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Coastal Preservation Surfrider Foundation CA Chapter Conference Aug. 27, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Preservation Surfrider Foundation CA Chapter Conference Aug. 27, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Preservation Surfrider Foundation CA Chapter Conference Aug. 27, 2010

2 "Stop human interruption of natural beach processes"

3 Shoreline structures: seawalls, groins, revetments

4 Seawalls Kill Beaches

5 Beach Dredge and Fill (Nourishment, Replenishment, Restoration)

6 Watershed (sandshed)

7 Coastal Development

8 Beach is Alive

9 Beach Preservation Policy (ratified by BOD in 1999) Promote long term beach preservation for the benefit of the public. Protect undeveloped spaces through: Placement of beaches and beachfront lands in public trust Establishment of beach setbacks based on current and historical erosional trends Restoration of natural sediment transport processes in coastal watersheds

10 Beach Preservation Policy (cont.) Where erosion threatens existing coastal development, we advocate appropriate long-term solutions that maximize public benefit. Landward retreat of structures from dynamic shorelines Where landward retreat is not feasible, beach nourishment may be considered for short-term beach preservation. Under no circumstances does the Surfrider Foundation support the installation of stabilization or sand retention structures along the coastline. Such structures can protect existing coastline development but have no place in beach preservation.

11 Resources Campaign Planning - Staff, Regional Managers Experts - Staff, Environmental Issues Team (professionals)


13 Resources Campaign Planning - Staff, Regional Managers Experts - Staff, Environmental Issues Team (professionals) - Coastal issue Wiki State of the Beach - State Coastal Program assessment and reference

14 Laws US - Coastal Zone Management Act Army Corps of Engineers CA - Coastal Act, Coastal Commission Local - Local Coastal Plans, Planning Commissions, City Councils

15 Case Studies

16 Case Study: Malibu Lagoon Restoration Nancy Hastings SoCal Field Coordinator BACKGROUND: Created - 1984 Breach bulldozed & wave destroyed Surfrider's 1st victory Lagoon health fails Breach shifts East Increased erosion 1970's Present 1929

17 WHAT WENT WRONG: Entire eco-system not considered Narrow focus on improving only the lagoon channels Impacts on the beach and wave not studied Various enviro's and surfers joined in opposing the project Surfers NOT: Surfrider Foundation!

18 PROBLEMS Restoration did not study impacts to coast and wave New activists unfamiliar with 10-20 year issue Chapter unsure how to proceed - no science to go on Chapter morale impacted by attacks from opposition SOLUTIONS Take a step back - Ecosystem and Chapter concerns Hire professionals - PWA/ESA to address Chapter and opposition's concerns. Take the offense vs defense. Promote positive solutions. (ie: relocate the breach) "PROTECT THE BEACH... MOVE THE BREACH!"

19 Case Study: Ocean Beach, San Francisco Sloat Blvd

20 El Niño 2010


22 Bill McLaughlin - San Francisco Chapter / 415-225-4083 http://www.sloaterosionob.blogspot. com/

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