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Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Let’s Break New Ground Together.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Let’s Break New Ground Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Let’s Break New Ground Together.

2 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Big Picture BUSINESS MODELS AND INCENTIVES

3 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Let’s Break New Ground Together in… Online Services Advisor Reporting Payment ReconciliationOSA Processes

4 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives OSA Reporting| Key Learnings Insight in to monthly OSA earnings Reconciliation & Planning activities One central location to view earnings is key Identify focus areas in terms of profitability Online Services Advisor Reporting

5 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives OSA Reporting | MPN Dashboard Online Services Advisor Reporting Central location Custom edit in Excel Delivered

6 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives OSA Reporting | BI Reporting Below Threshold Payments Bank Payment References YTD View of Earnings Customer & Monthly Summaries Ineligible Items Online Services Advisor Reporting On Demand service in H2 Pilot Mode FY15 - Expand via MPN

7 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Payment Reconciliation | Key Learnings Payment Reconciliation – Key for You. Difficult to reconcile monthly payments across multiple Incentive programs. OSA Earning Statements were difficult to read and understand. Payment Reconciliation

8 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Payment Reconciliation | OSA Earning Statement Payment Reconciliation Advisor Web Direct Separate table for Sell, Accelerate & Manage Adjustment table + Billing frequency added OSA Attach Date Comment field for Adjustments

9 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Payment Reconciliation | OSA Earning Statement Payment Reconciliation EA deploy Separate table for Deploy, Accelerate & Manage Adjustment table & Previous Max Seats added Agreement start & end date & OSA Attach Date Comment field for Adjustments

10 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Payment Reconciliation | Payment Prefixes Solution Payment prefixes on bank statements Less cross-checking with Microsoft resources required Online Channel Incentives: March Implementation Payment Reconciliation Direct Prefix – “MOSA XXX” EA Prefix – “EOSA XXX”

11 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives OSA Processes | Key Learnings OSA Form Process key pain point OSA Form submission & validation issues Manual Bank Details Process OSA Processes

12 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Implementation of Partner Facing Portal for Bank Details – Coming Q4 OSA Processes | Opportunity OSA Processes Reduction in time and admin burden Ability to edit & update online Ensures data quality

13 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives OSA Processes | Next Steps Deployment of Cloud Services & associated incentives remains Top Priority Focus remains - Identifying & Assigning correct Partner of Record OSA Form Process under review for FY15 OSA Processes

14 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives Summary | Where Are We Going? From... Limited tools to view earnings From... Complex payment reconciliation From....Tedious Manual OSA Processes To... An online central location to view earnings To... Simplified Payment reconciliation To...More automated OSA processes

15 Microsoft | EMEA Channel Partner Conference 2014 Channel Incentives © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentations. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Thank you. Channel Incentives Clinic @ Room 8 Channel Incentives Future State Booth @ Coffee Area

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