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Presentation on theme: "UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Dr. B. Nagamalleswara Rao Professor & Head DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ROOFTOP RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM(RRHS) FOR D-BLOCK OF."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Dr. B. Nagamalleswara Rao Professor & Head DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ROOFTOP RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM(RRHS) FOR D-BLOCK OF VNRVJIET CAMPUS By G.Sandhya Rani (10071A0174) J.Sai Kiran (10071A0176) K.Sravan kumar (10071A0185) Department of Civil Engineering VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering &Technology, Bachupally, Nizampet (S.O), Hyderabad-500090, AP B.Rani (11075A0117) M.Mahesh (11075A0124)


3 1.INTRODUCTION Water is the most common or major substance on earth, covering more than 70% of the planets surface. The total amount of water on earth remains constant. The rapid growth in population together with industrial development, are putting stress on the natural ecosystems. Water supply mainly depends on the natural water bodies likes lakes and artificial water bodies like reservoirs etc. Due to the Urbanisation and rapid growth in the population many lakes has been lost and the majority of the present were polluted. This results in the imbalance of demand and supply of water. To overcome supply shortages, many households, businesses and industries fall back on groundwater reserves. The number of bore wells increased.

4 1.INTRODUCTION This is leading to the fall in the ground water table. One possible strategy could be the usage of rainwater in order to overcome the shortage of water. Rain water harvesting means to make optimum use of rain water at the place where it falls i.e. conserve it and not allowing it to drain away. The water can be used as drinking water, water for livestock, water for irrigation or to refill aquifers in a process called ground water recharge. The rainwater falling on roof of residential buildings and institutions can be an important contribution to the availability of water.

5 Hydrological cycle

6 ABSTRACT Roof water harvesting is being widely promoted as a panacea for the growing drinking water crisis in India and many underdeveloped and developing countries. This project analyzes the scope, physical feasibility and economic viability of roof water harvesting systems. The economic viability as a supplementary source of domestic water supply seems to be poor in urban areas, when compared to augmenting the supplies from the existing public systems. The incredibly low rates charged for domestic supplies by urban water utilities and government subsidies for RWHS would not only lead to the urban elite increasing their access to water supplies, while the burden on water utilities would remain unchanged. This will lead to greater inequities in access to water supplies. At the same time, in rural areas with dispersed populations and hilly areas, RWHS may be economically viable as a supplementary source to already existing public water supply schemes. 6

7 2.OBJECTIVES Design of rain water harvesting system components. Implementation of rain water harvesting system in D Block of VNRVJIET campus Cost benefit analysis

8 3. LITERATURE REVIEW  ANIL AGARWAL (2013): Manual on Urban Rainwater Harvesting “Catch Water Where it Falls”  KIRAN. A, NIKHIL. T, R HARISH, J KULKARNI (2012): Harvested Rain Water for Drinking- Research Paper.  ROHITASHW KUMAR, THAMAN S, AGRAWAL G. and SHARMA POONAM(2011): Rain Water Harvesting and Ground Water Recharging in North Western Himalayan Region for Sustainable Agricultural Productivity- Research Paper.  M. DINESH KUMAR, ANKIT PATEL(2005) : Rainwater Harvesting in the Water-scarce Regions of India potential and Pitfalls-Research paper  ACHAYRA, B. P. (2004). Managing Water Sector Institution - HMWSSB Experience (Presentation). Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Hyderabad.  SIVARAMAN, K.R. & THILLAI GOVINDARAJAN S.. (2003), Manual on Rainwater Harvesting. Chennai, Akash Ganga.  ARIYABANDU R. D. S. (2003). Very-Low-Cost Domestic Roof Water Harvesting in the Humid Tropics: Its Role in Water Policy. Sri Lanka Domestic Roofwater Harvesting Research Programme.

9 4. METHODOLOGY Collection of the building data. Collection of rainfall data of past 10 years. Design of RWHS components Implementation

10 COMPONENTS OF RWHS 10 Roof Catchment Drain pipes Down pipes First Flush Pipe Storage Tank Recharge Pit Drain Pipe Storage tank Down pipe First Flush Pipe

11 DESIGN OF RWHS COMPONENTS 1.Roof catchment 2.Calculation of Volume of Runoff 3.Design of Rectangular Storage Tank 4.Design of Conduits 5.Design of Recharge Pit 11

12 DESIGN OF RWHS 1.Roof catchment: The area of the roof from which the rain water is collected. The total roof area of D block = 2351 m 2 12


14 DESIGN OF RWHS Area of catchment = 2351 m 2 Annual average rainfall = 887 mm = 0.887m Runoff co-efficient = 0.85 Volume of runoff = area of catchment x annual average rainfall x runoff co-efficient = 2351 x 0.887 x 0.85 = 1773 m 3 /yr 14 2.Calculation of Volume of Runoff:

15 DESIGN OF RWHS Average value of highest rainfall in rainy days = 94mm =0.094m Volume of Runoff = 2351 x 0.094 x 0.85 = 188 m 3 /day For economical design considering half of the discharge as volume of tank Volume of tank = 94 m 3 15

16 DESIGN OF RWHS Assume depth of tank = 2m Area of tank = volume of the tank/depth = 94/2 = 47m 2 = 50m 2 (approx.) Taking Length: Breadth ratio as 2:1 L = 2B 2B x B = 50 B = 5m L = 10m 16 3.Design of Rectangular Storage Tank: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN METERS Storage Tank

17 EXISTING PIPE DETAILS S.NoDiameter (mm) No of PipesLength of Pipe (m) 1110422.00 2110221.77 3140121.34 4150121.40 5150121.37 6150114.64 7150111.00 17

18 DESIGN OF RWHS Taking diameter of pipe = 110mm = 0.11m Average value of highest rainfall in rainy days = 94mm =0.094m Taking number of pipes = 10 Volume of water that can be discharged through 10 pipes = 2351×0.094×0.85 = 188 m 3 /day Volume of water that can be discharged through each pipe = 188/10 = 18.8m 3 /day = 2.17×10 -4 m 3 /sec 4.Design of Conduits:

19 DESIGN OF RWHS The recharge pit is designed for one third of discharge Volume of recharge pit = 62m 3 Assuming depth of recharge pit = 3m Area of the recharge pit = 62/3 = 20 m 2 Taking Length: Breadth ratio as 2:1 L = 2B 2B x B = 20 B = 3.2m L = 6.4m 19 5.Design of Recharge Pit: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM

20 ESTIMATION & COSTING Storage Tank Earth Work Excavation Length of excavation Width of excavation Depth of excavation Total volume of excavation Cement Concrete in Foundation Length at sides Width at sides = 10 +(0.3/2) + (0.3/2) = 10.3 m = 5 - (0.3/2) -(0.3/2) = 4.7 m = 2 + 0.3 + 0.3 = 2.6 m = Length x Width x Depth = 10.3 x 4.7 x 2.6 = 125.86 m 3 = 10 + (0.3/2) + (0.3/2) = 10.3 m = 5 -(0.3/2) - (0.3/2)= 4.7 m 20

21 Depth of layer Total volume of cement concrete in foundation Brick Work (Long wall & Short wall Method) Taking width of wall 30cm we get Long wall length Short wall length Long wall quantity Short wall quantity Total quantity = 0.3 m = Length x Width x Depth = 10.3 x 4.7 x 0.3 = 14.523 m 3 = 10 +(0.3/2) +(0.3/2) = 10.3 m = 5 -(0.3/2) -(0.3/2) = 4.7 m = 2 x 10.3 x 0.3 x 2 = 12.36 m 3 = 2 x 4.7 x 0.3 x 2 = 5.64 m 3 = 12.36 + 5.64 = 18.00 m 3 21

22 Plastering Work Plastering on length side Plastering on width side Plastering on flooring Total area of plastering R.C.C Work for Slab Length of Slab Width of Slab Depth of slab Total Quantity = 2 x 10 x 2 = 40 m 2 = 2 x 5 x 2 = 20 m 2 = 10 x 5 = 50 m 2 = 40 + 20 + 50 = 110 m 2 = 10 m = 5 m = 0.15 m = Length x Width x Depth = 10 x 5 x 0.15 = 7.5 m 3 22

23 Recharge Pit Earth Work Excavation Length of excavation Width of excavation Depth of excavation Total volume of excavation Brick Work (Long wall & Short wall Method) Taking width of wall 30cm we get Long wall length Short wall length = 6.1 +(0.3/2) +(0.3/2) = 6.4 m = 2.9 -(0.3/2) -(0.3/2) = 2.6 m = 2 m = Length x Width x Depth = 6.4 x 2.6 x 2= 33.28 m 3 = 6.1 + (0.3/2) +(0.3/2) = 6.4 m = 2.9 -(0.3/2) -(0.3/2) = 2.6 m 23

24 Long wall quantity Short wall quantity Total quantity Plastering Work Plastering on length side Plastering on width side Total area of plastering = 2 x 6.4 x 0.3 x 2 = 7.68 m 3 = 2 x 2.6 x 0.3 x 2 = 3.12 m 3 = 7.68 + 3.12 = 10.80 m 3 = 2 x 6.4 x 2 = 25.6 m 2 = 2 x 2.6 x 2.82 = 10.4 m 2 = 25.6 + 10.4 = 36 m 2 24

25 ESTIMATION OF MATERIALS Storage Tank (1:2:4) Cement Concrete in Foundation Total Volume Volume Add 25% for Wastage Cement Sand Coarse Aggregate Brick Work Total Volume For 1 m 3 number of bricks For 18 m 3 number of bricks = 14.523 m 3 = 14.523/1+2+4 = 2.07 m 3 = 2.07 + 0.25 x 2.07 = 2.593 m 3 = 2.593 m 3 = 75 Bags = 2.593 x 2 = 5.186 m 3 = 2.593 x 4 = 10.373 m 3 = 18 m 3 = 500 = 18 x 500 = 9000 25

26 Wet Volume Add 25% for Wastage Net Volume Cement Sand Plastering Total Area (12 mm Thick) Wet Mix Mortar Add 30% for Filling Joints Increase 25% by Dry Volume = 18 – (9000 x 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09) = 4.15 m 3 = 4.15 + 0.25 x 4.15 = 5.186 m 3 = 5.186/1+4 = 1.037 m 3 = 1.037 m 3 = 30 Bags = 1.037 x 4 = 4.15 m 3 = 110 m 2 = 12 x 110 / 1000 = 1.32 m 3 = 1.32 x 1.3 = 1.716 m 3 = 1.716 x 1.25 = 2.145 m 3 26

27 For 1:4 Cement Sand Mortar Cement Sand Steel Bars Main Steel Number of Straight Bars Number of Bent-Up Bars Length of Straight Bar Length of Bent-Up Bar Total Length of Straight Bars Total Length of Bent-Up Bars = 2.145/1+4 = 0.43 m 3 = 0.43 m 3 = 13 Bags = 0.43 x 4 = 1.716 m 3 = 84 = 84 – 1= 83 = 10 – 0.04 + (18 x 0.01) = 10.14 m = 10.14 + 0.08 = 10.22 m = 84 x 10.14 = 851.76 m = 83 x 10.22 = 848.26 m 27

28 Total Weight of Main Steel (10 mm Diameter Bars @ 0.62 kg/m) Distribution Steel Number of Straight Bars Number of Bent-Up Bars Length of Straight Bar Length of Bent-Up Bar Total Length of Straight Bars Total Length of Bent-Up Bars Total Weight of Distribution Steel (8 mm Diameter Bars @ 0.39 kg/m) Total Weight of Steel in Storage Tank = (851.76 + 848.26) x 0.62 = 1054 kg = 20 = 20 – 1 = 19 = 5 – 0.04 + (18 x 0.008) = 5.104 m = 5.104 + 0.08 = 5.184 m = 5.104 x 20 = 102.08 m = 5.184 x 19 = 98.49 m = (102.08 + 98.49) x 0.39 = 200.57 kg = 1054 + 200.57 = 1254.57 kg = 12.54 Q 28

29 Recharge Pit Total Volume For 1 m 3 number of bricks For 10.8 m 3 number of bricks Wet Volume Add 25% for Wastage Net Volume Cement Sand = 10.8m 3 = 500 = 10.8 x 500 = 5400 = 10.8 – (5400 x 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09) = 2.489 m 3 = 2.489 + 0.25 x 2.489 = 3.11 = 3.11/1+4 = 0.622m 3 = 0.622m 3 = 18 Bags = 0.622 x 4 = 2.48m 3 29

30 COST FOR WORK AND MATERIALS Cost of Earth Work in Excavation per cubic meter Cost of Cement Concrete in Foundation per cubic meter (1:4:8) Cost of Total Brick Work per cubic meter Cost of Earth Work in Filling per cubic meter Cost of R.C.C Work per cubic meter (Including Steel) Cost of Plastering per square meter (12 mm thick) (1:3) Cost of Pipe per meter (75 mm diameter) Cost of One Bent (75 mm diameter) = Rs.100/- = Rs.2,000/- = Rs.1,300/- = Rs.20/- = Rs.3,500/- = Rs.60/- = Rs.35/- = Rs.20/- 30

31 Cost of One Opening on R.C.C Slab Cost of One Gate Valve Cement(per bag) Fine Aggregate(per cubic meter) Coarse Aggregate(per cubic meter) Steel(Per Quintal) Brick(Per Piece) Cost of Storage Tank: Cost of Earthwork in excavation Cost of cement concrete in foundation = Rs.400/- = Rs.200/- = Rs.240/- = Rs.1120/- = Rs.1200/- = Rs.4500/- = Rs.5/- = Volume of excavation x Cost of excavation per cubic meter = 125.866 x 100 =Rs.12586.6/- = Volume of cement concrete x Cost of cement concrete per cubic meter = 14.523 x 2000 =Rs.29046.00/- 31

32 Cost of Brick work Cost of Plastering Cost of RCC work in slab = Volume of Brick work x Cost of Brick work per cubic meter =18 x 1300 = Rs.23400.00/- = Total Area of Plastering x Cost of Plastering per cubic meter = 110 x 60 = Rs. 6600.00/- = Volume of RCC work in slab x Cost of RCC work in slab per cubic meter = 7.5 x 3500 = Rs.26250.00/- 32

33 Cost of Recharge pit Cost of Earthwork in excavation Cost of Brick work Cost of Plastering = Volume of Earthwork in excavation x Cost of Earthwork in excavation per cubic meter = 33.28 x 100 = Rs.332.80/- = Volume of Brick work x Cost of Brick work per cubic meter = 10.8 x 1300 = Rs.14040.00/- = Total area of Plastering x Cost of Plastering per cubic meter = 36 x 60 = Rs.2160.00/- 33

34 COST OF PROJECT Cost of the Project = Total Cost of work for storage tank + Total Cost of work for Recharge Pit + Cost of Materials Cost of the Project = Rs. 97882.6 + Rs. 16532.6+ Rs.240098.32 = Rs. 354513.52/- Cost of Tools and Plants =1.5% of Cost of Project =0.015 x 354513.52 = Rs.5317/- Cost of Contingence = 5% of Cost of Project = 0.05 x 354513.52 = Rs.17,725.68/- Cost of Work Charge Establishment =2% of Cost of Project = 0.02 x 354513.52 = Rs.7090.27/- Total Cost of Project = Cost of the Project + Cost of Tools and Plants + Cost of Contingence + Cost of Work Charge Establishment = Rs.4,48,459/- 34

35 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Volume of water collected in a year through RWHS Volume of water collected in year excluding 20% overflow We use daily 1 tanker of 20,000 liters capacity Number of tankers Cost of one tanker Volume of water used per day = 1773 m 3 /yr = 1773000 lit/yr = 1773000 x 0.8 = 1418400 lit/yr = 1 = Rs. 1000/- = No of tankers x Capacity of tankers = 1 x 20,000 = 20,000 liters 35

36 Cost of one liter of water Total cost of water purchased per year Total cost of water that can be collected by RWHS Amount of money saved Total amount spent on constructing tank and recharge pit Number of years required to recover the amount spent on construction = Rs. 0.05/- = Cost of water purchased in a day x No of days water used in a year = 1000 x 242 = Rs. 2,42,000/- = 1418400 x 0.05 = Rs. 70,920/- = Rs. 4,48,458/- = 6.3 Years 36

37 RAINFALL DATA JanFeb MarAprMayJuneJulyAug SepOctNovDec 2003010.711.727.3065.526514454.916800 200438.90.632.45941.929.422168.7118.272.80.20 200539.710.318.724.821.888.936911522022100 20060041.867.910083.819223720615.752.20 20070002311.5113.392.821426618.1210 2008069.216613.820.840.29646419948 0 2009002.12317.36955.535314569.6284.4 20106.32.700.617.4150.833921623155.546.815.2 2011025. 20120.30018.34.813223214311478.139.50 20130.317074.510.2203.2197124155239140 37

38 5.TIME SCHEDULE 38 S.NOACTIVITYDURATIONDATES RESCHEDULED DATES STATUS 1.LITERATURE REVIEW 6 WEEKS23.09.2013 - 02.11.2013 COMPLETED 2.DATA COLLECTION4 WEEKS04.11.2013 - 30.11.2013 04.11.2013 - 30.11.2013 COMPLETED 3.DESIGNING 9 WEEKS02.12.2013 - 03.02.2014 02.12.2013 - 03.02.2014 COMPLETED 4.COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS AND DOCUMENTATION 4 WEEKS04.02.2014 - 04.03.2014 04.02.2014 - 31.03.2014 COMPLETED 5IMPLEMENTATION4 WEEKS05.03.20145.04.2014ONWARDS

39 6. APPLICATIONS To overcome the inadequacy of water to meet our demands. To arrest decline in ground water levels. To increase availability of ground water at specific place and time and utilize rainwater for sustainable development. To increase infiltration of rainwater in the subsoil which has decreased drastically in urban areas. To reduce the expenditure spent on water.

40 7. CONCLUSION  Since VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology has no water supply through pipes, the institute has to buy the water through tankers.  Daily 1 tanker supply the water to the institute, each tanker costs Rs1000/-, having a capacity of 20,000 liters. It is taking Rs.4,48,459/- for total construction of tank and recharge pit.  The amount of money saved in each year through rain water harvesting is Rs.70,920. The amount spent will be recovered in 6.3 years.  In order to save the expenses to some extent on buying water this “Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System” has been designed.  The water which we get from roof of the building during rainy days are collected and stored.  The water which is collected is set to re-use for gardening, flushing purposes so that the expenses can be reduced to some extent. 40

41 8. REFERENCES  ANIL AGARWAL (2013): Manual on Urban Rainwater Harvesting “Catch Water Where it Falls”  KIRAN. A, NIKHIL. T, R HARISH, J KULKARNI (2012): Harvested Rain Water for Drinking- Research Paper.  ROHITASHW KUMAR, THAMAN S, AGRAWAL G. and SHARMA POONAM(2011): Rain Water Harvesting and Ground Water Recharging in North Western Himalayan Region for Sustainable Agricultural Productivity- Research Paper.  RAMACHANDRAIAH, C. (2007). Hyderabad’s Water Issues and the Musi River, Need for Integrated Solutions. Draft version of the Paper presented in the International Water Confe-rence, Berlin during 12-14 September 2007.  ACHAYRA, B. P. (2004). Managing Water Sector Institution - HMWSSB Experience (Presen-tation). Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Hyderabad.  SIVARAMAN, K.R. & THILLAIGOVINDARAJAN S.. (2003), Manual on Rainwater Har-vesting. Chennai, Akash Ganga.  ARIYABANDU R. D. S. (2003). Very-Low-Cost Domestic Roof Water Harvesting in theHu-mid Tropics: Its Role in Water Policy.Sri Lanka Domestic Roofwater Harvesting Research Pro-gramme.



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