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Assignment #1: The Nation State To discuss: What is a “Nation”? What is America? What does it mean to be an American?

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment #1: The Nation State To discuss: What is a “Nation”? What is America? What does it mean to be an American?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment #1: The Nation State To discuss: What is a “Nation”? What is America? What does it mean to be an American?

2 Write on Assignment #1 How can nationalism be destructive? How can nationalism be constructive?

3 Back to our story…..What is the future for conservatives? “Earthquake-proofing” not working Nationalism is the answer to their troubles! Congress of Vienna (aka “Concert of Europe”) no longer suits their purposes. Crimean War shows how Concert of Europe is finished/dead/done.

4 Take notes on how nations are built and how nations are defined 67108/

5 Crimea: Senseless conflict, large death toll…and can we blame it for lung cancer too? Big picture: Russia (Nicholas I) wants more territory France (Napoleon III) wants more power Austria is afraid of Russia’s influence (don’t take our territory!) Britain wants to protect their navy.

6 Little picture: on my website 1.In line with the newly popular nationalist ideas - France wants to break free from the containment of the Congress of Vienna 2.Russia wants territory in Ottoman Empire (sick man of Europe) 3.Napoleon encourages Tsar Nicholas to be more aggressive (thought it would be good for France if others were embroiled in a war) 4.France convinces Austria to be neutral and disrupts Austria/Russia alliance. Austria doesn’t want Russia to expand into the Balkans – THEIR territory 5.Britain doesn’t want their naval routes to East Asia disrupted and supports the Ottomans.

7 6.Russia blasts Turkish ships to bits in the Ottoman port of Sinope 7.GB and France band together and declare war on Russia 8.France and GB agree to try and capture Russian base of Sevastopol in Crimean peninsula 9.Sevastopol under siege for a year. Lots of people die. More than a million from disease and starvation. 10.War only ends when Nicholas I (Russia) dies and his son becomes Tsar and vies for peace.

8 Use the cartoons to better understand how countries used war to promote Nationalism c w bG0

9 How is the clip from the “Charge of the Light Brigade” symbolic of feelings of nationalism? How does war strengthen nationalism?

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