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Spreadsheets and Non- Spatial Databases Unit 4: Module 15, Lecture 1- Spreadsheet Software.

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1 Spreadsheets and Non- Spatial Databases Unit 4: Module 15, Lecture 1- Spreadsheet Software

2 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s2 Spreadsheets  A spreadsheet is a collection of data organized in tables of columns and rows.  Data entered can included almost anything:  measurements  names  numbers  commentary  formulas, etc.

3 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s3 Software options  Spreadsheets can be created using:  Microsoft Excel  Corel Quattro Pro  Lotus 1-2-3  Many other options

4 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s4 Microsoft Excel Basics  Each Excel workbook is organized into a series of worksheets (spreadsheets)  Every electronic spreadsheet is organized into rows and columns.  The intersection of each row and column forms a box called a cell.  Cell D4 is in column D, row 4  Three types of information can be entered into each cell.  Text  Number  Formula colum n row cell D4 worksheet

5 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s5 Microsoft Excel Basics  If a number entered is displayed differently than entered  Select cell (left click)  Right click  Select format cell  Choose:  Category: number, text, date, etc.  Type: style, significant digits, etc.

6 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s6 Microsoft Excel Basics  If a number entered displays as (####), this means it is too large for the row or column.  Highlight column or row  Select Format from menu bar  Select column or row  auto-fit selection

7 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s7 Microsoft Excel Basics  Data should be organized into a table when entered  Clear titles for columns should be included  Include measurement units

8 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s8 Microsoft Excel Basics  In order to move data around it may be necessary to cut/copy and paste  Copy/Cut  Highlight the data to be copied or cut using the mouse.  Right click and select copy or cut  Shortcut: ctrl + c (copy) ctrl + x (cut)  Paste  Highlight the destination cell using the mouse  Right click and select paste  Shortcut: ctrl +v

9 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s9 Microsoft Excel Basics  Sometimes data may be entered out of order or needs to be organized  Highlight the data to be sorted  Use the Sort feature under the data menu  Organize by column  Ascending or Descending  Text will be organized alphabetically  Numbers will be organized numerically

10 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s10 Microsoft Excel Basics  Formatting borders for display/printing  Select table  Right click  Select format  Click on borders tab  Select borders to be shown  Alternative:  Select area to print  Select print preview from file menu  Select setup  Click on sheet tab  Check the box marked gridlines under the print subtitle

11 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s11 Microsoft Excel Basics  Helpful shortcuts  When entering data if the same number, formula or text is repeated several times using the fill command is helpful  Fill right  Highlight the cells to be filled  Select Fill Right from edit menu  Shortcut: Ctrl + r  Fill down  Highlight the cells to be filled  Select Fill Down from edit menu  Shortcut: Ctrl + d

12 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s12 Microsoft Excel Basics  It is possible to do the following to an entire column or row by right clicking on the column or row heading:  Insert  Delete  Cut/Copy  Paste  Clear contents

13 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s13 Microsoft Excel Basics  Operations on the entire worksheet  Rename, Insert, delete, move or copy  Preserves data in its original form while allowing changes to be made in the copy.  Useful when combining data from separate projects  Simply right click on the worksheet name  And select desired option

14 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s14 Microsoft Excel Basics  Entering Formulas  Excel formulas always start with an equal sign (=)  Point to the 1 st cell  Enter the “operator”  add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), divide (/).  Point to the 2 nd cell  Hit “Enter” or move off cell  The answer magically appears!

15 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s15 Microsoft Excel Basics  Basic statistical functions  Summation  =sum (selected range)  Average  =average (range)  Median  =median (range)  Standard Deviation  =stdev (range)  Many other statistical functions are also available  Enter formula name, then highlight range of values

16 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s16 Microsoft Excel Basics  Creating Charts and Graphs  First step is to decide what data to graph  Highlight the data to be graphed  Select the chart icon in the tool bar or select insert from menu bar and select chart  Follow the steps in the chart wizard

17 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s17 Microsoft Excel Basics  Chart Wizard-Step 1  Select Chart Type  Column, line, bar, etc.  Select Chart Sub-type  Click Next

18 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s18 Microsoft Excel Basics  Chart Wizard-Step 2  Chart Source Data- Displays image of graph  If incorrect  Try another graph type.  Try changing columns to rows.  Try clicking on series and reselecting source data.  Once the graph displays correctly, click Next

19 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s19 Microsoft Excel Basics  Chart Wizard-Step 3  Chart Options  Titles  Give graph a title and name each of the axis, including units  Legend  Choose to show or hide  Choose where on the graph it is to be displayed  Other options available for formatting  Axes, gridlines and data labels

20 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s20 Microsoft Excel Basics  Chart Wizard-Step 4  Chart location  Select destination of new graph.  New sheet  Within existing sheet  Finally: click Finish

21 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s21 Example: Ice Lake, Minnesota  Example:  Ice Lake, Minnesota  Data from: http://www.waterontheweb.or g/data/icelake/realtime/weekl y.html http://www.waterontheweb.or g/data/icelake/realtime/weekl y.html  September 5, 2004- September 11, 2004  Question: What do the average temperature, pH, EC25, DO, DOSat, and Turbidity depth profiles look like for Ice Lake during the week of 9/5/04-9/11/02?

22 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s22 Example: Ice Lake, Minnesota  The Excel version of the weekly summaries of RUSS data for Ice Lake provide a tutorial for graphing this data into a “standard limnological chart”.  Chart 1: Shows how to graph data that have the same depth range.  Cut and paste any information into the template and it will automatically graph it below.  Chart 2: Shows how to graph data that have different depth ranges.

23 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s23 Example: Ice Lake, Minnesota  In order to create this type of chart without a template follow these instructions:  Step 1:  Calculate average temperature, pH, EC25, DO, DOSat, and Turbidity for each water depth (1-11 meters)  Delete spaces between dates and use the Data → Sort feature to sort data by depth  Calculate the average temp, pH, EC25, DO DOSat, and Turb for each depth using the =average(range) function  Create a table showing the averages at each depth

24 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s24 Example: Ice Lake, Minnesota  Step 2:  Highlight the table and click the chart symbol.  Select XY(Scatter) for the chart type.  Highlight the bottom left chart sub-type.  Click next

25 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s25 Example: Ice Lake, Minnesota  Step 3:  From the chart source data page select the series tab  To plot the independent variable (depth) on the y- axis the source data must be changed  For each series (Avg. Temp, Avg. pH, etc)  Click on the Y values button and the worksheet will display and then highlight the values in the depth column  Click on the X values button and highlight the correct values for each series in the worksheet (Avg. Temp, etc.) Y values button

26 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s26 Example: Ice Lake, Minnesota  Step 4  Chart options  Give graph a name  Label the axis  Format legend  In order to display the depth in meters from top to bottom click on the y-axis and select values in reverse order.

27 Developed by: Forbes/Host Updated: 2/14/05 U4-m15-1-s27 Microsoft Excel Basics: Help  When using Microsoft Excel it is important to remember the help menu. Many questions can be answered using the office assistant to access:  Microsoft Office Online  Microsoft Excel Help

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