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Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative High-Level Infrastructure Consolidation Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative High-Level Infrastructure Consolidation Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative High-Level Infrastructure Consolidation Plan Summary May 18, 2009 DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY

2 - 1 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda Executive Summary Enhancing Commonwealth Enterprise Capabilities High-level Consolidation Plan Data/Telecom Network Services Data Center Services Website Hosting and Portal Services Email and Directory Services

3 - 2 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Executive Summary 1) The following key changes are envisioned as a result of infrastructure consolidation for the four IT services specified in Executive Order 510: Current State: Pre-consolidationFuture State: Post-consolidation  15+ WAN’s and decentralized agency data and voice networks  Consolidated next generation ‘network of networks’ based on Common Network Architecture (CNA)  180+ data centers and hosting locations  2-3 enterprise data centers governed at the Commonwealth level based on common standards and architecture  1 Executive Office and 8 agency websites not hosted on Mass.Gov  All Secretariat websites hosted on Mass.Gov  5 Secretariat/agency email environments maintained at the agency level  All Secretariats utilizing some form of decentralized directory services.  All Secretariat email environments consolidated to MassMail (except where federal or state mandates specify local control)  All agencies consolidated to centralized Active Directory architecture managed at the agency level (except where federal or state mandates specify local control)

4 - 3 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Executive Summary (Contd.) 2) An Infrastructure Services Board (ISB) will be established with the following characteristics: Precise members and make-up of the ISB shall be determined by the CCIO Membership shall be drawn from state employees across the Executive Department with knowledge and experience in the field of IT, with additional representatives from the Judicial and Legislative Branches, other constitutional offices, and quasi-public authorities whose entities are or become customers of ITD’s Infrastructure Services and who accept an invitation from the CCIO to participate Advise the CCIO regarding service levels for the Infrastructure Services provided by ITD Meet as a working group to apply individual business and technology perspectives for the overall benefit of the Commonwealth 3) The ITD service catalog and chargeback model will need to be refined and restructured (in-progress through Project Safari) in order to enable successful Secretariat consolidation at best-in-class pricing levels that address current constraints on funding levels.

5 - 4 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Enhancing Commonwealth Enterprise Capabilities A number of enhancements need to be made to the Commonwealth’s IT service management and delivery capabilities in order to enable consolidation of the specified Secretariat IT services while maintaining current service levels. IT ServiceKey Enhancements Data/Telecom Network Services Development of a Common Network Architecture (CNA) and Next Generation Network (NGN) as an evolution of MAGNet Target architecture is a ‘network of networks’ Data Center ServicesConsolidation of 180 hosting locations into 2-3 centrally governed data centers Establishment of common technical architecture and standards Standardization of systems management processes onto a common framework and toolset Establishment of active/active operations between primary sites, supported by staff “centers of excellence” and “smart hands” support models Website Hosting and Portal Services Complete long-term strategy and requirements assessment of Mass.Gov toolset Conduct proof-of concept in early FY10 Select and implement new toolset in late FY10 and FY11 Email and Directory Services Develop 3-year roadmap for Messaging services based on Secretariat requirements Complete upgrade of Exchange 2003 to 2007 Deploy e-discovery capabilities (archiving, retention, indexing, journaling) Refine security and access privileges Plan and implement Unified Communications

6 - 5 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Data/Telecom Network Services ITD seeks to develop an enterprise network architecture that addresses voice/data convergence, reduces duplication, and accommodates scalability for future needs. The design of the logical network architecture will begin in FY10, after which the network consolidation activities at each Secretariat will be scoped out and finalized. Conceptual view of current stateConceptual view of future state

7 - 6 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Data Center Services – Current State There are currently over 180 hosting locations across eight Secretariats, many of which contain mission-critical applications housed in high risk environments.

8 - 7 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Data Center Services – Future State Two highly-available data centers in MITC and Springfield built with common architecture, standards, systems management toolsets, and “centers of excellence” will provide the foundation for the data center consolidation environment at the Commonwealth level.

9 - 8 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Data Center Services – Consolidation Plan The consolidation activities will be executed in a series of Waves, based on the following priorities: Systems that are currently unsecured or at-risk (physically or logically) Systems containing highly sensitive data Critical services that currently lack sufficient DR and business continuity options Fully depreciated and end-of-life that in need of a technical refresh

10 - 9 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Website Hosting and Portal Services 89% of agencies are currently hosting their websites on Mass.Gov. The remaining websites will need to be consolidated onto Mass.Gov as part of the portalization effort (at the Secretariat level) to align their Information Architecture (IA) standards with the established guidelines.

11 - 10 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Email and Directory Services – Current State A significant number of named users across the Secretariats are not currently using MassMail ITD needs to deploy additional messaging functionality (e-discovery, enhanced security, etc.) prior to migration of Secretariat users onto MassMail and centralized directory services

12 - 11 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Email and Directory Services – Consolidation Plan Assuming that ITD will require the majority of FY10 to deploy the required messaging functionality to maintain current agency service levels, Wave 1 of the messaging migration includes a low number of proposed agencies Wave 2 will include remaining agencies that require additional functionality as a pre-requisite (EOLWD, EOTPW), or have federal or state mandates related to messaging capabilities that require additional due diligence before getting approval for consolidation (ANF-DOR, EOPSS)

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