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HDI Updates December 2005. Local Chapters Financial  Quick Books training Wednesday, December 14 th  10:00 am Pacific  11:00 am Mountain  12:00 noon.

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Presentation on theme: "HDI Updates December 2005. Local Chapters Financial  Quick Books training Wednesday, December 14 th  10:00 am Pacific  11:00 am Mountain  12:00 noon."— Presentation transcript:

1 HDI Updates December 2005

2 Local Chapters Financial  Quick Books training Wednesday, December 14 th  10:00 am Pacific  11:00 am Mountain  12:00 noon Central  1:00 pm Eastern Call 888-808-7924 Passcode: 117308

3 Local Chapters Financial Reports for 2005  Due to HDI by February 15, 2006  Questions regarding this report: Contact: Katie Lutze or Sophie Klossner  

4 Local Chapters Local Chapter Excellence Awards  Don’t forget…. Due date for all submissions  December 19, 2005  Chapters notified by February 14, 2006  Awards presented at HDI Annual Conference March 19-22, 2006 Nashville, TN Local Chapter Meeting – Sunday, March 19  Sunday, March 19  11:00 to 3:00 pm  Lunch will be served from 11:00 to 11:45  Location TBD

5 Local Chapters HDI Analyst of the Year Local level:  Chapters are holding meetings  Get winners names to your regional director for Regional judging Regional level:  Chapter winners will be judged  Regional directors responsible for this level of judging  Regional winners must be in to Sophie at National by January 24, 2006

6 Local Chapters Officers Summit Committee is working on agenda  Start planning now!!!! June 2-4, 2006 Colorado Springs, CO Antlers Hilton Hotel $129 per night

7 Local Chapters Local Chapter Circle of Excellence Program  Ready for roll-out Will be discussed in full detail at January’s officer call Plan on attending to get full description  Criteria is attached to the meeting announcement email Gives an idea of what will be measured To be eligible your chapter must submit an application All benchmarking will start on January 1

8 Local Chapters Officer Recognition: Boss’s Letter  Send boss’s name company name physical mailing address  to Sophie before January 31, 2006 Send to  Letters will be going out in February  Letters are hard copy…no emails  You may send more than one name These will be held in confidence and not used for any other marketing

9 Membership Special deal for Local Chapter libraries & members:  Order form sent to all officers Phil Verghis’ book “The Ultimate Customer Support Executive” Kirk Weisler’s “Dog Poop Initiative” book Special deal expires December 31, 2005 SPIN  Tuesday, December 13 Topic: “If ITIL is so smart, Where’s the Knowledge?” Speaker: Rick Joslin Time: 1;00 pm Eastern

10 Membership Deliverables Practice & Salary Survey  Coming as one book this year  Delivered to members by end of year, 2005

11 Training/Certification HDI University  December 12-16 San Diego, CA Westin Horton Plaza Make a week out of it…package deals available…check online for special deals! Classes Offered:  Developing & Maintaining Effective Service Level Management  Achieving Efficiencies Through Performance Metrics  How to Lead, Coach & Provide Effective Feedback  HDA Boot Camp  HDM  Knowledge Management Foundations: KCS Principles  ITIL Foundations

12 Events HDI Annual Conference “Get Connected. Get Energized. Get Results”  March 19-22, 2006  Nashville, TN  Opryland Hotel Should have received brochures Early bird registrations:  Register by December 16 to receive a free one-day pre- conference workshop ($395 value)  Register by January 20 to get early bird discount

13 Events HDI Annual Conference  Chapter Activities: Local Chapter Meeting Booth support  Interested in helping out at the booth  Two hour increments of time  Schedule will be forthcoming More activities to come…watch for updates

14 Forums Financial  December 11-13 San Diego (at HDI University)  Securities, Banking, Credit companies, etc…  Westin Horton Plaza Healthcare  December 11-13 San Diego (at HDI University)  Hospitals, clinics, specialties  Westin Horton Plaza

15 Forums Support Center Leadership  March 19-22, 2006  Nashville, TN  Sr. Managers and Directors that don’t necessarily fall into another vertical Government  Details are currently being formed Interested in joining a forum?  Contact Leslie Cook at

16 Highly satisfied Customers are loyal Customers! HDI’s new Customer Satisfaction Index tool will help you track customer satisfaction and identify ways to ensure your customers stay satisfied. More than forty companies, consultants, and industry experts, have joined together with HDI to create the world's largest customer satisfaction database by developing a simple, low-cost, and secure tool for measuring customer satisfaction and benchmarking performance. We are currently bringing the Beta Test period to a close with 17 separate support centers participating in the test. We have made enhancements to the system during Beta that will enable us to launch the product to the members in early January. Stay tuned for a members only offer.

17 Features and Benefits:  Easy to set up  Third party survey  Five industry standard questions - developed by the industry design group.  Maximum Security  Early identification of customer issues  Pre-scheduled or on- demand reporting  Reports will include: Comparisons to set goals Comparisons to industry groups Comparisons to all CSI For more information contact Rick Baucom ~ 719-785-5351

18 Local Chapters Questions or comments???

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