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Mrs. Peloso Earned my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Albright College Earned my master’s degree in Special Education from LaSalle University.

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2 Mrs. Peloso Earned my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Albright College Earned my master’s degree in Special Education from LaSalle University Have been teaching for six years; four years in Council Rock and two years in another Pennsylvania school district

3 8:50-9:10 9:10-9:20 9:20-10:10 10:10-11:00 Homeroom Morning Meeting Math Specials

4 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:10 12:10-1:10 1:10-2:50 2:50-3:30 Snack/IDR Social Studies Recess/Lunch Reading/Writing Science

5 Monday: Art Tuesday: Gym Wednesday: Computers Thursday: Music Friday: Library **5 th grade chorus will be held on Fridays from 2:30-3:20

6 Scott Foresman Addison Wesley enVision Spiral curriculum, building on what was learned in fourth grade Access to the book can be found on my website (great to look at if ever absent) Nightly homework will be the practice book pages Enrichment/review packets for each topic An overview of the 5 th grade math curriculum can be found on my webpage

7 RELA Curriculum Overview We will continue with the Journeys program as this is Council Rock’s core reading and writing program Journeys program:  Reading comprehension  Fluency  Decoding  Target vocabulary and strategies  Writing  Spelling  Grammar Access to Think Central is located on my webpage

8 We switch for science each marking period Peloso: Ecosystems Antonelli: Matter Kaehler/Bonilla/Gensbauer: Mixtures and Solutions Gudusky/Quinn: Microworlds

9 We focus on four main areas of study this year: 1.U.S. government 2.Geography 3.Exploration 4.Colonial Times

10 Here is what you can expect on a nightly basis: Math practice sheet (Monday-Thursday) Optional packets are available for each topic, due day of topic test Reading (20 minutes a night) Weekly spelling

11 Homework policy: The first time your child misses an assignment they will receive a warning and have to complete it for the next day After two missed assignments in one subject area I will contact you Assignments books only need to be signed if missing homework becomes an issue

12 Communication Weekly Newsletter/Test Folders:  All assessments will be sent home in purple test folders. I ask that you just date and sign paper in the folder acknowledging you saw the assessments  Weekly newsletters will be posted on my website to keep you updated and informed of what we are learning and any important dates Homeroom Coordinators:  Mrs. Rannie (Addie’s mother) Mrs. Bernstein (Jillian’s mother)

13 School-wide Positive Behavioral Support System (SPBSS) Four Themes  Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation and Sportsmanship Positive: Knights honor Consequences: Restorative Agreements

14 Healthy Snack Wednesdays If you are willing to provide a healthy snack for our class of 23 kids, we would appreciate it! Please sign up tonight! It does not have to be fancy, SIMPLER is BETTER! Think: Raw Fruits and/or Veggies! Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to your child’s health! WE ARE A PEANUT FREE CLASS! PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ANY FOODS CONTAINING NUTS!

15 Remember to… 1.Sign up for conferences, healthy snack, College settlement luggage loaders 2. Jot a note to your child on the back of their letter and fill out how well do you know your child 3.College Settlement presentation in the cafeteria at 8:15 4.PSSA results…please take them home tonight! 5.Index cards

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