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Assisted Technology For those students who are challenged with Executive Function and Auditory Processing Disorder or are just organizationally challenged.

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Presentation on theme: "Assisted Technology For those students who are challenged with Executive Function and Auditory Processing Disorder or are just organizationally challenged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assisted Technology For those students who are challenged with Executive Function and Auditory Processing Disorder or are just organizationally challenged.

2 UDL  When working with students who are living with Executive Functioning and Auditory processing it is important to utilized tools that will enable them to be successful and learn life skills that will happen once they enter the workforce. The information on the following slides is to help you the teacher, find resources and tools to help these students succeed.

3 Executive Functioning Disorder  The official definition: The executive functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one’s resources in order to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for the neurologically-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation  122/ 122/

4 8 Characteristics of EFD  Working Memory  Planning  Organization  Self-Monitoring  Initiation  Shift  Emotional Control  Inhibition

5 Resources    LD online LD online

6 Auditory Processing Disorder  Official definition: Auditory Processing Disorder (formerly called Central Auditory Processing Disorder or CAPD) is really an umbrella term that describes various sub-types of disordered auditory processing in a child or an adult. A person with disordered processing has normal (or near-normal) hearing, as measured on a hearing test, but does not seem to "hear well" or understand what is heard. Hearing and understanding may be inconsistent. Processing of sound is disordered in the pathways from the auditory (hearing) nerve through the brainstem and higher auditory pathways in the brain  ACENTA ACENTA

7 Facts  Only 5% of school age children have Auditory Processing Disorder  It is an Auditory Problem and not the result of other types of deficits

8 Symptoms  Difficulty differentiating between sounds  Difficulty understanding speech in noisy settings  Difficulty in following directions  Sometimes will ask for repetition or clarification as if hearing loss is present  May have difficulty in classroom with reading, spelling, math, logic or verbal instructions

9 Resources    LD online LD online  National coalition of Auditory Processing Disorders National coalition of Auditory Processing Disorders

10 Diagnosis  Both Executive Function and Auditory Processing Disorders are established through thorough diagnostic testing.  When planning interventions for this type of student it is important to have a multi- disciplinary team in place.

11 Assisted Technology  There are many kinds of assisted technology devices that can be used to help students who are challenged by these disorders or symptoms.  low tech and high tech options available

12 Low Tech  Low cost  Easy to use  Effective

13 Low Tech Items  Colored Text Book Covers  Colored Binders  Colored Notebook Dividers  Colored Post It Notes  Paper Calendars and Agendas  Dry Erase Boards  Kitchen Timer or Timer on Microwave  Graphic Organizers or Boards

14 High Tech  There are many high tech options available currently available on the market varying in price from free on up.  For the purpose of this training we will be looking at devices that help with organization and school work

15 High Tech Devices for Organization  Online Calendars – Free  Online List Makers – Free  Cell Phones or Smart Phones – built in calendars and timers  Online Graphic Organizers

16 Resources   Holt interactive Holt interactive  Tools for reading and writing Tools for reading and writing

17 High Tech Devices for Note Taking and Reading  Digital Recording Devices  LiveScribe Pen  Flash Card Programs  Alpha Smart  Electronic Readers  Reading Pen

18 Resources  Alpha smart – for writing Alpha smart  note taking  Reading Pens – for reading text Reading Pens

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