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Wilson 12C.  The more important the secret the sooner it becomes known.  All stories about me are inaccurate, all stories about you are accurate. 

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Presentation on theme: "Wilson 12C.  The more important the secret the sooner it becomes known.  All stories about me are inaccurate, all stories about you are accurate. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilson 12C

2  The more important the secret the sooner it becomes known.  All stories about me are inaccurate, all stories about you are accurate.  The rosier the news the higher ranking official who announces it.  Always release bad news on Saturday night.  Never argue with someone who buys ink by the barrel.  If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

3  West Wing  TR  Press Secretary  Large staffs  Press Corps  Unique in the US  Conferences  Releases  Photo-ops  Weekly address  TV  Website President most public figure, most coverage

4  Members resent time devoted to president  Senators and leadership more time  C-SPAN  1979 in House  1986 in Senate  Committee hearings ▪ Biden ▪ Judiciary ▪ Foreign Relations

5  Adversarial relationship  Distrust and suspicion  Vietnam  Watergate  Iran-Contra  WMD  Journalism awards  Cynicism  Upset public  Rumor mill  Among branches  Power decentralized  Use media as weapon  Free press  Opportunity  Technology  24 hour news  More outlets  Sensationalism  Spin

6  Informal  Balance  Too critical, lose source  Keep source, become mouthpiece  More staffers  Public relations  Canned news  Background  Call on reporters On the record – quote by name Off the record – cannot be used On background – use information but not source On deep background – no anonymous sources

7 Discuss the nature of leaks. What could or should be done about the situation?

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