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Imperialism. “a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.” ● 1800-1900's – Period of time where Industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism. “a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.” ● 1800-1900's – Period of time where Industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism

2 “a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.” ● 1800-1900's – Period of time where Industrial nations – mostly Europe and America – seize control of large sections of the earth by force ● Understanding imperialism can help to explain very much about the world – Tensions/ mistrust between states or countries – Why some regions of the world are underdeveloped and others are at very high levels of development – Allow recognition of modern forms of this practice and the ability to weigh the pros and cons




6 Why take over the world? "The strong do as they can and the weak suffer what they must." ● Imperialist nations want to grow in wealth, power and influence ● Industrial Revolution- Resources – Had created a demand for more consumer goods and industry – Industrial nations needed/wanted more resources like tin, rubber, oil other commodities

7 Why? ● Ind. Rev: Markets – Also created a large surplus of goods – US/Euro. Business interests wanted markets to sell surplus too ● Cheap labor – Eventually as wages rose in imperialist countries, colonies could be used as sources of cheap labor (they still are!)

8 How? ● Europe had developed the first machine gun – The Maxim Gun – “Whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gun and they have not” ● Well equipped ● armies – Ind. Rev.!

9 Africa ● Besides lack of tech. Africa lacked political unity ● A great diversity of languages continues to slow development in Africa

10 Steam power... ● Steam engines cut travel times enormously ● Made possible a world spanning empire- control and communication

11 Ideas that fueled Imperialism ● Charles Darwin had written his theories on natural selection in his book, On the Origin of Species, in 1859 – Social Darwinism was an attempt to apply Darwin's theories, incorrectly, to society – Herbert Spencer – popular “Social Darwinist”, argued that social progress comes from the struggle for survival ● Some rich people used this to explain their success and said the poor were just weak and lazy ● Extreme nationalists said nations/ countries were in a struggle for survival ● War was a way to rid society of the weak and unfit

12 Ideas that fueled Imperialism ● “The White Man's Burden” - pp. 658 – There was a popular sentiment that imperialist nations were helping the countries they conquered ● Bringing railroads, running water, education, western culture, Christianity ● Were all these things helpful? Were they all even actually offered? Not exactly..





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