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May Orders In Abisola, Morohunfola Angel £1,004.00 Frank, Elizabeth £1,001.75 Nkemayang, Rosemary £753.50 Adetona, Titilope £506.00 Samuel, Anne £503.01.

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Presentation on theme: "May Orders In Abisola, Morohunfola Angel £1,004.00 Frank, Elizabeth £1,001.75 Nkemayang, Rosemary £753.50 Adetona, Titilope £506.00 Samuel, Anne £503.01."— Presentation transcript:

1 May Orders In Abisola, Morohunfola Angel £1,004.00 Frank, Elizabeth £1,001.75 Nkemayang, Rosemary £753.50 Adetona, Titilope £506.00 Samuel, Anne £503.01 Onwubuya, Anthonia £502.50 Anyira, Loretta £500.00 Thomas, Sharon £351.50 Checho, Yvonne £350.75 Oshowole, Temilade Taiwo £186.00 Coughlin, Joan £185.00 THANK YOU FOR COMING AND MAKING OUR UNIT BEAUTY PLAY GROUND AT TRAVEL LODGE GREENHITHE A SUCCESS, I HOPE TO SEE MORE OF YOU AT THE NEXT EVENT WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS SO YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY ! WATCH THIS SPACE FOR DETAILS!!!!!! We just had the most amazing time at the Star Consultant BBQ hosted by our Snr. Sales Director Doyin, this Bank Holiday Monday. It was great to see all the husbands bonding, while we ladies just had fun, however the part I loved most was when Doyin showed us the insurance certificates for the diamond, gold and other precious stone jewelleries she’s received from Mary Kay so far! Trust me I made up my mind to get not just one but two diamond bumble bees at seminar So help me God! If your interested in the diamonds and gold as well give me a call and I will be glad to explain what you need to do to get it! I look forward to our next get-together and sincerely hope there will be more stars from our unit in attendance!– make sure you don’t miss out! We have exactly 60 days to the end of this Seminar year and I am having a great time finishing my year STRONG. After Career conference in March, I decided I was going to finish both Court of Sales & Sharing and I have worked hard to make these goals a reality by simply following the 5-3-2-1 plan, five days a week, leaving out 2 days for leisure. If you are wondering what this means, its simply 5 new leads everyday 3 bookings daily 2 recruiting activities daily 1 £100 in Sales daily. Ladies I can tell you this plan works. I challenge you to put this plan to work this June and enjoy the results and growth it gives to your business. Simply get yourself a hard cover notebook and everyday record your 5-3-2-1 activity. Call me at the end of every week to discuss your progress. You have all it takes to succeed, so GO FOR IT! Congratulations to our Money Club winners – Angel Abisola & Elizabeth Frank who have earned a Spa treat. These ladies overcame the thought barrier to sell £1000 or more worth of Mary Kay products in May and I cant wait to present them their beautiful charms at the next unit meeting. Moving up the career ladder this month is Angel Abisola who is now a Brand new Future Sales Director( DIQ) and has also emerged as our unit Queen of Sales and Recruiting for the month of may! Well done girl am so proud of you and I can see you in your pink Benz already, so just keep selling and recruiting, you will get there! Also join me in welcoming on board our new unit members – Joan Coughlin (recruited by Angel) We wish you a very successful Mary Kay business and cant wait to give you our Mary Kay welcome at our next unit meeting. Till we see on Sat. 5th of June, do all you can to have a Joyous June! June ‘10 Aderonke L Ade-Dojio-Dibigbo 07886655375, 02030062960 Go on be Limitless! (1 st April 2010 – 30 th June 2010) Well done to all of you who are on track to win this. Just keep at it and keep selling. Remember we have just 1 month left – GO FOR IT!!! £750 or more ordered in April, May, June: Win the tote, night shirt and notebook £500 or more ordered in April, May, June: Win the tote and night shirt £350 or more ordered in April, May, June: Win the notebook 5 new leads everyday. These can be from warm chatting or referrals 3 new booking calls, 3 reorder calls and 3 follow-up calls a day 2 recruiting activities a day e.g talking about the opportunity or sending out recruiting packets £100 in Sales everyday. That is an exciting £2500 sales a month

2 Build your team one face at a time 6 most important things Register for Seminar. Closing date for Early bird registration is 20 th June at 12 noon. Move up the Career path by having a new team member this month. Attend our next success meeting. The focus is on Colour! Build up your leads diary – Write out 3 leads everyday to book. Your business will definitely change! Keep Selling your perfect roll-up Earn your Pretty Purse charm. Be a part of the Money (£1000) Club. ‘‘Congratulations to Angel and Elizabeth who are on track to win this beautiful Vanity Box. All you need to do is order 1000 or more consistently from May 1 st to July 31 st. As we raise our game and focus on selling more this month. Its time to move up the career ladder and add on new team members. I strongly believe that the next logical step to a strong seller is becoming a strong recruiter. If you believe in the business, you should share with everyone you meet. Here are a few tips to building your team this month: 1. Identify your Prospects: Listening for clues from conversations you have with the women you come in contact with will help you determine who to approach and talk to about the Mary Kay opportunity. Some common ones are: She asks you how you got started in your Mary Kay business. She mentions she could use extra money. She is enthusiastic about Mary Kay products. She mentions she never has enough time with her family. She talks about having her own business someday. She asks about how much money you can make with Mary Kay. She expresses unhappiness with her current job. She talks about returning to work when her children are in school. She says that she would like more freedom and be her own boss She talks about working part- time to keep herself busy. 2. Next Qualify your prospects: Qualifying is determining if a person has the key qualities of a good Consultant. Qualifying means that some people are better recruiting prospects than others, and you will want to focus your efforts on those people you think would make good Consultants. In addition, a well-qualified recruit will become a better business partner for you. Key characteristics to look for are: Likes people and has good listening skills Well groomed Likes Mary Kay products Warm, pleasant personality Communicates well with others Willing to learn Values honesty and integrity Caring attitude 3. Make your list: Now you have determined your hot prospects, write down the names of your Top 15 prospects and email it to me. 4. Schedule the interviews: Believe it or not this is the easiest of the lot. Just call your prospect and tell her why you short listed her. Then, book a time convenient for her to have the interview and share the opportunity with her in the simplest and concise way possible. You could use the attached ‘5- minute marketing plan’ sheet to conduct the interview. I have no doubt in my mind that if you focus on these 15 names this month, you will definitely recruit 1 if not 3. Keep in mind that 25% of prospects interviewed sign up! Please keep me informed every step of the way and I know together we will move you up the ladder this June. On track Consistency Club This is the very last month to win the amazing prizes. You are at the finish line and I can see you virtually touching it so don’t miss out. You can do it! On Track 750 Angel Abisola 750 Elizabeth Frank 750 On Track 500 Rosemary Nkemayang Loretta Anyira Seminar 2010 Unit Goals - Building stronger than ever… Sat 5 th June 2010 Time: 11am prompt Sales Workshop – Our focus this meeting is on Colour. Bring guests along and we are sure to have fun! Venue: Express Holiday Inn, Canning Town, E16 Cost: consultant - £5, Guest free Sat. 3 rd July 2010, 10am – 2p.m. – Join me as we close out this seminar year in style. We will be having a special guest director at the meeting. 5 consultants in Princess Court of Sales 2 1st line directors £50,000 unit club 3 new red jackets each quarter 5 star consultants each quarter 50 active unit member

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