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Ecology Two.

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1 Ecology Two

2 Community Interactions
Habitat- place where organism lives Niche- role and position a species has in its needs for food and shelter all interactions with living and non-living parts of its environment Only one organism can occupy a niche in an ecosystem Example: a predator feeding on weak or sick animals in an ecosystem

3 Habitat vs niche

4 Nutrition and Energy Flow
The ultimate source of energy is… the SUN!

5 Nutrition and Energy Flow
Food Chains- shows how matter and energy flow from autotroph to heterotroph to decomposer Autotroph/Producers use sun’s energy to create chemical compounds (photosynthesis) Ex. – plants and algae Carnivores/ 2nd and 3rd Order Consumers- feed on other animals Herbivores/1st Order Consumers- feeds on plants Heterotrophs/Consumers- organisms that feed on other organisms

6 Nutrition and Energy Flow
Decomposers- break down and absorb nutrients from dead organisms Ex.- fungi and bacteria

7 Food chain

8 Nutrition and Energy Flow
Food Webs- all possible feeding relationships in a community

9 Food Web

10 Nutrition and Energy Flow
Trophic Levels- a feeding step in a food chain only pass on approximately 10% of energy to next trophic level

11 Nutrition and Energy Flow

12 Trophic level

13 Parts of the ecosystem Abiotic factors- non-living parts of the environment Ex.- air temp.,water, light, soil Biotic factors- all living organisms that inhabit an environment

14 Abiotic and abiotic factors

15 Nutrition and Energy Flow
Energy flows through an ecosystem, cannot be recycled Matter (Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen) cycles in an ecosystem

16 Cycles in an Ecosystem Carbon Cycle

17 Cycles in an Ecosystem Water Cycle

18 Changes in an Ecosystem
What would a football field look like in thirty years if it was not cared for or played on? ?

19 Changes in an Ecosystem
Succession- orderly, natural changes and species replacements that take place in the communities of an ecosystem

20 Primary Succession colonization of a new site from rock; can occur after volcano eruption Lichen & Mosses  ferns grasses & shrubs  pines hardwoods

21 Succession Begins with:
Pioneer plants- first organisms to inhabit an area Ex. Moss and lichen Ends with: Climax community- remains stable over long periods of time with little or no change

22 Secondary Succession sequences of changes that take place after a community is disrupted by natural or human actions. Ex.- abandoned building, fire, hurricane

23 Succession Links Mount St Helen’s
Student project succession Succession Song

24 Biomes of the World Tundra Taiga Temperate forest Tropical Rainforest
Biome- a large group of ecosystems that share the same type of climax community Tundra Taiga Temperate forest Tropical Rainforest Grasslands Desert

25 } Terrestrial Biomes 3 factors that influence type of biome Latitude
Sample Climatograph 3 factors that influence type of biome Latitude Altitude precipitation } Influences temperature

26 Tundra Permafrost -soil remains permanently frozen
Long winters and darkness, Short summers Low temperatures Very little rainfall Plants- fast life cycles Animals-thick fur

27 Taiga Foggy, wet climate, acidic soil
Plants- large coniferous forest (firs, pines) Flexible branches of conifers to bend with ice and snow Animals- Moose, elk, wolves , caribou, porcupines, black bear

28 Temperate Forest has definite seasons
mixture of trees (pines and hardwoods-deciduous trees) Plants- shed leaves in winter Animals- Deer, opossum, black bear, fox, squirrel, many bird species and insects

29 Tropical Rainforest At equator almost constant temperature of 25 oC
most rain fall very humid greatest biodiversity Soil is nutrient poor Plants- large variety, adapted to grow tall to find light, vines, canopy Animals-Toucans, monkeys, gorilla, snakes, lizards, parrots

30 Grasslands steppe, plains, savanna, or prairie Uneven rainfall
Plants- Scattered trees, grass varies in length Animals-Bison, antelope, gophers, jackrabbits, sheep African savanna- lion, tiger, elephant, cheetah, zebra, antelope

31 Desert low rainfall long droughts Plant
shallow root systems– absorb little rainfall quickly leaves are needles to prevent water loss Cuticle- waxy coating on needles (leaves) Cacti Animals- small, active at night to prevent dehydration lizards, kangaroo rat, scorpions, snakes

32 Biome links

Tropism: Plant’s response to its environment Geotropism- Response to gravity; roots down, stems up Phototropism- Response to light; sunflower “heads” turning toward sun Thigmotropism- Response to touch; vine climbing trellis Hydrotropism- the way a plant grows in response to water


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