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Types of Government. Aristotle’s 3 types of government O Autocracy—rule by one person O Oligarchy—rule by few persons O Democracy—rule by many persons.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Government. Aristotle’s 3 types of government O Autocracy—rule by one person O Oligarchy—rule by few persons O Democracy—rule by many persons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Government

2 Aristotle’s 3 types of government O Autocracy—rule by one person O Oligarchy—rule by few persons O Democracy—rule by many persons

3 3 types of government AutocracyOligarchyDemocracy *All power rest with one person *Small group holds power *The people rule— either directly or representatively Examples: dynastic kings and emperors Examples: Roman Republic, Communist China Examples: Athens (Greece), USA Last true autocrats were the czars of Russia (1918) Oligarchies get power through wealth, social position, or military power Direct : all citizens vote on all issues Representative: people elect others to conduct gov’t

4 Republic Democracy O Head of state is not a king or queen O Representative democracy O Not everyone can vote

5 Characteristics of Democracy O Individual liberty O When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. -Thomas Jefferson

6 Characteristics of Democracy O Majority Rule with Minority Rights

7 Characteristics of Democracy O Free Elections O “one person, one vote” O All candidates can express their views freely O Citizens are free to support issues O Legal requirements to vote are kept to a minimum O Secret ballot voting

8 Characteristics of Democracy O Competing Political Parties O Give voters a choice O Focus voters on the issues O “loyal opposition”

9 Essential Elements for a Democracy O Citizen participation: informed, participate in the process, vote, and serve on juries O A Favorable Economy: the more wealth one has, the more they become involved in the government O Widespread Education: “If an elective Republic is to endure for any great length of time, every elector must have sufficient information…” –Thaddeus Stevens 1835

10 Essential Elements for a Democracy O A Strong Civil Society: private, nongovernmental society O Examples: American Red Cross, Humane Society, National Rifle Association, churches, labor unions, etc. O A Social Consensus: people must generally agree about the purpose and limits of government

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