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Perpetual Motion Machines ME 3322 Justin Scruggs.

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Presentation on theme: "Perpetual Motion Machines ME 3322 Justin Scruggs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perpetual Motion Machines ME 3322 Justin Scruggs

2 Definitions 2 Perpetual Motion – Movement that goes on forever Perpetual Motion Machine – Any closed system that produces more energy than it consumes Robert Fludd's “Water Screw“ 1618

3 Classifications 3 Perpetual Motion of the First Kind – Refers to machines whose efficiency is > 100% – Produces energy from nothing (“free energy”) – Violates First Law of Thermodynamics ∆E = Q - W - * (∆E) cycl = 0 + η = W cycl Q in

4 Classifications 4 Perpetual Motion of the Second Kind – Refers to machines which extract thermal energy from a single source and convert it into mechanical work – Violates Second Law of Thermodynamics W cycl < 0: Internal irreversibilities = 0: No internal irreversibilities Q cycl = W cycl - σ cycle

5 Classifications 5 Perpetual Motion of the Third Kind – Refers to machines in which all mechanisms by which energy is dissipated is eliminated (i.e. friction, air resistance, etc.) – Can be approximated but never achieved due to irreversibilities – In theory, if achieved, the machine is still limited by the First Law of Thermodynamics

6 The Overbalanced Wheel Idea – Initially thought longer lever arm on right would turn wheel Results – Larger # of weights on left side balanced out the torque 6

7 The Float Belt Idea – Initially thought that floaters would rise through liquid and turn belt Results – Pushing floaters into liquid at bottom required more energy 7

8 The Capillary Bowl Idea – The capillary action would keep the water flowing in the tube Results – Force from mass of water was larger than the force generated by the capillary action 8

9 The Magnetic Motor Idea – Utilize a shield to block magnetic field in desired locations to create a couple on armature Results – The field due to the symmetric array of outer magnets is zero at the center 9

10 Sources – Perpetual Motion – Perpetual Motion – The Museum of Unworkable Devices 10

11 Questions??? 11

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