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Presentation on theme: "MAY 30-31, 2012 STUDENT ASSISTANT TRAINING. ICE BREAKER Dr. Nagel."— Presentation transcript:



3 PAPERWORK NEEDS Pre-Employment screening form to HR Complete W-9 and drop off at B-2040

4 PAYMENT PROCESS Paid through GGC Foundation, not GGC No taxes taken out No direct deposit Check mailed to the address on staff application or can pick up from B-3200 Office of Ed Tech Reimbursement requests done End of Session 1 End of Session 3 Could take up to 2 weeks to process

5 DOCUMENTING HOURS One sheet per week in a notebook Sign in no more than 5 minutes before your scheduled start time Sign out no more than 15 minutes after your scheduled end time HR says you cannot work more than 19 hours per week Break policy Working 7 or more hours? Unpaid 30 min lunch break Working 4-6 hours? Paid 15 min break. Check with faculty member on duty to schedule


7 R espectful R espectful To instructors and student assistants To other campers R esponsible R esponsible For equipment and materials For your behavior and language R eflective R eflective Think before asking or telling Consider input of others 3 R’S OF CAMPER EXPECTATIONS

8 Respect the property and feelings of fellow summer camp students, teachers and student assistants as well as all others not directly associated with summer camp. Always act in a manner that will promote a classmate’s opportunity to learn. Have a positive attitude about learning and involvement at summer camp. Politely communicate any concerns directly to summer camp teachers or student assistants. No “horseplay” of any kind will be tolerated. Students are representatives of Georgia Gwinnett during their involvement with the summer camp programs. No weapons of any kind are permitted on the Georgia Gwinnett campus. This includes guns, knives, switchblades, pocketknives, and any other instruments that could be used as weapons. Any student who brings a weapon to summer camp will be dismissed from the program immediately. A student who violates any of these rules will be immediately dismissed from the summer program. SPECIFICALLY …

9 Students should not bring any valuables (including electronic equipment, video games, or toys/sports equipment) to camp with them. We cannot guarantee the security of valuables, and we would not want to see anyone’s summer camp experience ruined by the loss of some special item(s). For similar reasons students should not bring money to camp with them. VALUABLES POLICY

10 Cell phones … NOT during camp, not even texting Internet Access NOT during camp, unless instructor directs you to a specific site Instructional sessions, 3 Rs – Respectful, Responsible, Reflective Exploring on your own … NOT during camp, stay with your group Moving between activities Classes are in session, walk quietly WHAT ABOUT …

11 First time: Verbal warning Second time: Share with Faculty on duty Third time: Document. Share with Faculty on duty Your Questions???? Your Questions???? IF THERE’S A PROBLEM…

12 WEDNESDAY GROUPS Lori & David – Game Salad Meet with Dr. Xu in H-1139, Physics and Int. Sci Lab, 1 – 2 pm Marcus – App Inventor Accounts Verify old Tech Camp accounts will work List of accounts to check

13 WED - TOUR GUIDES Justin & Trent Document route for Academic Campus Tour on Monday. Must go to green screen room, C-2150. What stories or tips will you share along the way? Document route for Student Activities Tour on Friday. Student Center touch screen, Game room viewing, Mail room, Model dorm, Intramural fields What stories or tips will you share along the way? Document rainy day backup plan Account for student with broken leg in Session 2 (either wheelchair or crutches)

14 WED - TECH ENRICHMENT Robert & Angela You will need to lead a small group of 2-4 students in a technology-related activity for 15 minutes For ideas, check out We’ve done these two successfully. Binary game Magic trick You can pick one of those or a different one. Once you’ve picked the activity, practice on the other student assistants

15 WED - SCAVENGER HUNT Victor & Haley Pick locations for students to go; make up instructions to get to the next location (what question to ask at each location? Answer to this question) Think about how a QR code could be used: Examples: Clue to the next location Question to be answered at the current location Video of some task to do at the current location (e.g., take a teamwork related picture, etc.)

16 THURSDAY, MAY 31 App Inventor, 2 – 3 pm, Rick Price, Victor & Haley, H1139 LEGO Mindstorms, 3 – 4 pm, Seung Yang, Victor & Marcus, H1139 Scratch, Robert and Lori get together Everyone else Finish the assignment from the first day If you’re done, document “back pocket activities” if you have 15 minutes of spare time (e.g., “Minute to Win it”, other games)

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