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ACS Plans, Expectations and Products 2010 Census Slides available at USS CTPP.

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Presentation on theme: "ACS Plans, Expectations and Products 2010 Census Slides available at USS CTPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACS Plans, Expectations and Products 2010 Census Slides available at USS CTPP

2 Census 2010 It’s Only a Short Form Questionnaire 7 Questions Name Name Sex Sex Age Age Relationship Relationship Hispanic Origin Hispanic Origin Race Race Owner/Renter Owner/Renter

3 The Transportation Side “Long Form” to ACS 1960 OMB Journey-to-Work Tables 1970 and 1980 Urban Transportation Planning Package (UTPP) 1970 and 1980 Urban Transportation Planning Package (UTPP) 1990 and 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 1990 and 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) At ResidenceAt Workplace Flows between Home and Work

4 The past Transportation data packages were unique because of the summary levels, geography, universes and data tables. The packages have always been designed by transportation planners for transportation planners Data Summary Levels Why our earlier packages were so special

5 Geography

6 Universes

7 SF3CTPP 2000 Travel time to Work (4) by Means of Transportation (2) Travel time to Work (15) by Means of Transportation (10) Tenure (2) by Vehicles Available (6) Vehicles Avail (5) by Hhld Income (25) Vehicles Avail (5) by Nos. of workers in hhld (5) AND MORE Tables & Crosstabs

8 Where do you get CTPP 2000 Data? ASCII Files

9 Where do you get CTPP 2000 Data? w/Extraction Software

10 Self Instructional CD Provides all the basics to understand, use and work with the CTPP 2000 data for transportation planning Is there some training? Email for a FREE copy of the GUIDEBOOK for a FREE copy of the GUIDEBOOK

11 Journey to Work Data What did all this cost? Buyers/UsersDirect CostTables 1960OMB??? 1970112$0.6 M43 1980152$2.0 M82 1990$2.5 M120 2000$3.0 M203 2005 + AASHTO Consolidated Purchase $5.9 Million All States and MPOs


13 C ensus T ransportation P lanning P roducts The CTPP embodies a collection of Census Data used for Transportation Planning. With changing data needs and the ACS, there will be a variety of different products useful for transportation planning emanating from Census Data. There will be Special Tabulations, Standard Tables and even Value Added-products. The CTPP captures all of these. Think of CTPP as a place to look for Census Data products to help with your Transportation needs Enter the ACS era…

14 All States + DC  All States + DC  AASHTO Led  AASHTO Led  Oversight Board  Oversight Board  Five Year period ~ 2011  Five Year period ~ 2011 Consolidated CTPP Purchase Federal Technical Advisory Group TRB Subcommittee -- List Serve (700 strong) Quarterly Newsletter -- Outreach Several Websites

15 AASHTO Oversight Board States Mel Adams, VT (Region I) Nathan Erlbaum, NY (Region I) Hui Wei Shen, FL (Region II) Mike Thomas, GA (Region II) Phillip Mescher, IA (Region III) Ahmad Jaber, UT (Region IV) Ayalew Adamu, CA (Region IV MPOs Kuo-Ann Chiao, NYMTC Jerry Duke, RTC Vegas Steven Gayle, BMTS Mell Henderson MARC Arash Mirzaei, NCTCOG Guy Rousseau, ARC Ex Officio Members Ed Christopher, FHWA Alison Fields, Census Bureau DeLania Hardy, AMPO Elaine Murakami, FHWA Robert Padgette, APTA Alan Pisarski, Consultant Steven Polzin, USF. CUTR Nanda Srinivasan, TRB Chair: Vice Chair: Chair: Kent Cooper, NV (Region IV) Vice Chair: Jonette Kreideweis, MN (Region III) AASHTO Liaison: AASHTO Liaison: Janet Oakley 17 voting members: 9 states and 8 MPOs Consensus Decision Making

16 AASHTO Oversight Board First meeting August 5-6, 2008 Approved Work Program Program Management--Hire Person Census Data Tabulations 3- and 5-year data products TAZ creation Training and Technical Assistance Research Approved FHWA-CB IAA for $1.19 million

17 Census Data Tabulations 3- and 5-year data products TAZ creation X

18 3-year Product Hits Snag Disclosure Review Board All Tables rounded like 2000 No thresholds on Univariate Mode tables Cell thresholds on all Mode by “X” tables Tables with failing cells will be suppressed Includes all Resident and Workplace tables Worker flows by Total Workers and Flows by Mode [7] no thresholds

19 1. Find unique traveler and build pseudo microdata record with all the crosstabs 18 variables The CORE Issue CTPP Tables link to PUMS Records => 2. Add additional variables to pseudo microdata record 150 variables 3. Take new 20,000 Pop area Frankenstein record Frankenstein record 4. Match it to files on Internet 5. Produce a person’s name 100 Main Street Fairfax VA

20 So what does all this mean? Feb 5: Submitted 3-year CTTP Data request Feb. 14: Staff email suggests new DBR rules Mar. 12: New DRB rules received March-April: Discussed with community May 2: Sent response to DRB May 12: Met with full DRB June 2: AASHTO files appeal August 5: FHWA sends support letter August 28: AASHTO - DSEP meet Sept: anticipating response

21 Needless to say a lot of rethinking is going on

22 Data Tabulations 3- and 5-year data products TAZ creation What we were planning a year ago Will there be TAZS?

23 5-year data product Hinges on DRB posture and appeal to Data Stewardship Executive Policy Committee Likely to be all synthetic Needs some key research to be done. $550K Problem Statement in to NCHRP for consideration What else can be said? X

24 Geography The 3-year Product dream MSA – EACH Principal City Metropolitan Statistical Area State-POW PUMA State-PUMA State-Place State-County-MCD State-County Nation (US Total) Product Structure 3-Parts Part 1- Place of Residence Part 2- Place of Work Part 3- Flows between Home and Work (Extraction Software) State Stay Tuned

25 Research Efforts Report 588 Using ACS for Transportation Planning (9/06) 08-36(63) Making NAICS Work for Transportation (March 2007) 08-36(71) Disclosure Avoidance Techniques to Improve ACS Data Availability (10/08) 8-36(81) Enhancing the ACS as a Source for Home-to-Work Flows (5/09)

26 Workplace Allocation-- Research and Implementation ($250K) Synthetic Data Research (Various) Synthetic Data Research (Various) Imputation of Vehicle Ownership and Means of Transportation Research Efforts

27 ACS Data Profiles

28 Trend Data 2000 and 3-year ACS Includes MOEs and significance tests Keys on Transportation Variables New Profiles Under Development January 2009


30 Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 19900 Governors Drive Olympia Fields, IL 60461 708-283-3534

31 When Mining Your Data Keep us in Mind Let Us Know What You Have Done We Are Always Interested Want to… Want to…  Show Off Your Work?  Gain National Exposure?  Meet Other Data Users?  Tour Washington DC? Sound Exciting? TRB Urban Data and Information Systems Committee Ed Christopher (708-283-3534)

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