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Other Natural Resources of PA

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1 Other Natural Resources of PA
Chapter 1 Section 3 Other Natural Resources of PA

2 I. What is a Natural Resource?
Raw materials that exist in a natural state and are used to produce products of finished goods Forests ½ of the land in PA is forest 20 state Forests 114 State parks Allegheny National Forest All forests provide PA with lumber Excellent outdoor escapes Hunting Camping Naturalists

3 Soils Clay 1/3 of our the land is used for some kind of farming
The richest soils are found in the Piedmont Region PA soil mostly made up of Loam Sand, clay, silt and organic matter Clay Major industry in PA 28 of 67 counties produce clay for building

4 Fossil Fuels Coal Coal, Natural Gas, and Petroleum
Formed from the remains of plants and animals under the earth’s Crust Coal 1/3 of our state has coal deposits Hard coal Anthracite Soft Coal Bituminous PA is the 4th largest producer of coal in the US

5 Natural Gas Petroleum PA has 24,000 wells of natural gas Efficient
Easy to use Does not cost much pollution Petroleum Found in 23 counties within the state Only 1% of the state’s petroleum output goes to the national need

6 Mineral Resources Any useful substance found in the Earths crust that has not bee formed by plant or animal remains What do we have? Iron Ore Major component of Steel Zinc Sand Used to produce glass Gravel Used in cement Sand and Gravel are found in ½ of the PA counties Stone Found in all counties in PA Ranks 1st in the nation in production

7 Human Resources 12 million people in the state Ranks 4th in Population

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