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REVIEW: Theories of Work and Motivation Theory X “traditional” lazy money avoiding responsibility threats anxiety direction controlrewards lower order.

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW: Theories of Work and Motivation Theory X “traditional” lazy money avoiding responsibility threats anxiety direction controlrewards lower order."— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW: Theories of Work and Motivation Theory X “traditional” lazy money avoiding responsibility threats anxiety direction controlrewards lower order needs Theory Y integration responsibility self-actualisation creative original potential “progressive” self-control higher order needs 1. Douglas McGregor (The Human Side of Enterprise, 1960) Criticism of Theory Y (Abraham Maslow): - too excessive demands for responsibility & achievement - all people need security & certainty

2 Theories of Work and Motivation 2. Frederick Herzberg (Work and the nature of man, 1959) Two factor theory of job satisfaction: Two factor theory MOTIVATORSSATISFIERS -Achievement- Pay and benefits -Recognition- Labour relations -Work itself- Job security -Responsibility- Working conditions -Promotion- Status -Growth Criticism: There will always be boring, repetitive jobs! Solutions: team responsibility, rotating repetitive tasks, corporate culture → MK, p 18: Vocabulary

3 Vocabulary focus Labour market / job market - the ________ and type of jobs that are ________ in a particular place The effects of... privatization? IT development? globalization / global competition?  need for efficiency  flexible labour markets Labour market deregulation Deregulation -ending/removing or relaxing restrictive laws Labour market deregulation? numberavailable  lay-offs

4 Vocabulary focus Labour market deregulation – laws regulating labour markets and employment practices removed or relaxed → Flexible labour markets CONSEQUENCES: - w_rs_ _ing working conditions - unwelcome changes in employment patterns: uns_ _ _ _ed, p_r_ - _ i_ e, c_su_l jobs non-u_ _ _nised workers

5 Vocabulary focus Labour market / job market - the number and type of jobs that are available in a particular place Deregulation -ending or relaxing restrictive laws Labour market deregulation – laws regulating labour markets and employment practices removed or relaxed → Flexible labour markets CONSEQUENCES: - worsening working conditions - unwelcome changes in employment patterns: unskilled, part-time, casual jobs non-unionized workers SUGGESTED READING (especially if, during the oral exam, you need to prove you deserve a higher grade): RB, p 44-45 Recruitment (The World is Flat)

6 dismiss, fire, boot, bounce, can, discharge, drop, sack These verbs mean to terminate the employment of: was dismissed for insubordination; was booted for being late; afraid of being bounced for union activities; wasn't canned because his uncle owns the business; resort workers discharged at the end of the season; was dropped for incompetence; was fired unjustly; a reporter sacked for revealing a confidential source. Read more: lay off, make redundant, let go What are the most common reasons for firing people? Which company departments are responsible for dismissing staff? How does the procedure for dismissing staff work? Can you think of any unusual ways to fire people? Suggested reading: RB, p 43 U r sacked

7 LABOUR RELATIONS or INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Employers vs. __________ Management vs. ___________ Management vs. unions: a) labour unions b) trade unions

8 LABOUR RELATIONS or INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Employers vs. employees Management vs. employees Management vs. unions: a) labour unions b) trade unions What are labour unions or trade unions? What do they do? What can they do when dissatisfied?

9 Trade / labour unions: 1. Negotiate over 3 main issues: F_ _ _wages R_ _ _ _ _able working hours S_ _ _ working conditions Collective bargaining

10 Trade / labour unions: 1. Negotiate over 3 main issues: Fair wages Reasonableworking hours Safe working conditions 2. Defend workers with individual grievances 3. Take industrial action: - strike, go-slow (slowdown), picketing, working-to-rule → RB, p 41: I & III, IV, II Collective bargaining

11 Provide opposites – labour market conditions 1.white-collar worker 2.permanent job 3.skilled worker 4.job security 5.flexible labour market 6.employment 7.upturn 8.economic recession 9.regulation 10.a growing gap 11.a widening gap 12.a reversible process 13.stability 14.stable

12 Ta-taaaa: white-collar worker permanent job skilled worker job security flexible labour market employment upturn economic recession regulation a growing gap a widening gap a reversible process stability stable blue-collar worker temporary job unskilled worker job instability stable labour market unemployment downturn economic recovery deregulation a decreasing gap a narrowing gap an irreversible process instability unstable → RB, p 42, 1b

13 RB, p 42 1c: Denis MacShane on trade unions (summary in note form): The role of unions: –Voice for the __________ of workers –P__________ & e_____________ role Govt. and companies should: –___________ unions –___________ unions as _________

14 Denis MacShane on trade unions: The role of unions: –voice for the interest of workers –political & economic role Govt. and companies should: –encourage unions –accept unions as partners Complete the sentences in ex. 2

15 MARKETING PRODUCTS AND BRANDS MARKETING ADVERTISING Xmas homework: - - b akalar / lignje / slane srdele / oborita riba???? - patka s mlincima / Tuka / Odojak - X-mas carolling - dobra volja - read: Products (MK p 60-61) & do exercises (pls. follow my instructions for unit PRODUCTS on the web)

16 We have our work cut out for us! January 2014: 8 Jan (Wed) – Products & Brands (checking)+ Intro to Business Correspondence & Applications 9 / 10 Jan (Thu/Fri) – Marketing – Enquiry (BC) 15 Jan (Wed) – Advertising - Complaint & Apology (BC) 16 / 17 Jan (Thu/Fri) – Backlog & practice 22 Jan (Wed) – Revision 23 Jan (Thu) – Revision 24 Jan (Fri) – 2nd progress test (12.00 & 13.00) From 27 Jan (Mon) - ORALS

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