Description of respetive working tasks for implementation 3. Description of partners for implementation and their roles 4. Timing and definition of ressources needed task by task (see 2.) 5. Aspects of financing Joint Position Paper and Action Plan Monitoring What input do we need from National Action Plans?

16 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – Action plan Identification of the national contact responsible for the feed in contract, Checking of the legal possibility for a mandatory European identification number, Issuing letter of intention from those national contact, Drafting a proposal aiming at conceiving a European monitoring database.

17 PV Policy Group – 2nd Thematic Working Group Meeting European Position Paper – Action plan Participants: 8 Energy agency + Relevant ministry (40 000 € + 10 000 €)*16, 1 consultant with database experience (50 000 €), 1 developer ( 100 000 €), 1 structure to make the database sustainable (business model), (50 000 €) Total budget: 1 M€, Duration: 2 years.

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