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OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE MAY’12 MonthCarried TonnageMonthly Traffic projection based on ATP Variation % (Over 2011 – 12) 2012-132011-12 For May 0.350.210.3567%

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1 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE MAY’12 MonthCarried TonnageMonthly Traffic projection based on ATP Variation % (Over 2011 – 12) 2012-132011-12 For May 0.350.210.3567% Cumula tive – till May 0.740.490.7451% Tonnage - MT

2 COMMODITY-WISE LOADING – FOR THE MONTH OF MAY’12 ParticularsCarried Tonnage 2012-13 Carried Tonnage 2011-12 Variation Over CommodityMay’12Apr’12- May’12 May’11Apr’11- May’11 Las t Yr May’11 Last Yr Apr’11-May’12 Iron Ore/ Export Domestic Total 0.00 0.42 0.00 1.95 0% -100% 0% 100% -100% Cement0.961.890.500.7693%147% Fertilizer0.300.500.601.01-50%-51% Food Grains0.110.400.100.298%40% LPG/POL0.300.500.280.467%9% Coal1.643.840.190.34768%1028% Gypsum0. Iron Sheet/Wood 0.00 0.030%-100% Auto/Cont0.00 0% Total3.487.412.134.92 Tonnage in Lakhs

3 COMMODITY-WISE REVENUE – FOR THE MONTH OF MAY’12 ParticularsGross Revenue 2012-13 Gross Revenue 2011-12 Variation % Over CommodityMay’12Apr’12- May’12 May’11Apr’11- May’11 Las t Yr May’11 Last Yr Apr’11-May’12 Iron Ore/ Export Domestic Total 0.00 1.08 0.00 5.02 0% -100% 0% -100% Cement2.735.341.101.65149%223% Fertilizer0.681.100.991.73-31%-36% Food Grains0.230.720.150.4051%82% LPG/POL1.111.811.041.757%4% Coal4.3510.170.370.661085%1436% Gypsum0.430.750.080.17419%351% Iron Sheet/Wood 0.00 0.070%-100% Auto/Cont0. TOTAL9.5319.934.8011.45 ` - Crores

4 Commodity wise Net Revenue ParticularMay 2012May 2011Net Rev CommodityGross Reve O&M Cost `. 150.69/T Net Reve Gross Reve O&M Cost `.175.26/T Net Reve Varation % Iron Ore/ Export Domestic 0.00 1.08 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.35 0% -100% Cement2.731.451.281.100.880.22492% Fertilizer0.680.460.220.991.05-0.06-435% Food Grains LPG/POL1.110.460.651.040.500.5421% Coal4.352.471.880.370.330.044945% Gypsum0.430. Iron Sheet/ Wood 0.00 0% Auto/Cont0. 0% TOTAL9.535.254.284.803.741.06 ` - Crores

5 Commodity wise Gross & Net Revenue (Per Tonne) Particular May 2012May 2011 Net Rev CommodityGross Rev O&M Cost /T Net Rev Gross Rev O&M Cost /T Net RevVaration % Iron Ore Export Domestic 0000 0000 0000 0 259 0 175 0 84 0% -100% Cement 28315113221917544201% Fertilizer 22415173164175-11-761% Food Grains 20115150143175-32-257% LPG/POL 36415121336517519012% Coal 26515111519417519497% Gypsum 27615112621817543191% Iron Sheet /Wood 0000000% Auto/Cont 6801515290000% Amt - `

6 Operating Ratio for the month of May 2012 May 2012April 2012 – May 2012 Gross Revenue9.5319.93 Total Income9.5319.93 Operating Expenses O&M Costs (Inc of Def. OH)6.6814.36 Administrative Expenses0.070.14 Depreciation2.835.66 Total Expenses (i)9.5820.16 Operating Ratio (%)100%101% Cost of Maintenance works (ii)0.00 Total Expenses (I) + (II)9.5820.16 Operating Ratio (Cumulative)100%101% Surplus/Deficit-0.05-0.22 Surplus %-0.53%-1.13% ` - Crores NOTE : In O&M costs, cost of fuel is calculated as per service & direction wise

7 COST OF FUEL (SERVICE WISE/ DIRECTION WISE) for May’12 Cost of Fuel From April ’12 – May’12 – 6.31 Cr ParticularsNo of WagonsCost of Fuel ` - Crores Total ` - Crores Wagon TypeUPDNUPDNUP + DN BCN Load62316350.360.350.71 BOXN Load27001.24 BTPG Load5840.32 BTPN Load2040.09 BLCA/BFKN Load450.01 BCNHL Ld58 BOXN Empty21800.14 BTPG Empty5870.12 BTPN Empty7610.12 BLCA/BFKN Empty450.01 BRN Empty90400.01 Cost of Fuel of CLE + Other (UP+DN)0.02 TOTAL430453062.060.752.83 Cost of Lube Oil + Others0.18 TOTAL3.01

8 Line Capacity Utilization for the month of May’12 : DirectionLoadedEmptiesTotal No of Trains * CLE * Others Total UP Trains8538857 (77) 7 (18) 267 Down Trains4471115 12974203577267 Permissible Capacity : 240 Utilized : 267 Percentage of Utilization : 111% Percentage of Utilization Loaded : 54% Engine Hour Cost : 52.32 Lakhs NOTE: * Moved between SKLR-SBHR-SKLR

9 WAGON DAYS – MAY 2012 No of Days Total UPDown Actual316726625829 Abnormal Detention 8652821147 Rate per Day in terms of 8 wheeler : ` 967.75 Wagon Hire Charges (Actual) : ` 56.41 Lakhs Wagon Hire Charges for Abnormal : ` 11.10 Lakhs Detention (Avoidable) * Abnormal Detention : Time taken for completing the journey > 15 Hrs

10 Details of Payments Received from Mysore Division after adjusting O&M Costs MonthsDue DateActual date of Receipt Amount Rs - Cr Prov. PayFinal Pay(Prov Pay) April ’1205.05.1231.05.1202.06.124.22 May ’1205.06.1230.06.12

11 Details of Payments made by HMRDC to SWR ParticularsFor the month of May’12 To the End (Crores) Contractual payment for maintenance works (Provisional bill from --) ---------

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