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Florida Department of Corrections Agency Budget Request 2001 - 2002 2001 - 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Department of Corrections Agency Budget Request 2001 - 2002 2001 - 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Department of Corrections Agency Budget Request 2001 - 2002 2001 - 2002

2 Michael W. Moore Secretary Jeb Bush Governor

3 In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

4 Centralization and Standardization Offender population would grow Reduce cost through existing and new technology A correctly developed information technology system = highly productive individuals We must continue to learn and grow as technology accelerates change Conversion of technology = increased convenience, expanded capabilities, and lower costs

5 Typical government process Study and study and never get it doneStudy and study and never get it done Florida Department of Corrections Study, Analyze, Plan and Act!!Study, Analyze, Plan and Act!! Typical government process Study and study and never get it doneStudy and study and never get it done Florida Department of Corrections Study, Analyze, Plan and Act!!Study, Analyze, Plan and Act!! Speed Matters...

6 Current Budget Year We will have reduced: Administrative cost by 30% Administrative positions by 35%

7 Funding for new population: By 2001, the average daily population will increase by 2,678. Budget request - 267 Correctional Officer positions to manage the increased population. Budget Top Priority

8 Funding for new population: Budget request - funding for contracted programs and health care services Average population is projected to be 75,738 by the end of this budget year

9 Budget Requesting $43 Million dollars Nine new secure housing units October 2003 housing accommodates 81,126 Requesting $21 Million dollars Health care services for inmates Issuing a competitive bid for delivery of health care services

10 Protecting the Public Protect with Hi-Tech Requesting new fence technology for the secure perimeter at Florida State Prison, Union Correctional Institution, and North Florida Reception Center More control over the highest security prisons in our state

11 Security Enhancements Requesting $7.5 Million dollars: To improve locks, doors, lighting and security technology To increase the safety of our staff and the public

12 Department of Corrections Staff Requesting $1.5 Million for staff housing at critical locations: To enhance recruitment and retention of correctional staff Allows for availability of staff during emergency situations Requesting $4.5 Million dollars for upgrade to the mainframe technology system: Easy access of information for immediate and reliable decisions to be made

13 Food Services Competitive bids will be let in the next fiscal year Will further reduce the total full-time equivalent positions in the agency by 472 The food services contract is expected to save the state $8 Million dollars by June 2002

14 Summary of Budget Requests Reduces 1,004 positions and asks for an increase of 267 positions Asking for a total budget of $1.7 Billion dollars with total employees of 26,932 The inmate population increases almost 5% The budget only grows by 3%

15 We have... éAdopted the enterprise philosophy éEmbraced technology that works éIntegrated business management principals éBecome well informed agents of change that deliver ever improving services to the citizens of Florida We have... éAdopted the enterprise philosophy éEmbraced technology that works éIntegrated business management principals éBecome well informed agents of change that deliver ever improving services to the citizens of Florida ClosingClosing

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