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APEC Capacity Building Seminar Workshop on Measurement of International Trade in Services October 1 – 3, 2008 Manila, Philippines Group 1 Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "APEC Capacity Building Seminar Workshop on Measurement of International Trade in Services October 1 – 3, 2008 Manila, Philippines Group 1 Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 APEC Capacity Building Seminar Workshop on Measurement of International Trade in Services October 1 – 3, 2008 Manila, Philippines Group 1 Presentation  Hongkong  Indonesia  Malaysia  Mexico  Papua New Guinea  Peru Session IX: Group Workshop & Presentation of Group Outputs PRESENTED BY: Consuelo Soto Crovetto, Peru Group Chair

2 BACKGROUND The majority of the countries of this group worked with surveys. Some of us worked with one questionnaire and some other with detailed questionnaires for specific items like construction or telecommunications. The majority of the countries of this group worked with surveys. Some of us worked with one questionnaire and some other with detailed questionnaires for specific items like construction or telecommunications. We had a discussion in order to share our current experiences with the management of these forms and the problems we currently have (details in the next table) We had a discussion in order to share our current experiences with the management of these forms and the problems we currently have (details in the next table)

3 BACKGROUND We would conclude that all our economies are doing our best efforts to validate the information we have in order to publish confident information. We need to do a significant work with enterprises in order to make them conscious of the importance of the information they provide. We would conclude that all our economies are doing our best efforts to validate the information we have in order to publish confident information. We need to do a significant work with enterprises in order to make them conscious of the importance of the information they provide. Detailed information by countries, activities or modes of supply would be long term plans Detailed information by countries, activities or modes of supply would be long term plans

4 CURRENT PROBLEMS AND COMMENTS BY COUNTRY COUNTRYPROBLEMS RECOMMENDATIO NS Hongkong Total population 200, 000 based on business registration. Total population 200, 000 based on business registration. Sample size is 10.000, selected by the share of trade in services. Sample size is 10.000, selected by the share of trade in services. The questionnaire is very long, bring difficulties to respondents. The questionnaire is very long, bring difficulties to respondents. There is legal backup. There is legal backup. Response rate is more than 90%. Response rate is more than 90%. The frequency of BOP is quarterly. The frequency of BOP is quarterly. There is quarterly survey as the preliminary figures estimation before annual survey. There is quarterly survey as the preliminary figures estimation before annual survey. Not applying fine, but strengthening relationship with business sect

5 CURRENT PROBLEMS AND COMMENTS BY COUNTRY COUNTRYPROBLEMS RECOMMENDATIO NS Indonesia Recent Surveys on communication, transportation and other business. Recent Surveys on communication, transportation and other business. Covered by law but the fine is too low, so still lack of response. Covered by law but the fine is too low, so still lack of response. 120 biggest companies selected by assets. 120 biggest companies selected by assets. For BOP, Bank of Indonesia also conduct another survey. For BOP, Bank of Indonesia also conduct another survey. Construction is important especially inward side. Construction is important especially inward side. BPM5. Not applying fine but offering to exchange information

6 CURRENT PROBLEMS AND COMMENTS BY COUNTRY COUNTRYPROBLEMS RECOMMENDATI ONS Malaysia Survey compiled for BOP purpose. Started with transportation. As a study. Survey compiled for BOP purpose. Started with transportation. As a study. Other categories will follow. Other categories will follow. Studying the data, not yet published Studying the data, not yet published Training program for newcomers. Mexico Have low response rate to annual questionnaire. Because it is not compulsory to answer. To strengthen legal framework

7 CURRENT PROBLEMS AND COMMENTS BY COUNTRY COUNTRYPROBLEMS RECOMMENDATI ONS Papua New Guinea Statistical law is not inforced. And no fine is imposed for non response. Statistical law is not inforced. And no fine is imposed for non response. Response rate is 50% for quarterly survey. Response rate is 50% for quarterly survey. The quarterly survey has good response. The quarterly survey has good response. Census is done every 3 years for detailed information. Census is done every 3 years for detailed information. Peru Quarterly survey and annual survey. The main problem is classification of reported data Validate information in coordination with enterprises

8 KEY AREAS AND RECOMMENDATIONS KEY AREAS RECOMMENDATIONSREMARKS To improve the informatio n we have in order to comply with IMF, BPM5 It is important to have a legal framework to inforce responses eventhough they are not applied. To work with enterprises by asking further cooperation to maintain a good relationship. To design simple questionnaire that is easy to work with. Even countries provide written indications to enterprises they find it difficult to respond the current questionaire.

9 KEY AREAS AND RECOMMENDATIONS KEY AREAS RECOMMENDATIONSREMARKS The standarization of concepts: enterprises do not have detaild information as the manual requires especially for construction and telcommunicatio n. To make use of the information available from developed countries or partner countries It is not easy to Work with with partner countries because of confidentiality issues.


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