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Alex II and Alex III- revision

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1 Alex II and Alex III- revision

2 Sample Essay Titles Compare and contrast the policies of Alexander II ( ) and Alexander III ( ) of Russia. For what reasons, and with what results, did Alexander II try to reform Russian institutions? Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century. Alexander II tried to reform Russian institutions only because the Crimean War showed that Russia was no longer a great military power.” Use specific examples of Alexander’s reforms to show to what extent you agree with this assertion. Last Specific focus on Foreign Policy question was in 2001 Despite his apparently liberal policies, Alexander II was just as conservative as Alexander III.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? REFORM VS REACTION REFORM OF RUSSIAN INSTITUTIONS

3 Aim for a thematic approach
Make sure you know how much Alex II and Alex III reformed Russian institutions- this can then help you do compare / contrast or success / failure.

4 Alex II Key phrase often used in exam questions is the ‘reform of Russian institutions’ be sure to state what they are- (army, judiciary, education, local government, serfdom) this then sets up a thematic approach to the essay. Any essay on Alex II domestic policy should deal with the Emancipation of the Serfs. Alex II as ‘Tsar Liberator’- again use the institutions and particularly the Emancipation of the Serfs. “The emancipation of the serfs in Russia was the only genuine reform introduced by Alexander II.” To what extent do you agree with this assertion?- again you would start with Serfdom and then move onto other institutions

5 Alex III Key phrase often used is ‘reaction / counter reform’- be clear to explain this. How far was he a reactionary? He did make some reforms

6 Tsar Liberator? Recognised that reform needed to come ‘from above’ to avoid forces of change from below. Impact of defeat in the Crimean War. Serfdom was inefficient- economic reasons for emancipation (1861). Emancipation of the Serfs- ‘state engineering’- broke the feudal contract- the Mir system was strengthened- some local autonomy for peasants- more freedom of movement for peasants/ rise of a new ‘class’ of peasant- BUT redemption payments tied peasants to the land- Mir exercised control over the peasants in the same way the gentry had/ Civil disturbances

7 Emancipation- views Moral improvement Great step forward for Russia
Decline in the overall size of peasants land holding Opportunity missed by Alex to reform further due to his commitment to Autocracy

8 Other reforms – for revision
Admin / Govt– setting up of the ZEMSTVA – rural local councils – ‘local initiative- local government for the people- but still dominated by the nobility. JUDICIARY- reforms dealt with various abuses of law- dealt with corruption within justice system. Trial by jury / Public trials. Pay for judges. Police / Judge role redefined. MILITARY- Milyutin’s reforms- training of officers / Military Code- response to Crimean defeat. Conscription / Education of soliders- overall failure with defeats in 1904 / 1917 EDUCATION- zemstva controlled rather than the church- ‘liberalisation’ of education- women / class / curriculum choice- university independence. NOTE OVERALL INFLUENCE OF ARISTOCRACY WHICH LIMITS SCALE OF REFORMS

9 BUT…. To what extent was he a reformer?
Autocracy- reforms made to ensure its survival. Nobility still had great influence in Russian institutions. Radical in the context of Tsarism- but not enough. Reforms gave rise to political consciousness. Ultimately Alex II reliant upon repression to uphold the regime.

10 Alex III- the Reactionary
Personality- assassination of Father- - western style govt not ‘Russian’. Wanted to rule as an autocrat- ‘Black Tsar’. High levels of repression- formation of Okhrana. High levels of censorship. Attempts to ‘turn back the clock’ on the reform of Russian institutions Controls on judiciary- justice of peace (volost) abolished- replaced with Land Captains- nobility influence again. ‘In camera’ trials allowed. Crimes against state officials heard without a jury Zemstva came under the control of the Ministry of the Interior Education- women denied access to higher courses. Fees increased. Church influence over primary schools increased.

11 But…. there were reforms
1883 Peasants Land Bank- loans to peasants. Abolition of poll tax 1886 1885 Nobles’ Land Bank 1882 Child Labour Laws- working hours

12 Policy of Russification- key features
Emphasis on Russian language, culture, religion and identity. Use of the education system to support this. Conscription into the army. Closure of Jewish schools Pogroms- attacks on Jewish businesses / property. 1882 ‘Provisional Rules’ measures to restrict the civil rights of Jews- e.g. no right of appeal in court.

13 Task Reasons and results of Alex II reform of Russian institutions
Reasons and results of Alex III’s counter reforms.

14 Compare and contrast- thematic structure
Personality. Attitude towards autocracy. Attitude towards reform of Russian institutions. Attitude towards opposition groups. Foreign Policy. Use of repression / Russification

15 Alex II and Alex II- compare and contrast
Comparison Contrast

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