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CIITS: Scheduling and Administering Online Common Assessments Copyright © 2011 Schoolnet, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "CIITS: Scheduling and Administering Online Common Assessments Copyright © 2011 Schoolnet, Inc. All rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIITS: Scheduling and Administering Online Common Assessments Copyright © 2011 Schoolnet, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Schedule assessments for particular grades, schools, or courses Determine assessment options for online testing administration Consider best practices for online test administration Score open-ended responses and upload external assessment data Learning Objectives

3 Online Testing Overview Performance data available for analysis 5 Create test Schedule Test Tests administered to students online Results collected online 12 3 4 Session 1: Step 1: Create Common Assessments Session 2: Steps 2-4: Schedule, Administer, and Score Session 3: Step 5: Review Results 3


5 Locate a Test Draft: Assessment Admin Dashboard 5

6 6 Preview an Online Test

7 Scheduling a Test Once a test has no errors and has been marked “Ready for Scheduling,” you can assign a schedule to your test and identify online testing options for the test. What is the test administration start and end dates? When are scores due? 7

8 Online Test Options Should students have access to results immediately? Online test Passcode Can students take the test outside of schedule start/end date? Should test time be restricted to certain hours on certain days? Is this a timed test?

9 Assign Test


11 Printing From the Print section you can generate files for the following: Answer Booklet PDF (not available for Answer Key Only tests)* Teacher Instructions will be printable for a test if it contains questions with instructions Student usernames and passwords for online testing * Download Test Booklet to PDF or Word from Test Detail screen 11

12 Student Usernames & Passwords 12 Search by Teacher/Section and export student usernames/passwords to Excel Can search for one or more teachers at a time Can save Excel file for electronic distribution or print for paper distribution Teachers can access and print student usernames/passwords once the test is scheduled for their students

13 Track Completion Rates 13


15 Assessment Admin “Score” Feature Updating Results with Online Scoring: Once students submit their tests, open response items can be scored directly in Assess Admin 15

16 Uploading External Assessment Data 16 Upload File feature allows you to upload a CSV file with results from an externally administered assessment for multiple students Create the test using the Answer Key Only option. Saves time – no need to create content, just identify the correct answer for each question and tag each question to the appropriate standard. Upload the CSV file * Download the resource titled “Uploading External Assessment Results” for step-by-step directions.

17 Wrap Up Session Summary Application Activity –Contact your district IC support team if you have not been given appropriate permissions to use this function within CIITS. –Optional: If you are ready to administer common assessments you are welcome to get started! Q and A Help desk: 1-855-435-7459 or Download Materials (if not completed earlier) Workshop Evaluation 17

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