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1 Facilitating Restorative Group Conferences Lesson 3: Understanding the Participants Minnesota Department of Corrections with the National Institute of.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Facilitating Restorative Group Conferences Lesson 3: Understanding the Participants Minnesota Department of Corrections with the National Institute of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Facilitating Restorative Group Conferences Lesson 3: Understanding the Participants Minnesota Department of Corrections with the National Institute of Corrections

2 2 Lesson Objectives(1) n Identify the impact of crime on victims n Learn how to facilitate conferences = sensitive to and address needs of victims, their families & their supporters n Identify how the offender is impacted by his/her own actions n Understand the dynamics of criminal thinking

3 3 n Learn how to facilitate conferences = responsive to the needs of the offender, his/her family & supporters n Understand the impact of crime on the community n Identify members of the community to be involved in the conference Lesson Objectives(2)

4 4 Activity Simple, Challenging, Outrageous

5 5 Restorative Conferencing Addresses Shared Interests Offender Interests Victim Interests Community Interests Victim/Offender/ Community

6 6 Zehrs Restorative Approach Questions n What is the harm? n What needs to be done to repair the harm? n Who is responsible for this repair?

7 7 Stakeholder Identification Questions n Who was harmed? n Who caused the harm? n Who else may have a stake in the process?

8 8 Understanding Victims: Four Major Impact Areas n Physical n Emotional n Psychological n Financial

9 9 Victims Physical Responses n Physical shock, disorientation, numbness n Physiological reaction to fight or flight instinct: n Adrenaline begins to pump n Body relieves itself of excess materials n Heart rate increases n Hyperventilation, sweating, etc n Heightened sensory perception n Exhaustion

10 10 1) impact stage: shock, disbelief, denial 2) recoil stage: emotional roller coaster Anger or rage Fear or terror Frustration Grief or sorrow Guilt or self-blame Spiritual trauma Re-experiencing the trauma 3) reconstruction of equilibrium: a new and balanced equilibrium Victims Emotional Reactions

11 11 Severity of the Crisis Reaction = Affected By: n Intensity of event n Suddenness of occurrence n Duration of event n Ability to understand what happened n Stability of victim/survivor equilibrium at time of event

12 12 Victims Recovery = Affected By: n Severity of crisis reaction n Ability to understand in retrospect what happened n Stability of victim/survivor equilibrium following event n Supportive environment n Validation of experience

13 13 Recovery Issues n Getting control of event in victim/survivors mind n Working out understanding of event and redefinition of values n Re-establishing new equilibrium/life n Re-establishing trust n Re-establishing identity and future n Re-establishing meaning


15 15 Helpful Responses n Support victim n Reject stereotypes and myths n Appreciate natural and formal support systems n Assist in developing new systems & resources n Actively collaborate n Examine your own attitudes, understanding and knowledge

16 16 n Tolerate victims ambivalence, anger and roller coaster feelings n Allow victim to work through his/her own problems n Do not re-victimize; offer support and information so victim can gain sense of his/her own power n Be realistic in all aspects Helpful Responses - 2

17 17 Facilitators Initial Contact – DO: n Listen – allow victim to describe in his/her own words n Provide information about process n Clarify your role n Maximize victims choices n Evaluate readiness & appropriateness n Provide information about other assistance

18 18 Facilitators Initial Contact – DO NOT: n Sell conferencing or pressure victim n Talk about needs of offender n Minimize impact n Ignore victims feelings or concerns n Promise things not in your power

19 19 Common Questions n Do I have to do this? n What will happen if the other party refuses to cooperate or creates problems? n Will the offender be more likely to retaliate if I do this? n What if I choose not to do this? n How will this benefit me/why would I do this? n How do I explain this to friends or family members who doubt the process? n I feel pressured – can I take some time to think about it?

20 20 Applying Restorative Theory in Conferencing (See Scenario) n Who were the victims (direct & indirect)? n How was each victim impacted by the crime? n What are the concerns of each victim that should be considered when conducting the conference?

21 21 Understanding Offenders: Excuses (Officer Krupke) n What excuses do offenders make for their behavior?

22 22 Cognitive Behavioral Intervention: Restorative Goals To help the offender change: n What they think (content) n How they think (process) n How they behave (behavior)

23 23 It Is Important to Communicate That: n How and what offenders think affects their behavior n Thinking can be influenced n People are capable of change n Hard work can change old ways of thinking and behaving

24 24 Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Requires: n Cognitive restructuring - changing what we think n Cognitive skills development - changing how we think n Behavior strategies - changing how we behave

25 25 Criminal Thinking Distortions n Displacing responsibility n Minimization n Dehumanization n Moral justification n Reconstruction of the act n Comparison n Diffusion of responsibility

26 26 Applying Restorative Theory in Conferencing (Scenario) n Who are the offenders? n What excuses might they use? n What should you be attentive to in preparing for the conference? n How might those related to offender be affected?

27 27 Understanding Community: What Is Community? People connected: n Geographically n By relationship n By responsibility or interests

28 28 Why Involve Community ?

29 29 Communitys Role in Conferencing n Address how community is affected n Hold offender accountable n Support completion of agreements n Identify resources to contribute to agreements

30 30 Communitys Role with Victims n Support victims n Validate experience of victims n Hold offenders directly accountable

31 31 Communitys Role with Offenders n Support offenders by looking at behavior, not individual n Help offenders understand how their behavior affects their community n Establish community norms n Provide a means for reintegration

32 32 Communitys Role with Itself n Conferencing process builds community competency and problem solving - brings community together n Community members share responsibility for dealing with neighborhood issues

33 33 Involving Community: Things to Remember ( Setting Up A Conferencing Project) n Respect diversity of community and each community members beliefs n Diversity shapes the most appropriate solutions n Be inclusive n Assure that all views of impacted community are represented

34 34 n Invite participation throughout conferencing process n Encourage community members to become invested in program n Understand that community members also experience shock, disbelief, anger, fear, etc. n Be sensitive (2)

35 35 Involving Community: Things to Remember (Setting Up a Conference) n Provide sufficient notice n Be accessible n Speak with community members before conference to explain process and purpose n Involve community in developing outcomes n Keep community members informed of outcomes

36 36 Practice Conference 1 Steps in a Conference Preamble: facilitator intro and role, intro of participants, purpose, agenda, ground rules, (set tone) Participants stories: victim or offender (victims choice), the other, supporters of each, and again until done Repairing the harm: agreement Closing the conference

37 37 Processing Questions n How did it feel in each of your roles? n What did you see that you liked? n Was a reasonable agreement reached? n What made it difficult to reach consensus? n What helped to move the group along? n How could the facilitator have improved their performance?

38 38 Evaluation of Today In groups of approximately 5 people, discuss and note: n What worked well for you today? n What you would like to see done differently or added tomorrow? * A reporter from each group will stay after to report the groups feedback

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