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Navy Teen Summer Camp Scholarship Program Brent A. Edwards, CNIC Youth Programs Coordinator Heather Steinzor, CYP Director, NSA Panama City, Florida Geoff.

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Presentation on theme: "Navy Teen Summer Camp Scholarship Program Brent A. Edwards, CNIC Youth Programs Coordinator Heather Steinzor, CYP Director, NSA Panama City, Florida Geoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navy Teen Summer Camp Scholarship Program Brent A. Edwards, CNIC Youth Programs Coordinator Heather Steinzor, CYP Director, NSA Panama City, Florida Geoff Rhinehart, Youth Director, NS Rota, Spain CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program

2 Housekeeping Question Box Lines Muted Policy Letter Attendees Names Technical Difficulty Enter attendee names now if multiple personnel are viewing through one computer!

3 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Learning Outcomes Participants will receive CNIC CYP’s (N926) purpose and vision of the Navy Teen SCSP. Participants will receive the requirements and supplemental guidance of the Navy Teen SCSP. Participants will be exposed to professional and industry standards in the execution of the Navy Teen SCSP that may lead to future enhancement of installation-based Youth Programs. Lines Muted

4 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Overview History of Navy Teen SCSP Purpose of Navy Teen SCSP Testimonials NS Rota, Spain NSA Panama City, Florida Program Guidance Funding Guidance Request Process

5 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program History of SCSP Acting Aeronautics Backpacking Basketball BMX Digital Arts Cheerleading Filmography Gymnastics Inline Skating Madonnari Art Photography Sailing Scuba Diving Skateboarding Skiing Snowboarding Surfing WB Surf Camp Previous SCSP Camps

6 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Purpose of SCSP Why does Navy CYP implement SCSP? Navy Teens Improve their sense of a “Navy teen community,” and Opportunities and exposure to professional and industry standards of varying educational and recreational activities that could lead to possible career paths or future leisure in the varying activities. Navy CYP Highlight our creativity, ingenuity, geographic locations, and exceptional ability to deliver high quality-of-life programming to our Navy families. Hope that “host sites” continue offering similar programming for their Navy families after the conclusion of their SCSP experience.

7 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Rota) Overview of Rota Camp Outdoor Adventure Camp Video What was it like for me, my staff, and teens going through SCSP? How did I decide what to do with my camp? What was my greatest accomplishment/takeaway? What would I recommend to a potential host sites?

8 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Rota) Cont. Overview of Rota Camp

9 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Rota) Cont. OAC Video

10 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Rota) Cont. Top 10 Suggestions Start Early Find Your Niche Involve the Youth Where Possible Consider End Goal Go Big! Consider Branding Communicate Expectations Pre-Trip Meetings Plan to Push Them Out of Their Comfort Zones Include Reflection- Nightly Pow Wows

11 Testimonial (Rota) Cont. From the Mouths of Babes Testimonials

12 Testimonial (Rota) Cont. “Life is a journey of exciting adventures and a lot of other endeavors to trivial to write about. This trip took out the trivial matter and forced all the exciting adventures into two weeks. I have never done so much or learned so much in such a short amount of time. This was a life- changing experience that I’m very fortunate to have been able to participate in.” Tenley G. - Yokosuka, Japan

13 Testimonial (Rota) Cont. “To be honest, when I saw this trip on paper, I didn’t think it was plausible. I couldn’t believe the Navy would pay as much as it did. Regardless, every cent was worth it. There was so much potential in this event, and I believe it fulfilled expectations and then some. This experience was more than just a few weeks of travel, it was life changing, at least for me.” Gabriel A. - Sigonella, Italy

14 Testimonial (Rota) Cont. “I thought this was a great trip because it teaches teens to challenge themselves and get out of their comfort zones. This trip actually changed how I see things. For instance, I have a much greater appreciation for nature due to this trip. Also, I learned that my family is the one I should treat better than anyone because they are the ones that love me the most. I was taught many new life skills that I will use in my day to day life. I would love to come on this trip next summer. If not, I would like to see others share the same amazing experience that I did.” Amon M. - Valencia NSE

15 Testimonial (Rota) Cont. “Being at this camp gave me a new perspective of many things in life. I learned how and what it’s like to be a leader from our counselors and the different types of leadership as well. I also became more aware of nature because before this camp, I did not really pay attention to life outside, but being able to be outdoors actually looking at the beautiful mountains and wildlife opened my mind. OAC Euro Camp 2014 is definitely an experience that will remain with me forever. I learned a variety of different concepts and had the opportunity to challenge myself in activities that I thought I would never be able to experience. I am honored that I had the opportunity to attend this awesome adventure camp.” Valerie Anders- San Diego, California

16 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Overview of Panama City Camp Panama City Camp Video What was it like for me, my staff, and teens going through SCSP? How did I decide what to do with my camp? What was my greatest accomplishment/takeaway? What would I recommend to a potential host sites?

17 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. Overview of Panama City Camp How did I decide what to do with my camp?

18 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. What was it like for me, my staff, and teens going through SCSP? Committed Driven Worth every minute

19 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. Panama City Camp Video

20 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. What was my greatest accomplishment/takeaway?

21 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. "My child came back home a new kid. Since I was diagnosed with cancer I have not seen him so happy. You gave him two weeks of a lifetime. He can't stop talking about all of you. You and your staff gave me my boy back and there are no words to you for that. You were all a blessing.” - Parent

22 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. "I can't thank you enough for what a most enjoyable and educational time that my daughter spent during this camp. She is already focused on re-applying next year.” - Parent

23 CYP is a CNIC Quality of Life Program Testimonial (Panama City) Cont. What would I recommend to a potential host sites? Get command support and approval early Get your local teens involved early Have plenty of staff to support this camp b/c you are hosting these teens 24/7 for two weeks Get staff certifications prior to teen arrival Make contact with the teens and their parents as soon as CNIC gives you the selection list Go over camp expectations early Be flexible Continue to offer these programs at the local level in future programs.

24 Program Guidance Navy Teen SCSP Program Requirements and Host Site Request Form

25 Funding Guidance Step 1: Provide CNIC CYP (N926) with a proposed budget.

26 Funding Guidance Cont. Step 2: CNIC CYP (N926) will provide the host site with an approved budget and guidance.

27 Request Process Complete MS Word Doc Email to: Due 2 January 2015

28 Closing Social Media Resources and documents are available on the CYP E- Library: Please send questions to; questions will be reviewed and a Q&A will be uploaded on the CYP THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!

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