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Spiny Dogfish The spiny dogfish is a small schooling shark that forms groups of hundreds or thousands.

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2 Spiny Dogfish The spiny dogfish is a small schooling shark that forms groups of hundreds or thousands.

3 Spiny Dogfish The average length is between 75 and 105 cm. They have two dorsal fins and both fins have spines at the anterior part.

4 Spiny Dogfish They may be the most abundant living shark, but fishing pressure along with their slow birth and maturation rates could affect the population.

5 Spiny Dogfish In general, spiny dogfish are believed to have a life span of 30 years, but the maximum reported age is 75.

6 Spiny Dogfish Spiny dogfish is an opportunistic feeder eating whatever prey is abundant. Small fishes along with invertebrates are part of their diet.

7 Spiny Dogfish After 22 months of development, females give birth to 2 to 16 young that are from 20 to 30 cm in length.

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