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Bioenergetics and Glycolysis Getting the E out of C.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioenergetics and Glycolysis Getting the E out of C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioenergetics and Glycolysis Getting the E out of C

2 Overall Chemical Reaction For all of Cellular Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 ---  6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O Overall free energy = 687 kcal/mol or 3.8 kcal/g Not really that efficient (Stay tuned for the actual)

3 Energy Transfer follows thermodynamic laws Gibbs helmholtz ΔG = ΔH – TΔS Enthalpy Entropy –Remember ΔS universe > 0 is a spontaneous process Overall if ΔG < 0 the process is spontaneous ΔG = -RTlnK –Relates ΔG to equilibrium ΔG are additive State function Overall ΔG has to be – for a process to be spontaneous

4 Le Chatelier’s Principle and ΔG Remember Le Chatelier and affect on equilibrium –If one reaction has a positive ΔG, but the next reaction, which is in equilibrium has a negative ΔG, the first reaction can be pulled through –Many examples of this in glycolysis

5 ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate)

6 Hydrolysis of ATP ATP ------  ADP + Pi + 7.3 kcal

7 Energy from ATP hydrolysis 7.3 kcal /mol (30.5 kJ/mol for you SI nuts) Energy from: –Separation of negative charges –Increased entropy Phosphate now free…2 things instead of one –Resonance stabilization of phosphate

8 Other Energy sources Hydrolysis of thioester –Resonance stabilization of carboxylate –Energy released from group transfer, not simply hydrolysis –Coenzyme A (CoA) is an important thiol that forms thioesters

9 Coenzyme A

10 Redox Review: –Electron transfer reactions –Energy from electron transfer –Electrons typically transferred to a carrier NAD + + 2 e - + 2H + -  NADH + H + FAD + 2 e - + 2H + -  FADH 2 Electrons transferred later for ATP generation

11 NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)

12 Reduction of NAD + on Nicotinamide Ring

13 FAD (Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide)

14 Reduction of Flavin Ring on FAD

15 Glycolysis In Cytosol Anaerobic Breakdown of glucose to two pyruvate molecules –Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 Pi + 2 NAD + -  2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H + –C 6 H 12 O 6 + 2 ADP + 2 Pi + 2 NAD + -  2 C 3 H 3 O 3 - + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H +

16 Glycolysis

17 Hexokinase reaction Irreversible Kinase (phosphate transfer) -16.7kJ

18 Hexose phosphate isomerase reaction Keto-aldol isomerization –Glucose to fructose 1.7 kJ

19 Phosphofructokinase reaction Same as hexokinase reaction -14.2kJ Major point of regulation –Committed step –Stimulated by ADP and AMP –Inhibited by ATP and fatty acids

20 Aldolase Reaction Reverse aldol condensation 23.8kJ Makes 2 3-Carbon molecules

21 Triose phosphate isomerase Keto-enol isomerization (like hexose phosphate isomerase reaction) 7.5kJ Net is 2 glyceraldehyde – 3 – phosphate From now on each reaction times 2

22 Glyceraldehyde -3-phosphate dehydrogenase Oxidation coupled to phosphorylation Makes NADH 6.3kJ (remember X 2)

23 Phosphoglycerate Kinase Phosphate transfer –Substrate level phosphorylation Driven by stabilization of carboxylate -18.5kJ Pulls previous reactions through

24 Phosphoglycerate mutase Moves from 3 -  2 2 steps –Makes 2,3 –Removes 3 4.4kJ

25 enolase Makes unstable enol intermediate 7.5 kJ

26 Pyruvate kinase Last reaction….woohoo Substrate level phosphorylation Stabilization of enol -  keto -31.4kJ

27 Net products from Glycolysis (per glucose) 2 pyruvate 2 NADH 2 ATP Total energy = -61.3 kJ –Sum of energies

28 Fates of pyruvate

29 Fates of Pyruvate Depend on organism and conditions Yeast –Anaerobic Pyruvate decarboxylase Makes alcohol –Aerobic Makes acetyl CoA ---  energy or fat Others –Anaerobic LDH Makes lactate Sore muscles –Aerobic Acetyl Co A ---  energy or fat

30 Glycogen

31 Glycogenolysis

32 Glycogen breakdown Glycogen phosphorylase breaks down alpha 1,4 linkages –Makes glucose-1-phosphate –Enzyme changes to glucose-6-phosphate and enters glycolysis there Can’t break 1,6 linkages –Debranching enzyme breaks 1,6 (when 4 sugars away from branch) and adds to end –Glycogen phosphorylase takes over and breaks down the rest

33 Other sugars Fructose –Comes in at fructose-6-p and immediately phosphorylated Lipogenic…after branch to glycogen…makes acetyl CoA Lactose –Glucose and galactose Galactose –Epimerase turns into glucose-6-P and enters there

34 gluconeogenesis Making glucose from pyruvate –In liver –Uses same enzymes as glycolysis except where nonequilibrium reactions –Uses NADPH instead of NADH

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