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Muscular System Lab Exam Diagrams (2014)

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1 Muscular System Lab Exam Diagrams (2014)
Anatomy & Physiology H Jefferson Township High School P. Smith

2 Figure 6.13a

3 Figure 6.13b

4 Figure 6.13c

5 Figure 6.13d

6 Figure 6.13e

7 Figure 6.13f

8 Figure 6.13g

9 Figure 6.13h

10 Body Movements

11 Figure 6.21  Major superficial muscles of the anterior surface of the body.
Facial • Frontalis Facial • Orbicularis oculi • Temporalis • Zygomaticus • Masseter • Orbicularis oris Neck Shoulder • Platysma • Trapezius • Sternocleidomastoid Thorax • Deltoid • Pectoralis minor • Pectoralis major Arm • Serratus anterior • Triceps brachii • Biceps brachii • Intercostals • Brachialis Abdomen • Rectus abdominis Forearm • External oblique • Brachioradialis • Internal oblique • Flexor carpi radialis • Transversus abdominis Pelvis/thigh • Iliopsoas Thigh • Sartorius • Adductor muscle Thigh (Quadriceps) • Rectus femoris • Gracilis • Vastus lateralis • Vastus medialis Leg • Fibularis longus • Extensor digitorum longus Leg • Gastrocnemius • Tibialis anterior • Soleus

12 Figure 6.21  Major superficial muscles of the anterior surface of the body.
Facial Neck Shoulder Thorax Arm Abdomen Forearm Pelvis/thigh Thigh Thigh (Quadriceps) Leg Leg

13 Figure 6.22  Major superficial muscles of the posterior surface of the body.
Neck • Occipitalis • Sternocleidomastoid • Trapezius Shoulder/Back • Deltoid Arm • Triceps brachii • Brachialis • Latissimus dorsi Forearm • Brachioradialis • Extensor carpi radialis longus • Flexor carpi ulnaris • Extensor carpi ulnaris Hip • Extensor digitorum • Gluteus medius • Gluteus maximus Thigh Iliotibial tract • Adductor muscle • Hamstrings: Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Leg • Gastrocnemius • Soleus • Fibularis longus

14 Figure 6.22  Major superficial muscles of the posterior surface of the body.
Neck Shoulder/Back Arm Forearm Hip Thigh • Hamstrings: Leg

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