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Minnesota Governors Council on Geographic Information.

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1 Minnesota Governors Council on Geographic Information

2 Committee Reports Data Hydrography LRM Outreach Standards

3 Data Committee Purpose: Examine the state of GIS data and to review important current data issues. Co-Chair: Annette Theroux, Pro-West & Associates 218-547-3374 ext. 108 atheroux@prowestgis Co-Chair: Fred Logman: Ramsey County 651-266-3843

4 Data Committee Workgroups Data Sharing Agreements Workgroup –Developing sample agreement language for sharing or exchange of geographic data Political Subdivision Boundaries Workgroup –Develop a recommendation about appropriate methods and procedures for mapping government unit boundaries Digital Elevation Model Workgroup –Explore the possibility of developing a statewide high-resolution elevation model (DEM) and floodplain mapping

5 Data Sharing Agreements Workgroup Best Practices for Data Sharing Current projects Data Distribution Guide »Overview of the issues »Process diagram »Process narrative »Associated examples and samples

6 Political Subdivision Boundaries Workgroup Clarify and document the methods used to record and map government unit boundaries within Minnesota No organization currently maintains an accurate and current record of Minnesotas political boundaries –Workgroup formed in 1998 –Identify possible processes for maintaining and managing information and maps of Minnesotas jurisdictional boundaries –May be organized as an I team

7 DEM and Floodplain Mapping Workgroup Focused on developing a statewide high-resolution elevation model (DEM) and floodplain mapping. Share information and discuss the need to develop high-resolution DEM data –Workgroup began meeting 5 months ago –Workshop May 2nd, 2002 »Science Museum of Minnesota »Experts on high-resolution data acquisition and floodplain mapping »local, state and federal agencies, quasi- governmental interest groups, legislators and legislative staff.

8 Hydrography Committee Purpose:Develop methods to standardize state hydrography databases and streamline updating Co-Chair: Mark Olsen, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 651.296.3412 Co-Chair: Susanne Maeder, Land Management Information Center 651. 297.4986

9 2002 Membership… Minnesota: BWSR DNR DOT LMIC Metropolitan Council PCA SCSU Federal: COE NRCS USFS USGS USEPA

10 Proposed 2002 Initiatives... Define elements of MN hydrography framework Continue coordination of state and federal activities –Data development activities –Identify and resolve Minnesota issues Coordinate on FGDC watershed boundary issues

11 2002 Accomplishments... Coordinated state hydrography data development efforts –1:24,000 NHD created from DNR level 1 data for 17 watersheds Defined features of MN Hydrography Framework –Basin feature standard approved by Standards Committee –Watercourse/reach feature defined Coordinated with Federal activities –Hosted technical seminars and training on NHD Training in use and production of data Created action list of issues and resolutions

12 Recommendations Future Initiatives: Implementation of the framework - what does this mean? Roles and responsibilities Enhancements and updates Linear Referencing - implementation and exchange issues

13 Land Records Modernization Committee Purpose: Research statewide issues surrounding the automation and mapping of land record transactions Co-Chair: Jay Wittstock, Wright County Surveyor 612-373-6817 Co-Chair: Luci Botzek, Minnesota Association of County Officers 651-293-0953

14 Land Records Modernization Committee LRM activity has increased substantially in the last year –National Cadastre –National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) –State Agencies –Local Government

15 Land Records Modernization Committee Federal Agencies are looking for formal state plans for GIS data development through an I-Team –Office of Management and Budget is to monitor cooperation with states as part of agency performance evaluation. –National Cadastre Effort underway to get federal support for local parcel efforts Involves Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as lead federal agency, state organizations are state plan administrators, the FGDC Cadastre Committee, NSGIC, and local government.

16 Land Records Modernization Committee Membership of 38 and growing New membership representing new activity Next meeting: March 30, 2002 from 10:00 – 12:00 at MCIT. –Working on creating a cadastre I-Plan –Working on identifying needed members

17 Outreach Committee Purpose: Works to connect the Governor's Council on Geographic Information with its various constituencies in state government and across the state Co-Chair: Larry Charboneau, The Lawrence Group 612-676-3950 Co-Chair: Banette Kritzky, GIS/LIS Consortium 651-296-0220

18 Outreach Committee: Current Projects Power Point Presentation –A mobile presentation whose purpose is to focus on the Councils role in promoting and providing resources to the GIS community. Communication –create a tool to identify the appropriate media avenues for distributing materials, advertising, articles, press release and other miscellaneous documents/messages.

19 Outreach Committee: Completed Tasks Guidelines to hosting Outstate meetings –Council Responsibilities –Hosts Responsibilities Contact List –a statewide list of people/offices/organizations to contact for Council information/updates Web Workgroup –update the Councils website

20 Standards Committee Purpose: Coordinate development of statewide geographic data standards and guidelines Co-Chair: Glenn Radde, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Co-Chair: Joella Givens, Minnesota Department of Transportation

21 Standards Committee Our best work occurs during blizzards. –Weve endorsed the Hydrography Committees Basin Identification Standard. –We discussed recent metadata community activities and MN DNRs development of both a Systems Development Methodology (SDM) and Project Management Methodology (PMM) for IT projects. –Weve established a small workgroup to update and advance Robert Makis whitepaper on statewide enterprise architecture issues.

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