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Chapter 2960 Training: October 12th - 20th - 26th 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2960 Training: October 12th - 20th - 26th 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2960 Training: October 12th - 20th - 26th 2004

2 Training Outline: 1. Day One (October 12 th ), 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Introduction, purpose, objectives, agenda, housekeeping, and ground rules Brief history, enabling legislation, intent of rule, overview of rule, layout of the rule including certifications Application process Statement of intended use (2960.0040) Standards for ALL residential standards (2960.0130) Additional group residential standards (2960.0130) 2. Day Two (October 20 th ), 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Restrictive techniques certification (2960.0710) (repeated on Day Three) Shelter certification (2960.0510) Transitional services certification (2960.0050) Chemical dependency certification (2960.0430) 3. Day Three (October 26 th ), 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Mental health certification (2960.0580) Restrictive techniques certification (2960.0710) Corrections certification (2960.0540) Corrections secure certification (2960.0300)

3 Umbrella Rule Training: Outline Development Enabling Legislation Rule Organization Rule Overview How to Read the Rule Rule Parts

4 Umbrella Rule Development: Enabling Legislation Enabling Legislation Passed in 1995 MN Laws, 1995, Chapter 226, Article 3, Section 60 Amended in 1997 extending time period Legislation directed the commissioners of corrections and human services To establish an advisory committee to develop and jointly adopt consistent licensing rules and program standards To ensure provision of appropriate services to juveniles with single or multiple problems

5 Umbrella Rule Development: Enabling Legislation Legislation stipulated that the rules include standards for: Management of the program (three areas) Programming (nine areas) Program audit procedures Desired outcomes include: Enhanced linkage of services with client needs Increased consistency in licensing requirements Increased provider accountability

6 Umbrella Rule Development: Process Planning and organizational efforts included: Formation of the rule planning group Establishment of the advisory committee of 50 plus - comprised of various stakeholders - representation of persons of color was enhanced Formation of interagency administrative policy group - to review progress, define issues, formulate policy and direction - represented were DHS, DOC and DCFL Set up of DHS/DOC staff work group - involved were five DHS divisions: Childrens Mental Health, Family & Children Srvs., Chemical Health, Licensing, Appeals & Regulations - involved were two DOC units: Licensing, Juvenile Services

7 Umbrella Rule Development: Process Public actions undertaken included: Twenty statewide public information meetings held Three mass mailings done to solicit input Two mass mailings completed to obtain comments and conclusions on fiscal impacts St. Paul: 6 Bemidji: 2 Duluth: 1 Mankato: 2 St. Cloud: 2 Marshall: 2 Minneapolis: 3 Rochester: 2

8 Umbrella Rule Development: Process Process led to the development of: The Umbrella Rule A Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) A DHS – DOC Inter-agency agreement (draft) to guide: - Receiving license applications - Making licensing assignments - Resolving unique issues, etc. - Monitoring licensing process Fiscal impact assessments -On service providers -On local units of government and placement agencies

9 Overview of the Chapter 2960 Licensing Standards Shelter Program (DHS) Program Certification Standards Definitions/Standards Applicable to ALL Facilities (DOC/DHS) Family foster Homes (county social services/DHS) Separate section Transitional Program (DHS/DOC) Correctional Program (DOC) Chemical Dependency Program (DHS) MH Program (DHS) Detention Facilities (DOC) Group Residential Facilities (DOC/DHS) Secure Program (DOC) Restrictive Technique Certification Standards

10 Umbrella Rule Development Assessment: Advantages 9 licensing rules consolidated in one chapter A common set of general standards identified for all providers Program-specific standards separately identified Rules reflect interagency consensus Ensures linkage between client need and program services by admission criteria, screening and assessment requirements Enhances provider choice of program services offered (dual licensing requirement eliminated) Ensures provider accountability through program evaluation and client outcome requirements

11 Umbrella Rule Development: Transition Issues * Compliance on Effective Date: July 1, 2005 –What to watch for in the coming months: Collaborative spirit Common data base Negative action procedures (DHS - DOC) Interagency Agreement

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