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The Word Within the Word

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Presentation on theme: "The Word Within the Word"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Word Within the Word
Stem Lesson 2 Part 1 (stems 26-40)

2 Sentence example: England is, or once was, ruled by a monarchy.
meaning: government Sentence example: England is, or once was, ruled by a monarchy.

3 Clue Words: monarchy, hierarchy, anarchy, matriarchal, patriarchal

4 Anarchy Absence of governmental control

5 Sentence example: The dullard was always boring everyone to tears.
meaning: always Sentence example: The dullard was always boring everyone to tears.

6 Clue Words: drunkard, coward, braggart, laggard, dullard, sluggard

7 Sluggard A lazy person

8 28. cide meaning: kill Sentence example: In killing his father, Oedipus was guilty of patricide.

9 Clue Words: herbicide, homicide, matricide, suicide, regicide, genocide, fratricide

10 Genocide Mass killings, i.e. extermination of a particular race or sect

11 Sentence example: Mustafa is an electronic technician.
meaning: specialist Sentence example: Mustafa is an electronic technician.

12 Clue Words: technician, musician, beautician, physician, statistician, clinician

13 Physician A medical doctor

14 meaning: inflammation
30. itis meaning: inflammation Sentence example: The dermatitis on his skin was painful and unpleasant.

15 Clue Words: appendicitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, dermatitis

16 Arthritis Joint inflammation

17 31. aqua meaning: water Sentence example: Balthazar, the scuba diver, collects aquatic species.

18 Clue Words: aquarium, aquatic, aquaplane, aqueduct, semiaquatic, aquifer, aquaman

19 Aqueduct A man-made channel for water

20 Sentence example: The deaf moose had an injured auditory nerve.
meaning: hear Sentence example: The deaf moose had an injured auditory nerve.

21 Clue Words: audiophile, audience, audition, auditory, audiometer, audit

22 Audiophile Someone passionate about sound quality

23 33. bell meaning: war Sentence example: Belligerent nations gain nothing from their many wars.

24 Clue Words: bellicose, belligerent, rebel, rebellion

25 Belligerent Aggressively hostile

26 Sentence example: The hostile island tribe captured captives.
meaning: take Sentence example: The hostile island tribe captured captives.

27 Clue Words: capture, captive, captor, captivate, captivity, caption, capsule

28 Captivate To hold someone’s interest

29 35. cise meaning: cut Sentence example: The design was incised into the oaken door with a knife.

30 Clue Words: excise, incisors, incision, precise, concise, decision

31 Incision A cut

32 36. bio meaning: life Sentence example: Biomorphic abstract sculpture resembles living shapes.

33 Clue Words: biography, biology, biomorphic, biochemistry, biogenesis

34 Biography A written account of someone’s life

35 37. auto meaning: self Sentence example: The general wrote a tedious autobiography about his exploits.

36 Clue Words: autobiography, automobile, autograph, automatic, autocracy

37 Autocracy Unlimited power by one person

38 Sentence example: The porter will carry your bags to the train.
meaning: carry Sentence example: The porter will carry your bags to the train.

39 Clue Words: transport, import, report, porter, deport, important, portly

40 Portly stout

41 Sentence example: Please inscribe my yearbook.
meaning: write Sentence example: Please inscribe my yearbook.

42 Clue Words: scribble, inscribe, scribe, describe, conscription, transcribe, ascribe

43 Inscribe To mark a surface with words

44 Sentence example: Since he loved insects, he studied entomology.
meaning: science Sentence example: Since he loved insects, he studied entomology.

45 Clue Words: biology, anthropology, geology, entomology, mythology

46 Mythology The study of myths, i.e. supernatural stories that explain a culture’s beliefs/ values

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